View Full Version : New Zealand Install Images Testing
The pvr10uk.255.oztivo_emulator.release1.3beta ( image will pass the OzTiVo guided setup, I am not aware of anyone localising it for NZ.
The only reason we have stuck with 3.0 is that we have now modified it enough that one image will run on all hardware (Sony, Philips, Thomson, TiVo) making support for the group much easier.
Some people prefer the loopsets in the Sony or Thomson images to go with their machines, but we do not encourage using them and at this point we have no intention of releasing updated OzTiVo versions.
Thanks Peter, as a note I am current working on localising the images HDR, SVR 3.0 and the PVR 2.5.5 for NZ. Basically not much to be done just a few tweaks and they are well progressed.
It does tie in with some significant emulator changes to bring the NZ system inline with the OZ system. I tested the UK tivo here and it would not work on the existing system, but they do pass the new headends ok with a little emu cgi tweak.
---- update --->
The first New Zealand customised ozTiVo ISO images have been created and released on orac for testing. (call it beta at this stage looking for some feedback from testers)
Location: (
There is one for the HDR-x12 (philips) and one for the SVR-2000 (sony).
They are both version 3.0 as per the ozTiVo images.
Minor New Zealand specific customisations have been done such as working directly with the NZ emulator.
This should make the installation process painless, and coupled with a new emulator rollout shortly [1st March onto port 8000] the process of setting up a TiVo in NZ should be significantly simplified.
16-02-2006, 05:25 AM
This sounds great guys. Has anything been done with implementing IR Codes for Sky and Saturn in the image or is this something that can't be changed like that and will always have to be applied manually?
IR Stuff hasn't been updated on the images. The new emulator supplies an IR slice to new setups and this would be the place to do it.
All we need to do is for someone with these devices to volunteer a bit of time and create the necessary codes, then perhaps if we can include them in the oztivo IR slice, then the emulator will feed new setups with the needed codes.
I have a pace so cannot help.. and have put too much time in recently :D.
- Saturn analogue/digital..
- Sky non pace decoder..
16-02-2006, 07:26 AM
I have the Zenith Sky ir codes. Have no idea where I would need to put them in the image or anything but am happy to supply them to somebody who does.
I have the Zenith Sky ir codes. Have no idea where I would need to put them in the image or anything but am happy to supply them to somebody who does.
Look here
And from
Upload the files to the IR Database so they get put in the IR slices!I've uploaded the skyZenith slice and the skyMotorola codes ... lets see how it goes ...
EDIT: Someone with these decoders should check (or update) the entries as necessary
UPDATE: Peter from OzTiVo has graciously agreed to update the IR slice for us
16-02-2006, 03:55 PM
- Saturn analogue/digital...
Analogue is included as standard in the TiVo ir slice (General Instrument).
The digital one is included in the OzTivo IR slice, labelled as 'OzTivo Austar'.
The Austar code works with the Saturn Digital Box (Made by the same manufacturer). So, no ir capture is required. :)
16-02-2006, 05:46 PM
So do we now have all versions of Sky & Saturn IR codes?
16-02-2006, 06:16 PM
So do we now have all versions of Sky & Saturn IR codes?
No sky uhf - but since those remotes are carrier-less it is very difficult to learn, and chances are that the tivo hardware couldn't generate the correct IR blaster signals anyway (if you did find some method to learn it)
16-02-2006, 06:36 PM
No sky uhf - but since those remotes are carrier-less it is very difficult to learn, and chances are that the tivo hardware couldn't generate the correct IR blaster signals anyway (if you did find some method to learn it)
*giggles at Sky UHF*
Personally, I don't think it's really worth worrying about Sky UHF on it. But that's just my opinion. ;)
Ok the OZ guys have rolled a new slice, many thanks goes to petestrash for his help and quick response on it.
I've looked at the slice and the codes that we uploaded into the IR database a day or so ago are included (not surprisingly).
The new slice is up in the new emulator staging area at present and I've tested a daily call against it, which worked and updated nicely.
So, the upshot is that IR codes should no longer be a problem for the main decoders once the new emulator system is rolled out.
And in the future, for any additional STB's or FTA DVB receivers or VCR's, we should follow the course of getting the codes into the oztivo IR database.
22-03-2006, 05:50 PM
I'm having an issue downloading the NZ image for the Philips Tivo (there is a link in the first post in this thread). I've tried both saving the file (via the browser) as well as ftp'ing the file (using filezilla).
Is there any reason for the difficulty - is anyone else having issues as well?
Also, are these image files still considered "beta"? Is there a further update coming out soon, or shall I use these files (above) to re-image my Tivo's, save in the knowledge that the image won't be changing in the near future...?
1. What are the error messages in FileZilla
2. Who is your isp?
3. No I don't belive we will change the images in the near future. There is always the ability to refine, but the priorities are elsewhere at present.
