You can either use the delallsources.tcl script to delete all the existing channels, or better yet just do a full reset of the TiVo (this will delete recorded shows...). Essentially you need to create what is called a headend slice. I have a slice and some instructions for loading it in this post, but you will likely want to alter the slice for your channels.
This can be done with the readguide and writeguide utility. I compiled these for the Tivo and uploaded them to Minnie a while back. It is the package called
To decode the slice you would just use "readguide headend.slice > Israel.txt", and then you can use your favourite editor to alter the slice (this is a simple slice with only a few channels defined in it). It should not take too long to get your head around how the slices are defined - you just need to make sure all references are correct. Once you have altered the text then you can recreate the slice using "writeguide < headend.txt > Israel.slice", and then it is just a matter of clearing out what is already in the database and loading the slice with "dbload30.tcl Israel.slice" and then set the headend to the number that you have chosen (eg "setheadend 6001").
If this does not work then there is likely a problem with the slice (no errors will be reported ). If you get really stuck just zip your slice up and post it and somebody (I) can have a look at it.