Saw these links
Perhaps TivoHD will be coming in via TVNZ?
Saw these links
Perhaps TivoHD will be coming in via TVNZ?
Great news, thanks for the links. That would imply it is even more likely that we will get TiVoHD in New Zealand. I presume TVNZ has reasonably strong links to FreeviewNZ, esp with regard to technical aspects of broadcasting.
Just last night my wife was complaining that she couldn't watch/record three things at once, so I had to trawl the torrent sites looking for some episodes...c'mon TiVoHD. In the mean time I might need to replace our second TiVo which I recently sold to a friend...pitty NZ$ is so low.
TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2
Be nice if TVNZ sell TiVo HD and offer SKY packages as well (similar to Telstra).
I'm getting SKY HDi tomorrow but I'd prefer an HD TiVo.
No Sky won't be packaged with TiVo - TiVoHD is only capable of receiving terrestrial broadcasts (FreeviewHD), and Sky is only broadcast via satellite.
TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2
SKY is also broadcast via cable by Telstra. Would it be possible for TVNZ to re-transmit SKY via terrestrial?
I got My SKY HDi today, it looks really nice but I miss my TiVo interface which is a million times more intuitive than SKY.
Possible technically, but unlikely to happen. Not sure how the encryption would work.
TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2
Over the weekend I received a C & D letter from the director of legal affairs at Tivo inc for the domain the letter demanded immediate release of the domain to Tivo Inc. The letter stated I have till 17th March to Comply.
However I do NOT own or have any affiliation with, a simple Whois lookup will verify this. I have replied to the email with words to that effect, and a paste of the Whois results for and have asked them to contact the owner.
Will wait and see...
TiVo Series 1 Thompson PVR10UK Unit, Dual 250Gb, 512Mb Cachecard, NZ Emulator Port 8000
TiVo Series 1 Sony SVR2000 unit, Dual 300Gb, 512Mb Cachecard, Philips FTA Tuner, NZ Emulator Port 80
TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, Dual 160Gb, Turbonet, FTA Tuner, Private Emulator
TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 120Gb, Turbonet, Dev Emulator, Development Unit...
DTiVo Series 1 Philips DSR6000 unit, 120Gb, Turbonet, Work in progress...
Lawyers seem pretty stupid sometimes, but then I remember that they charge their clients for each correspondence they send and respond to.
So quite often they will take the long way round to get results, annoying everyone else in the process.
Don't forget to register your interest under the tab "I Want One" and tick the box regarding being a tester!
I note that still hasn't been released by Mr Wager
TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2