Hi Thomson
The distributed TivoZA image has always made use of TivoWebPlus and with it's 80+ users we've come across some problems which I've since corrected. I've also added/created some additional modules which are quite useful. Keep in mind that the TivoWebPlus I distribute is based on version 1.0 and not the 1.2.2 you are distributing so some of the issues may have been fixed in the official release.
If you view the "Problems with video streaming & TiVoWebPlus" thread, I provide a "patch" which fixes the following video streaming problems in TiVoWebPlus:
- MFS Stream doesn't work
- Streaming a show when selecting "View" from "TiVoWebPlus -> User Interface -> Now Showing" doesn't work when using a DHCP assigned IP address (the IP address was being reported as
The following modules for TiVoWebPlus have also been included:
- live TV module: stream the live feed to your PC
- tserver 10r2: used by TyTools to download recordings
- bufferhack: allows you to specify how big the TiVo's live TV buffer should be (from 15 minutes to 3 hours, I'd recommend about 90 minutes or 2 hours though)
- HackMan 4.0: allows management of running modules such as configuring the bufferhack settings, starting and stopping telnet, vserver, tserver, etc as well as enabling the 30 second ad-skip feature and other backdoor codes.
It may also be worth including the "quitstart_tivoweb.sh" script with your TivoWebPlus release as some users have still found it necessary to make use of this. I've also created a modified version of the script so that it will automatically read the username and password settings from the 'tivoweb.cfg' file. The script works for both TivoWeb and TivoWebPlus, the only adjustment that needs to be made is to set the TivoWeb directory path.