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Thread: NextWave STB IR codes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    NextWave STB IR codes

    Anyone using a NextWave STB and figured out the IR codes/setup?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    There's none in the current database. So that doesn't look good as far a catching them with a TiVo goes.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    There's none in the current database. So that doesn't look good as far a catching them with a TiVo goes.
    Looked around; couldn't find a Pronto file for any Nextwave but did locate a JP1 file (thanks for the tip Darren) for a TDR3100; 38.1Khz, NEC1 controller. While I want to buy a TDR3190 I'm guessing that the odds are in my favor for at least the same IR frequency - yes, no?

    Currently working through the how to IRCaptureUsingJP1LearningRemoteControl Twiki and it's a bit obtuse. I'm wondering if I should skip the JP1 file conversion and just try to directly learn the codes using the Tivo - IRConversionMoreDetail and IRCapturingCodesWithTivo?


  4. #4
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    suggest buying from a retailer that will accept returns.

    From experience the frequency on one model to the next from the same manufacturer can differ, so may not be 38khz. But a good starting point.

    I'd try capturing first.

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  5. #5
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    Thought I would familiarize myself with the IRSliceCreator process for capturing codes before buying the NextWave box (will probably only have a day or two return privileges). So, decided to try the process using my JVC VCR remote - I'm using the JVC as my tuner ATM so someone, somewhere, at sometime was able to capture the JVC remote.

    I'm getting there, however, having a few problems,, errr, getting experience...

    It appears that in a majority of instances when exiting SliceCreatror I'm getting:

    ./ kill: (nnn) - no such pid

    where nnn is a varying process number. So, each time I exit, or have to ^c when hung, I ps auxwf and kill any irlock process I find. Yes, no?

    When capturing, things will be going along nicely and then a negative length crops up and SliceCreator hangs.

    Got bad length of 1, wanted: 5
    Got bad length of 6, wanted: 5
    Got bad length of 4, wanted: 5
    Got good code of length 5. Good Codes:1 Codes Required:5
    Got good code of length 5. Good Codes:2 Codes Required:5
    Got bad length of -10, wanted: 5

    The negative length seems to appear more when not capturing in total darkness but still happens. At that point what ever key I was capturing, if I've gotten any good codes, there will be a partial .cap file. I've been deleting it when trying to recapture the key. Yes, no?

    Frequency. I think I know that the JVC remote is 40khz. This is from some web information about JVC remotes, from some Pronto info and from an experiment I built. I've built a small test rig with an IR photodiode and have taken a look with a CRO (not a DSO) at what the JVC remote does. Hard to be conclusive, but knowing/believing the frequency to be 40khz I can then find a periodic wave at 40khz. So, my question:

    After capturing I used option 2, Determine Frequency of Remote, and _all_ frequencies seem to work, that is they change the channel on the JVC VCR, except 33.. So, 31 works, 33 doesn't, 43-67 work.. what gives?

    And last but not least, there isn't a SliceCreator option for 40k. I can enter 40k either in Option 0 or on the command line,, should I use 40k if I think it's correct?

    I was able to capture all keys and then found that 4,5,8,0 don't work when I tested them. Recapturing those 4 keys tonight (darkness).

    This is fun! (but then again, I don't get out much.. lol)


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phred View Post
    ./ kill: (nnn) - no such pid

    where nnn is a varying process number. So, each time I exit, or have to ^c when hung, I ps auxwf and kill any irlock process I find. Yes, no?
    Yes. (It happens a lot)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phred View Post
    The negative length seems to appear more when not capturing in total darkness but still happens. At that point what ever key I was capturing, if I've gotten any good codes, there will be a partial .cap file. I've been deleting it when trying to recapture the key. Yes, no?
    Yes, but I have never seen a negative length. Lighting or other IR leakage, dark room is best.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phred View Post
    After capturing I used option 2, Determine Frequency of Remote, and _all_ frequencies seem to work, that is they change the channel on the JVC VCR, except 33.. So, 31 works, 33 doesn't, 43-67 work.. what gives?
    This process does not work 100%.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phred View Post
    And last but not least, there isn't a SliceCreator option for 40k. I can enter 40k either in Option 0 or on the command line,, should I use 40k if I think it's correct?
    Put it in the command line.

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  7. #7
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    Tanks Peter!

    Short story - was almost able to get the JVC codes captured. Still having difficulties with two keys on the JVC. Have captured codes for the NextWave and all keys appear to be working correctly (tested for a couple hours without any failures).

    Quick question - how do I change from Hobart Analogue FTA to Hobart Digital FTA guide data and channel numbers? Would like to not lose recorded programs but don't care about ToDo list, thumbs, etc.

    I'll add the NextWave IR codes to the database. NextWave isn't in the Manufacturer list. Do I still e-mail Warren and if so what's his e-mail address?

    The long story.

    Capturing the NextWave codes was 100 times easier than trying to capture the JVC codes. Code length (option 1) for the JVC was 5, seemed to be very sensitive to the slightest variation in key press time, had many occurrences of negative length and it took many key presses to get the required number of captures (5). OTOH, the NextWave code length (option 1) said 2, wasn't very sensitive to key press time and got my 5 captures almost with just 5 presses of a key. Two keys when testing (option 6) said bad/missing header data and had to recapture them.

    Frequency. I devised a method using an analogue dual trace CRO to get a better indication of carrier frequency. Got two photodiodes; one just a straight photodiode and the other an ir decoder with data out. Trace one was the plain photodiode and trace two was the data out of the ir decoder. Inverted and added trace two to trace one. That subtracted most of the pulse width modulation wave forms leaving pretty much just the carrier frequency. Not pretty but made the carrier frequency easier to pick. JVC is 40khz and the NextWave is 38khz.

    Thanks again for the help.


  8. #8
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    Great work. Persistence pays off

    Quote Originally Posted by Phred View Post
    Quick question - how do I change from Hobart Analogue FTA to Hobart Digital FTA guide data and channel numbers? Would like to not lose recorded programs but don't care about ToDo list, thumbs, etc.
    Easy. Redo guided setup. Follow the procedure here:
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
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    then visit:


  9. #9
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    good news, it is really random capturing remotes. Some go really easily others are a nightmare.

    As for changing headends, that's easy. use TW or TWP to change into "Set PAL Guided Setup Mode" using the Pal-Ntsc module. Reboot, then use the onscreen menus to redo guided setup. You won't lose anything.

    I think I have valid permissions to enter a new manufacturer into the STB list, I'll post back here once it's done.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  10. #10
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    If you are finding your codes reliable, then feel free to upload now.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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