I have a problem setting the Tivo time.
When I run fixtivotime I get the following message:

Our postcode is 2007
. No matching timezone for postcode 2007

However I did build this postcode into my postcodezones file which is placed in the /etc directoy. Below is my postcodezones file:

# A list of TiVo postcodes and the timezones that they represent
# Two columns, separated by one tab only.
00800 Australia/Darwin
02000 Israel/Israel
02007 Israel/Israel
02600 Australia/Sydney
03000 Australia/Melbourne
04000 Australia/Brisbane
05000 Australia/Adelaide
06000 Australia/Perth
07000 Australia/Hobart

Similarly when I run the rdate command
TZ=Israel rdate -v

I get

Failed to find zone information ((null),:/var/hack/zoneinfo/Israel)

even though the directory Israel is found in


and contains a file called Israel.

What is happening??

