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Thread: Gray Screen on my Tivo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Gray Screen on my Tivo

    Hi Guys,

    I have had this problem occour on the the 23rd of December.

    I have had my Tivo for 6 weeks ,and had not had an issue.
    While not using my Tivo ( it was in standby), I noticed that green light had come on.

    I switched on my TV, and noticed that the Tivo was going through the start up sequence, it completely restarted twice, then went to just a gray screen, and was then completely un-responsive to the remote.

    I rang support the next day, and waited for what seamed like an hour, and it after a few questions were asked of me by the guy at support, it was explained to me that it was my antenna ( yes I was confused ), and that the TiVo buffer was full, and this is what I must do to get the buffer to empty, and to change my antenna, by removing, my splitter/amp ( at the antenna fitted by the antenna guy two years ago ) the as the signal was to much for the buffer to handle. ( WTF ) It had been working for 6 weeks with out a problem.

    So I followed the advise of TiVo, except that I did not disconnect the antenna, splitter/amp as we have more that 1 TV in the house.


    Hard reset of your TiVo media device?

    This is performed by removing the power cable, Network Adapter, External Hard Drive, Ariel Cable from the TiVo and leaving it disconnected for a minimum of five to six hours, which will cause the TiVo to reset the buffer when it returns to a powered-on state

    When you power back again please make sure you connect only TV connection with a component cable with a wall power socket

    If it's still struck on powering up screen leave it for more than 2 hours on power Up and give us a call

    If your TiVo Starts and you can navigate the menus

    please Plug in the Ariel Cable without any boosters or amplifiers attached

    Check the Live Tv

    Now please connect the Network Adapter and External Hard Drive one at a time and see if your tivo reboots or frozen at any time if so please let us know


    Well the Tivo worked for 2 days, and the same thing happened again,

    And Again.

    So now my TiVo, is basically a brick, and I'm on hold again to support.

    Well, the guy at Support has told me to cold boot it again, and he will email me on how to gather some information, if the the damn thing will start up. and email the result

    Its a bit frustrating, that this is not user error, and that nothing in my house has changed, like the antenna, but the Tivo has stopped working, or continues to reboot, and I cant use the TiVo.

    Has any one else had these issues. What did you do. ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Unfortunately TiVo support is crap and I think most of what they have said is crap.

    Firstly, just an FYI there is not much point in putting the TiVo into standby as all it does is turn off the LEDS and video output. The difference in power usage is negligible so unless the LEDS bother you there is no real benefit.

    Can you first confirm if the grey screen is only visible on live TV (which is what a bad signal can show), or do you only get a grey screen and cannot not view the menu's or previously recorded playback.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    The Grey Screen

    Thanks for your reply,

    The grey screen, is actually all you can see, the Tivo goes through the boot process, then displays the menus etc, and then re-boot, again, and finally, no menus, no response from the remote, just a grey screen, and one green LED on the front panel, with the video output resolutions no longer displayed, ie 1080i etc.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Info and response from Tivo Support

    The support guys, asked me to provide this information, when I was able to cold boot the TiVo


    Hi Malcolm,

    Please kindly note down the following values for the identified tuner:
    Current Tuning Status:
    Connector Type:
    Signal Source:
    Signal Strength:
    Signal Lock:
    Program Lock:
    Seach Complete:
    Pre-Viterbi Errors:
    Post-Viterbi Errors:
    Packet Errors:

    Once you've retrieved this information, please reply to this email with the diagnostic values completed.


    TiVo Support.


    I provided this info, for the 10 minutes that the TiVo was functional. ( it re-booted, and then grey screened "AGAIN" )

    Tuner: 0
    Current Tuning Status:
    Frequency:191500 khz
    Modulation: COFDM
    Connector Type:RF
    Signal Source:Terestial
    Signal Strength:94
    Signal Lock:YES
    Program Lock:YES
    Seach Complete:YES
    Pre-Viterbi Errors: 4000 +
    Post-Viterbi Errors:0
    Packet Errors: 0

    I must mention that TiVo support did not contact me after I sent them the info via email at around 5:30pm .

    I rang them back at 9:15am the next morning, and they were unable to see or read the info in the email ( what a great system the Tivo support has)

    I went through the results, and support advised that the signal strength is to high, ( it has been fine for 6 week ), and that it need to be around 70, so i need to purchase an Antenna Attenuator, which I will do form Jaycar at Thomastown today, ( they have one in stock, plus the cable )

    for $12:50, and I will see what happens.

    Its frustrating , that it did work for 6 weeks , and now it doesn't ( the TiVo ), and I now have to go and buy other things to try and make it work. I wonder if TiVo will refund the money I spend at Jaycar if it doesn't fix the problem.

    If its a know problem , why don't TiVo, design around the issue, Its a bummer that I have good signal strength.

    I will let you know the results when I get things up and going, mind you the 5hr cold boot is a pain, as I can only try one thing per night.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Thumbs down

    Antenna attenuation...

