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Thread: channel organisation

  1. #21
    Guess what... GS is complete and the problem still remains. I'll try the other option you listed and see what happens.

    Wish me luck.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    So just to confirm, you were still missing the same bunch of channels? The missing channels exist and are selected in 'channels you recieve', but don't appear when scrolling through the channels.

    Chances are if the full clear and delete didn't do it for you, the other option is not likely to fix it either.

    Sorry, I'm out of ideas apart from a complete reimage.

    Anyone else have a suggestion?

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #23
    Something is totally wrong with this TiVo. I have done a full re-image and the the problem still remains. Does anyone have an Austar Digital / Murrumbidgee FTA channel arrangement? Any troubles?

    My uncle has a TiVo with the exact same arrangement setup about half a year ago (before a lot of new channels were added to Austar). No problems there.

    My guess is that this is extremely weird. Since the software is new and the prob remains, can hardware be at fault?


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    I have a spare TiVo due next week. I'll run GS on it and see what comes up.

    I doubt you have a hardware problem, but that said can't see where there is a software issue either.

    Just to confirm when you re-imaged you:

    1. choose the option to update the installer before loading the new image.
    2. left all the channels you should recieve selected during GS
    3. left the TiVo alone to do it's things for a few hours
    4. ran the update_oztivo -y script then rebooted.

    and you now still have:
    132 Sci-Fi Sci Fi
    150 FOX8+2 FOX8 +2
    151 TV1+2 TV1 +2
    152 CLAS+2 Fox Classics +2
    153 CMDY+2 thecomedychannel +2
    154 ARNA+2 Arena +2
    155 W+2 W for Women
    156 UKTV+2 UK.TV +2
    157 LIFE+2 LifeStyle Channel +2
    176 TVSN Television Shopping Network
    177 EXPO Expo Channel

    missing despite being selected in channels you recieve.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  5. #25
    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for giving it a go, it's getting frustrating.

    I have done all except No.4 which I have just done... Does it take a while to update after reboot?

    Just making it clear, in the tv guide when I scroll upwards and get to channel 182, the guide freezes and makes beeps for every channel up button pressed and vice versa for channel down. The guide flickers when you press up or down on the limits so I think the data may be there but TiVo won't display it... just a hunch.

    Anyway, I'll take the box back to the TV and see if update_oztivo -y worked

    BTW: All this testing and GS has been done without Austar or FTA plugged in, I don't have access near my computer. I doubt that TiVo is grabbing guide data off Austar but just letting you know.

    Thanks again,


  6. #26
    Actually to test my theory which I don't know why I haven't tried earlier, I typed in one of the missing channels whilst in the TV guide and bingo, the missing channels appear but all the other channels that used to be displayed are now gone... actually all gone except channels 126 and 182 (the boundary channels before are the boundary channels again)

    So if I type in say number 401, the usual list of channels come up. Then, if I type in 132, the hidden channels come up. weird ey.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by vmancini View Post
    BTW: All this testing and GS has been done without Austar or FTA plugged in, I don't have access near my computer. I doubt that TiVo is grabbing guide data off Austar but just letting you know.
    No difference, there is nothing that is grabbed from Austar. All data is grabbed only from our servers.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  8. #28
    Hi Peter,

    Just wondering if you've had a chance to play with the GS on your new TiVo? I've still got mine pulled apart, not too sure what to do with it.

    My uncle has a TiVo with the Murrumbidgee FTA and Austar digital, its working fine... only issue is that its running version 1.4... Any big differences? If it comes down to it, is there a possiblility of reimaging either to a fresh copy of 1.4 or somehow copying his disk image and placing it on my one?



  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    It's best not to ask about the spare TiVo as the A**hole seller has sent it surface rather than EMS despite the fact I paid the agreed $90 for EMS shipping. So I will now only have a spare in about 2-3 months

    I have another TiVo setup for testing as well usually recording Pay Tv. there is a gap in the todo list tonight between midnight and 5am. If I'm still up, I'll give it a go tonight.

    There are no differences between r1.4 and r.15 which would effect channel allocation.

    But certainly you could copy your uncles drive and it should bypass the problem you are seeing.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vmancini View Post
    can hardware be at fault?
    No. (edit: well, ok... doubtful. But never known channels missing to be attributed to a hardware problem as it is more a database held as files on the hard disk).

    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    It's best not to ask about the spare TiVo as the A**hole seller has sent it surface rather than EMS despite the fact I paid the agreed $90 for EMS shipping. So I will now only have a spare in about 2-3 months
    Oh great

    OK... in that case would one of you two give me a brief explanation of what you want a TiVo set up as lineup wise, what version of software, and what the problem is and I'll crank up a spare chassis in the test rack later tonight and see what happens.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
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