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Thread: Bufferhack - What is the limit?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by zollymonsta View Post
    Something I've noticed is the skip keys don't appear to skip to the beginning of the live cache.. Is there a certain key combination to do this, rather than having to sit and wait for 12 hours (hopefully) to rewind?
    From memory if you press rewind then skip it should move the marker backwards, but I'm not at home to confirm this.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Nah tried that.. rewind.. and hit the skip key just below the fast forward key.. get the tivo DOOOOH error sound

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Hmmm odd... The tivo is staying set on 60 mins no matter what I set it for.

    I do get a message of 'txt file busy' about four times, then bufferhack.tcl says it's made the changes. I reboot, but no change.

    The filesystem is set to RW before I make the change.. then back to RO once it's made.

    Any ideas?


  4. #14
    I used to always do an "update resources" from the resouce editor in TiVoweb after running bufferhack30, because in the same telnet session I would also update many strings in the MFS with my changes to Guided Setup... The resource update was necessary to make my MFS changes permanent, but may also have had an effect on the buffer hack, I'm not sure... You could try it, it wouldn't hurt...

    You have tried just 2 hours, and that didn't work either? It should for sure, unless broken by something in the new release (which I haven't had cause to try yet)


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    ok, just tried Resource Editor and updated resources and rebooted.

    No change in the timeline.. stil saying 9:30 to 10:30 (yes, time is currently one hour out).

    I'll keep monitoring and post back here.. Perhaps the buffer duration isn't being updated.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Ok, well I did a search on the oztivo wiki
    Found the problem here...

    So followed the instructions, re-ran bufferhack and set at 720 mins


    Now the time line is showing 10:00 to 10:00 (12 hours). so I will check it tommorow morning and see if I can successfully rewind back 12 hours, or wether tivo has melted into a glob of melted plastic


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Good news.. it all works.

    I have bufferhack set to 720mins (12 Hours).

    Currently it's 5:26pm. I am listening to 5:26am this morning

    Time bar shows times 05:00 to 05:00 and the bar incorrectly displays when rewinding, until you get to the two hour buffer time then it displays on there.

    Still, it works good.. Just got to keep video signal intact (can use tv output on video card of my security camera pc) and all good. tivo will keep downloading guide data and pretending its a tivo. No season passes set, and recording of sugggested tv shows is turned off.

    Thanks everyone for your help.. now I just got to find out if this is legal for me to stream.


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