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Thread: Newbie Setup problem with RF Pal input not working

  1. #11

    Just tried it but its still not working

    Just tried it but its still not working when i enter the channel no' i get the frequency change menu

    Fine tuning channel 36.
    Default frequency is: 591250 KHz
    A value of zero will remove the entry.
    Enter a new frequency [currently 591250 KHz] or 'x' when done:

    but when i enter new frequency it just keeps looping back to same menu without the frequency changing?


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Did you restart putty after disabling 'Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M'.

    The change won't take place until you open a new session.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #13


    Hi Pete
    Well when i alter that setting in the Telnet section i dont see any way to save it and when i restart putty it always defaults back to original setting!

    It does seem to work though as it does allow me to get further into the menu's and allows me to enter the channel no' which i couldn't do before.
    Unfortunately thats as far as it goes as it then wont accept the new frequencies.
    I've read the Palmod manual but that didn't help.



  4. #14

    found out how to save a session

    I have found out how to save a session and now that bit works but still got the same problem regarding entering the frequencies


  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hi Mike

    Can you give us an example of the relevant figures you are plugging in when trying to change the frequency? I ask just on the offchance it might not like the values more than anything else. If we can see what you are attempting to do then that might give a clue.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    when you make a change does the freq shown in the square brackets change ?

    'Enter a new frequency [currently 591250 KHz] or 'x' when done:'

    Also while on the fine tune screen check your preferences that 'Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M' is definately deselected.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #17


    Ok thanks both for your replies

    I have checked the setting and that is definitely OK

    Fine tuning channel 34.
    Default frequency is: 569250 KHz
    A value of zero will remove the entry.
    Enter a new frequency [currently 569250 KHz] or 'x' when done:

    The [currently 569250 KHz] does not change whatever i do
    i've tried all sorts of numbers but even when i try a very close number like 569200 nothing changes.

    I know this sounds daft but could it be my keyboard? i'm using a laptop BTW


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    The numbers do show as you type them in though ?

    If your using a windows laptop, you could try using hyperterminal instead of putty to see if you get different results.

    Other then that, I'm out of ideas.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  9. #19

    yes numbers do show up!


    yes numbers do show up!

    i've had a quick look at hyperterminal

    having a job to see how it works though


  10. #20

    Tried Hyperterminal

    hi pete

    Tried Hyperterminal and got exactly the same results!

    i'm stuck!


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