rw and ro
re Darrens
The only gotcha you must remember is to issue a rw before starting otherwise no changes will be made, and after finishing issue a ro to put the file system back to read only.
I have frequently wondered:
If one reboots without resetting ro does it matter - presumably the OS reboots into ro?
How does one read the status that the OS is currently in? (Other than attempting to save an Edit?
So is it critical if one forgets to resume ro status?
David Hingston, Wellington, NZ
Thomson TiVo, Cachecard 512MB, Samsung 300G, TWP 1.3.1
Thomson TiVo, Cachecard 512MB, Seagate 320G, TWP 1.3.1
Thomson TiVo, Cachecard 512MB, Seagate 320G, TWP 2.1 beta