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Thread: Space on disk remaining

  1. #1

    Space on disk remaining

    G'day All

    Is there a way to find out how much space you have used or have remaining on your TiVo hard drive?

    I have the 160GB version with a 1TB expansion drive.
    I have found that the info for each recording indicates its own size and the percentage of the total disc space available but have not found a way to see the total amount of space still available/used.

    I hope there is a simple way and this is not an over-site in the TiVo system.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    There is no free space function built in to the TiVo.

    The easiest is to keep an eye on your deleted folder. Items will be removed from there as space is required by the TiVo.

    Once the deleted folder is empty it will start deleting suggestions, then expired shows.

    So if you keep an eye on the number of files in deleted and suggestions you know when the TiVo will start deleting expired shows.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply Peter

    A good solution to not having a free space function.
    The deleted folder is still growing so no space problems yet.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Check out for a good PC based solution... works a treat :-)
    US Philips HDR212 Series 1 Tivo, Cachecard with 512MB RAM, 320GB hard disk, OzTivo Image 1.6.2-20061109. Tivo rocks!
    New Zealand

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