    Well I bought one from Jaycar, ( it had the family laughing ), I connected it up using "F" connectors, and turned it on, the signal strength was reduced on channel 9 to 82 and sbs was reduced untill the picture started to drop out.
    after 15 mins the TiVo rebooted and then rebooted again and now its back with the grey screen, and wait for it, I'm on hold again to support for around 25 mins.

    Lets see whats the next solution is, and no I'm not having a Tivo good time.

    Well the response from TiVo is that it look like I'm still having antenna issues, (what ever that is ), and that it will be escalated to a manager who is not on site ( surprise surprise ) and someone, sometime will get back to me, now I dont know what that is supposed to mean, but I think it means its my problem.

    So in a nut shell

    Worked for 6 weeks, not a problem at all.

    Stops working, and re-boots, then grey screen, must by my antenna, ( nothings changed )

    After 7 days, its still my problem, No working Tivo, antenna Issues, and someone will be in touch, well quite frankly I've been touched, and I'm not happy.

    Where to now, I suppose I will just have to get frustrated, and hope for the best.
    I really did like the TiVo when it was working, I'm just disapointed, and frustrated now that its not working, and support are trying to make it something that is configuration, and or envirinment, or the antenna.

    I want this issue resolved, and after 7 days, I'm now no further advanced than the original issue, and we have a long weekend coming up and I wonder if anything at all will happen with my TiVo before the weekend, ( I think Not )

    Last edited by gbhills; 30-12-2009 at 03:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Your signal strength is quite high, but I think TiVo support are mistaken in their diagnosis.

    If you see a gray screen on live TV this does indicate an issue with the signal. But the gray screen will also have a banner advising there is an issue with the signal, and will not stop the other functions of the TiVo working.

    If you cannot access the menus then your TiVo has locked up and this should not have been caused by having a high signal level.

    The TiVo will work happily without any antenna attached (obviously can't record or watch live TV).

    Can you try rebooting without the antenna connected, and see if you have the same symptoms.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re-boot without the Antenna


    I disconnected the antenna and plugged back in my Tivo , and what do you know after about 20 Minutes it re-booted, and re-booted, and then went to the grey screen.

    Looking in the US TiVo forums, it sound like a suspect power supply, but I think that the support guys roles are like insurance companies, deny, deny deny, and then deny, just dont get the device for repair if at all possible.

    Well its 5:30, to late to organise a courier, today, so I guess that support have won, for another weekend.

    I'm not sure how I go about bagging TiVo, but I have options available, I'm sure Channel 9 would be pleased to Bag Channel 7 and TiVo Australia for lack of (Genuine ) support,

    Last edited by gbhills; 30-12-2009 at 05:35 PM. Reason: Typo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    TiVo have a return system in place where they send you a replacement and you return the faulty unit to them in the same packaging.

    You should tell support you tested without the aerial and push for a replacement to be sent out.

    If it's easier you may be able to get a direct replacement from the retailer. By law they are responsible for Warranty issues, but policies vary.

    Some will suggest you use the TiVo system others will do a swap to keep customers happy.

    I'm going to suggest Hybrid have a look at this thread and see what sort of support is being offered.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hi Pete,

    Well I pushed Tivo for a changeover / replacement unit, and I was told that my issue had been escalated to a manager, who is not on site, and it is not usual protocol to contact the manager via phone, but it would be expressed in the email, that the next step ( what ever that is ) should be taken.

    Perhaps some else is going to ignore my issue.

    My patience with TiVo support is wearing out, its a Public Holiday tomorrow and then the weekend, so I guess I'm screwed. this week at least.

    Thanks TiVo support, or should I say "Tivo Lack of Support".

    I did wait today for Tivo to contact me either via email or Mobile, as I had given my number to the support guys to try and speed things up.

    I am aware its the slow week between Christmas and new year, but why run a support desk, if the result is just to take your calls, and try and resolve user errors, and no genuine support for an actual product failure ?

    If noting is going to happen for two week stop jerking me around and tell me that the managers are away, we cant approve anything, ( we are not allowed to ) , and the company has taken holidays and not approved anyone to assist in the change over process.

    I gather that all the TEch staff are away, also, so Tivo support over the holidays, is a total planing, and manpower resource farce.

    Happy new year to every one, and I hope that you never ever have to use Tivo support for an actual issue ( hardware) with your TiVo.
    I hope for me, that I will get my Tivo working sometime next week.



  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gbhills View Post
    and I hope that you never ever have to use Tivo support for an actual issue ( hardware) with your TiVo.
    For after warranty issues at least TiVo owners have a choice, however I don't encourage warranty repairs be carried out by me because I'm not an official TiVo service centre so sorry I can't help.... Although I've already had a couple of people approach me with an in-warranty repair and risked voiding the warranty as they believed I would do a superior job

    Here's hoping you get speedy service when people come back to work on Monday. Be sure to keep us up to date.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


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