Quote Originally Posted by petestrash
The behaviour is the same on all TiVo's and only occured after the upgrade from about the 9th of July version.
It's pretty unlikely that this is the case... but the following versions are also available at http://thomson.tivo.googlepages.com/

Quote Originally Posted by petestrash
If I move the 1st SP not showing in the list to the bottom of the season passes, all SP'S show execept that one.
If I delete that SP the error message goes away, and everything appears normal.
If I set a new SP to replace it (using TWP or gui), the error comes back.
If I set a different SP no error.
This points at an issue in the guide data for that particular show. I've had another look and found some code in the ui.itcl module that could be the cause. If you have a recording configured for a station which has no schedule information for that particular day then it could display that error.