Unfortunately you have not read the instructions correctly. They clearly say to contact me if you have a number different to 1507.
1507 is the number used for all Australian V3.0 based TiVo's. The number may only be different if a image from another country was used (but so far none reported).
You are not the first who has made this mistake (which is why I ask to contact me first). You have read the number from a different page or field. on the page xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/mfs/Resource/VideoClip There is a field next to long open with the number 1506. But this is the wrong field. You are supposed to click on long open and read the number next to the 'File' field.
You could Try:
[TiVo [p1] /var/hack]# ./mfs_import 1507 < LongOpen.mpv
starting mfs_import with args:
/mfs_import 1507
[TiVo [p1] /var/hack]#
[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]# reboot
If that doesn't work, Then I don't know of any easy way of rescuing your TiVo now.
If you have shows that are important to you, look on dealdatabase.com for info on how to extract it by placing the drive into a PC. If the shows are not important, then just reformat using the current CD.