Hi Dave,
All the TiVo's sold here are the same basic model, but just with different sized HDD's (160,320,1000Gb).
Apart from local Sale avenues (Newspaper, gumtree etc) Ebay is really the only option for getting something delivered.
I think you will find most working TiVo's still get over $300, below that is rare (I think only 1 sold below that in the last few months).
You biggest issue is shipping, most people are not willing to ship TiVo even within Australia.
I'm away from home, but from memory the shipped weight of a new TiVo was over 6KG.
Shipping a parcel that heavy from Oz to the UK is a real killer, a quick check of postage rates shows $172 for Airmail and $81 for Seamail ($304/$140 for 2 together), + Insurance.
I'd be happy to accept TiVo's shipped to me and then on shipped to you, if you can't find someone willing to ship direct to the UK.
I think you'd actually be better of buying from New Zealand, as they had some sales recently that were much cheaper than what they were selling here.
http://trademe.co.nz is the ebay equivilent in NZ.