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View Full Version : Headend (Lineup) Changes

18-08-2004, 06:04 PM
When your TiVo make it's next daily call you should receive a lineup change message after the call, the TiVo should've loaded a new Headend slice.

I have added the rest of the Sky Digital channels, and made changes to a couple of existing channels. Ed has added them to the Headend provided by the emulator..

You won't get data for the NEW stations just yet..

Easy enough for the emulator users..
Now the loadguide users, unfortunately are going to have to add/change these channels manually... (Unless....what were the results of a loadguide user manually loading a headend slice??)

Attached is a stations.txt file with the all the channels and FSID's.. (Ignore the "Station/1/" before the FSID's, and ignore the "DoNotShift")

Existing Channels which will need a change in FSID

UKTV 7998101 to 7998004
ARTS 7998057 to 7998059
TVSN 7998009 to 7998045
NONAG 7998099 to 7998095

Adding channels manually (LOADGUIDE USERS ONLY), to make it easier I suggest you switch over to the emulator.
If your HackFu is strong then continue..

The command line syntax is..

add-whole-channel.tcl <Channel ID> <Channel Num> <ShortName> <LongName> <SOURCE ID>

i.e. add-whole-channel.tcl 7998001 1 TV1 "TV1" 637957/11

for a FAQ on how to find your source id etc.. have a look at this outdated Howto... http://www.tjv.org.nz/tivo-howto.aspx

Changing the FSID of an existing channel, take a look at this howto I posted a couple of times.. http://forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=873&postcount=13



18-08-2004, 08:41 PM
Will these changes have caused the ability to setup off the emulator to break?

I've been trialing some different HD's which has required a few setups lately, these have all worked perfectly to date.

Tonight, there is a 'No cable providers in your zip code' message at the cable providers selection stage (after dowloading data) -- zip code I have selected is 02113 (verified with /hack/bin/get_postalcode), area 002.

Any ideas?

18-08-2004, 11:35 PM
Hmmm possibly...

Ed, this is usually the error you get when in the 'headend' file the following entries are blank....
Halfway in the 'headend' file...

CommunityName: {}
CountyName: {}
Location: {Auckland}
Name: {SkyDigital}
Lineup: Lineup/8000001
Subrecord Lineup/8000001 {
Name: {}

and at the end of the 'headend' file..

Subrecord CityPostalCode/2000 {
PostalCode: {02113}
CommunityName: {}

Can you please dbl check the entries.. should be as follows..

CommunityName: {Auckland}
CountyName: {Auckland}
Location: {Auckland}
Name: {SkyDigital}
Lineup: Lineup/8000001
Subrecord Lineup/8000001 {
Name: {SkyDigital}


Subrecord CityPostalCode/2000 {
PostalCode: {02113}
CommunityName: {Auckland}


19-08-2004, 08:08 AM
Yup, this was my fault... I missed the very last CommunityName instance, at the bottom of the headend file. This won't matter for an existing setup because you'll still have the entry from the older slice (which is why when I tested everything seemed fine), but for a new setup it will. I've fixed it now, but any new users (within the last 24 hours) that are having this issue will probably need to do a clear/delete all then rerun guided setup(I didn't increment the slice, just fixed the error and reposted, and if the slice is already there the Tivo won't know that the one on the server has a correction). Again, anyone who had it running prior to 18 Aug need not worry, it's only the headend that went up on 18 Aug that was missing the last Community string and previous installs will have it already.

19-08-2004, 05:50 PM
I've just blown a clean [spare] disk from the base image as a test, the same problem still appears. Seems that there might be something else to it...

[Have tried the same process with ozTivo emulator, that works as expected]

19-08-2004, 09:13 PM
I've just blown a clean [spare] disk from the base image as a test, the same problem still appears. Seems that there might be something else to it...
I concur ... cannot get past this screen in GS after doing a clean and delete everything.

19-08-2004, 10:09 PM
OK there is still a problem with the headend, on my test Tivo I have done a Clear and Delete Everything! and I am getting the No Cable Providers found screen...

Ed any ideas? Can you take a look at the headend again.. I have sent you mine so you can check...

20-08-2004, 10:59 AM
Well, the slice looks fine, but obviously isn't... I created a new one and incremented it, it's up now, so if somebody could give it a go and let me know if it works... I also finally figured out where the screwy FSIDs were coming from (remember a few months back when history, animal, espn, etc were buggered?), so slice creation just got a whole lot easier. I was manually correcting the buggered FSIDs, but now that's being done during the mkconfigfiles process. Yay...

20-08-2004, 12:16 PM
Confirm it works now... Good job! :) /DJC

20-08-2004, 12:48 PM
Confirm it works now... Good job! :) /DJC

Woo hoo!!!

Again, sorry folks, without a second tivo to test on, these things can happen... Then again, the price is right, eh? :D

20-08-2004, 01:31 PM
Thanks for that, have just tested it, and it all appears to be working again.

20-08-2004, 03:12 PM
Thanks for that, have just tested it, and it all appears to be working again.

yep - i followed the instructions - but my time is out by 5 hours.
is there an easy way to fix the time?

20-08-2004, 03:30 PM
yep - i followed the instructions - but my time is out by 5 hours.
is there an easy way to fix the time?



20-08-2004, 06:45 PM
All going again - cheers guys.
Although UKTV & 59 (Arts) isn't showing now - got the message and have updated twice but no change - any ideas?. (Don't really care though - don't watch much on them)

20-08-2004, 06:46 PM
Yep, all good again, thanks.

