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Thread: iTivo & now playing widget create empty download files but previously worked fine

  1. #1

    iTivo & now playing widget create empty download files but previously worked fine

    I have a Australian TivoHD with networking package. On my Mac I have iTivo & now playing widget. The last two months or so when I attempt to pull a recorded tv show from my TivoHD to my Mac it will not work. What happens is that iTivo starts the download but then the time to download just gets longer and longer and the download does not proceed. What happens with "now playing widget" is that when I click on download it starts and then signal it is complete almost instantaneously. Now Playing Widget creates just a empty file in the download location.

    Does anyone still successfully download from Australian TivoHD to a Mac with iTivor or now playing widget?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Do you have the same problem across all channels?

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Yes, none of the recorded programs regardless of channel are downloading.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Ok, lets see if you can download it manually from your TiVo bypassing TiVo Desktop.

    First find the IP address of your tivo unit form the networking screen.
    type it into your web browsers address bar, but use this format.

    Replace the x's with your IP address.

    You should be prompted for a user name and password.

    user name is: tivo (lowercase)
    password is: your MAK.

    Once you are into the tivo, you should see a list of recordings displayed.
    there will be two options for downloading these files.
    one is download MPEG-TS the other is download MPEG-PS.

    PS and TS are short for Program Stream and Transport Stream.

    Generally the PS files are heaps easier to edit and work with, but TS can usually download quicker.


    PS. I probably should have also asked if you have rebooted your TiVo recently, as stuck downloads can block it from downloading further shows.
    Last edited by petestrash; 04-07-2011 at 07:29 AM. Reason: added PS
    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  5. #5
    I had re-started the Tivo on on a couple of occasions as part of the problem solving steps I had gone through before posting with no change. However, on Sunday night, I did a big clean up and deleted a whole bunch of shows including about three months of rage music video. (i have the 1TB extender and it was quite full) Next I restarted the Tivo as per your suggestion.

    Web access to Tivo was successful so I tried iTivo and now playing widget and they were back working which is great.

    Thanks for your help Peter, I'm very happy to have that functionality back.


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