If the answer to 1) is non nz connections denied, and 2) is ihug -- private message me.
23-03-2006, 09:43 AM
1 and 2/ ... Weird. It worked this morning using filezilla. FYI - I'm on Paradise/TelstraClear. So all is goodness - I'll have to update my images over the next day or so.
3/ Is one of the priorities getting NZ Stereo Support via a PAL tuner on the US Series 1 Tivo's? :-)
1) On the images download, wibble, who hosts the setup has made a couple of tweaks. This would have fixed the issue, I expect, he may confirm this.
2) If you are talking about nicam on palmod'ed US units, you'll need to be taking to thomson who has been involved in this project.
04-06-2006, 12:45 PM
Im just about to re-install my main tivo. Doing a scan on the Seagate drive using disktools, I suspect there may be faulty sectors..(hopefully this drive is in the 5 year warranty window).
Is this the latest NZ image?
nzTiVo-Philips-Installer.iso 92086 KB 3/04/2006 6:54:00 a.m.
Yes that's the latest. And will always be the latest ...
09-06-2006, 07:33 AM
Noticed that I'm not getting the usual IP address message posted to my new tivo on bootup. (running the NZ specific v1.5) Anyone else noticed the same?
10-06-2006, 08:41 PM
Yes I did notice that. It appears to be commented out in
I changed mine so it would run. You need to just remove the #
10-06-2006, 08:42 PM
Another thing, endpad is set to 0 (zero) padding in the same file, for at the front..
Zero padding at beginning
5 mins padding at the end
I haven't got round to changing mine yet. I think its also in
27-06-2006, 12:01 PM
my tivo just arrived from the states....AND...server is busy for the nz tivo image. Any other way of getting it?
27-06-2006, 12:03 PM
I could email you a copy, or post you a cd, let me know relevant details.
27-06-2006, 12:06 PM
thanks for the offer (it's apparent you're a supportive bunch already!) but the download's just come right. ETA 11mins. Im glad I found this sticky thread as i'd just been battling through the installation process of the default oztivo image. I couldnt seem to find sky digital after it'd downloaded the data. By the sounds of it, this image and a said emulator simplifies the process.
-- edit --
Which file am I to get? or I downloaded the later and found it's version 1.5, im under the impression 3 is the newest.
27-06-2006, 04:11 PM I downloaded the later and found it's version 1.5, im under the impression 3 is the newest.
The version number of the image is different from the Tivo software version number. What you have is the latest image (v1.5). All Philips/Sony images will be running v3.0 of the Tivo Software - they will just have different extras loaded.
27-06-2006, 05:07 PM
bugger, I ended up installing the pre-release version in attempt to get it to say 'version 3.0' down the bottom :mad: Seems to be working pretty well though so no complaints. My only gripe is that it seems to be a bit jerky sometimes, after I change channels, or are watching live TV rather than recorded stuff. I dont know whether it's the hard drive, or whether that's normal? It's not very noticeable, it just appears to be skipping the odd frame.
If you've just installed and haven't rebooted you may still be in guided setup (maintenance) mode. Check the oztivo wiki for more details...
27-06-2006, 07:03 PM
oh right, that makes a bit of sense. It finished it's indexing an hour or so ago however I havent restarted it since. Given what i've just read about 'jitter' maintainance mode it sounds like you've hit the nail on the head. Really stoked with the machine overall so far, all the flatmates are busy playing around with it and seem to think it's a fair bit more intuitive, and responsive that the sky tv guide/system :)
24-07-2006, 07:18 AM
oh right, that makes a bit of sense. It finished it's indexing an hour or so ago however I havent restarted it since. Given what i've just read about 'jitter' maintainance mode it sounds like you've hit the nail on the head. Really stoked with the machine overall so far, all the flatmates are busy playing around with it and seem to think it's a fair bit more intuitive, and responsive that the sky tv guide/system :)
I had similar issues after initial setup, as DJC pointed out in maintenance mode the unit is in NTSC mode where the field/frame rate differs from PAL hence some padding every second or so. I rebooted my box to ensure it was no longer in maintenance mode yet I still had the jitters although less consistant. Especially bad when the live TV buffer was filled up and I'm catching up.
With help from the guys here on the forum and some dude I met in Jaycar I convinced myself to buy a new disk, and my problems went away.
As it turns out the 80G disk my unit came with was loose and must have been thrown around a bit during transit. The 300G drive I have now is faster, quieter, and less problematic. Not to mention the added storage space - about 2-3 months worth of programming and still I have space for TiVo's suggestions.
Also if you want to try the OzTiVo 1.4 image all you need to do is telnet to the box on first boot, change the emulator in /etc/tclient.conf, reboot it and go through the guided setup. Just follow the guide at and you'll be sweet (just use vi if you're used to it rather than joe or pico). I have no experience with the 'native' NZ image but the OzTivo image has worked for well.
HTH ;)
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