Used the re-setup to swap everything in the rat's nest of cabling behind the rack over to S-Video. I had difficulty with my Sky Pace box originally to get S-Video out of the SCARTs (I needed to learn about Pace Advanced Setup). Now that's all sorted, the picture seems to be a tad clearer on S-Video versus composite.

21-08-2004, 09:09 AM
I get the same problem as Muzza, UKTV shows AS National on mine, but then it tunes to UKTV as it's pointing to channel 4... of course. I did have UKTV fine before...not a hyuge problem tho...

21-08-2004, 11:51 PM
I get the same problem as Muzza, UKTV shows AS National on mine, but then it tunes to UKTV as it's pointing to channel 4... of course. I did have UKTV fine before...not a hyuge problem tho...

You mean your guide data for UKTV shows on National, that is normal since the FSID of UKTV was what National is now.. that will disappear soon when the current guide data runs out and is replaced with National data. Probably take a week..

22-08-2004, 07:22 PM
Hey Jaidev,
As channel 4 I have national, it has: to be announced instead of guide data and UKTV is missing all together. I ran throught your dbset commands for changing and existing channel's FSID, Name, Station etc and all worked APART from FSID (e.g I have UKTV showing as 4 again but still no guide data as it'll be seeing it as national still). But this may all go away once I re-image so not to worry too much.

23-08-2004, 07:47 AM
Yes, another newbie... we all have to start somewhere...

I did a clear and delete last night and expected the Guided setup to run - and the first screen did (ths will take 23 minutes etc) and on hitting select I go straight to My Tivo page (ie the guided set doesn't run...).
I also can not get into the "Recorder and Phone Setup' menu - it makes the right sound, but just represents the same menu again. (nor does this work from the Tivoweb interface)
If I web in, I can tell it to make the daily call, but it usually just sits there saying : SettingUp
Does this seem related - or should I just rebuild....?

Oh, I note the log for tclient.conf shows:
Aug 23 09:27:44 (none) tcphonehome[114]: Setup not finished, skipping call

makes sense, but I can't seem to get it to run the guided setup.....

23-08-2004, 08:19 AM
You're in PAL mode... Got the Tivoweb PAL/NTSC module, change to PAL-Guided Setup, and reboot.

25-08-2004, 09:09 PM
:( Why did the UKTV FSID need to change?? I use loadguide cause it just works, and has worked every since I set it up 5 months ago. But I watch the occasional stuff on UKTV so want the guide data back for it.

Tried the dbset command but just get:

commit failed (0x30012)

while executing
"transaction {
set x [OpenObject $db $obj]
dbobj $x set $attr $val
(file "/devbin/dbset" line 22)

If I changed to emulator, what exactly would I loose? I have lots of season passes setup and really not keen to fix what isn't broken...

25-08-2004, 09:42 PM
Well, it had a wierd number... Historically, for some reason, it got 7998101 rather than 7998004, and that just stuck. The general idea with the recent change was to get all the channels sync'd up for consistency, and with the vast majority on the emulator it was no big deal to change...

As for where you're at... First, you can probably switch to the emulator with no disruption. I did this several months back, and all my season passes, shows, everything, were preserved. That being said, it may not be necessary. I ran into exactly your issue back when Hallmark changed to Disney, around January or so. I ended up doing a clear/delete all to resolve it, but subsequently I think I figured out the problem. There are entries in the DB referring to the old UKTV FSID, you have to get rid of them first before changing the FSID. So go through your Now Playing, season passes, to do list, suggestions, etc., and delete anything relating to UKTV. I think (no guarantees here) that this will allow you to make the change. But again, I also think that you can migrate to the emulator without any fuss; I had no troubles at all when I did this, and haven't looked back since.

26-08-2004, 10:40 PM
Would "entries in the DB" include the old recording history entries? My tivo has kept a record of absolutly everything I ever considered recording since I started using it. This makes for a long list that can take a while to view...

Is there a way using that tivo shell to manually remove those entries relating to uktv? What about deleted shows, but not yet replaced?

I actually really like the control offered doing it manually. If I was setting up a new tivo I'd use the emulator no question, but what I have works just fine. I'd rather make these changes to the channels manually rather than let someone else do it for me without me even knowing anything changed. But thats just me. If I can't get UKTV working manually I'll have no choice but to go to the emulator.

27-08-2004, 08:17 AM
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what needs to be deleted. In my case, I discovered the issue after I did a clear/delete all, moved a couple of shows back onto the unit, then did the add-whole-channel routine and got the commit failed errors. Therefore, obviously it was the backed up shows that it was triggering on. But you'll have to experiment to find out exactly what's buggering you up. My guess would be saved programs, season passess, and stuff on the to-do list, but that's just a guess.

No idea about a manual shell method. Don't know enough about the dbsetx stuff to say.

30-08-2004, 04:43 PM
Just a FYI for anyone else that might have this issue, ehintz was right, once the deleted UKTV proggy fell off the deleted shows list, I could change the FSID np at all. ran loadguide and UKTV listings all there.

Ol faithful loadguide works just fine, so for now I'm in no hurry to fix what isn't broken...

05-09-2004, 10:28 PM
For those that (like me) load channels manually (and slices). I attach a revised script for adding all the sky channels as per the updated info in this thread.