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Thread: TiVo unit

  1. #1

    TiVo unit

    Hi there,

    Ok, I guess this is going to be another TiVO n00b thread. I currently have Foxtel digital cable, and am considering TiVo instead of a NetIQ unit.

    The shortcoming of the Foxtel NetIQ unit I see, is that it is limited to xx hours of recording, and you cannot transfer the recorded video files off the unit. This is a key feature for me, as since the decline of VHS, I have not had a suitable method to record TV for a while now. Is there a way to transfer the video files to your PC (via ethernet, presumably FTP)?

    Secondly, I want the unit to have a good capacity and decent quality (as good as what I see when I am watching live tv - or as close to this). I have had a read through the ozTivo guides, and it doesn't sound too difficult to mod a TiVo. Is any DB35 hard-drive suitable? Is there a ratio of GB to hours of recorded TV?

    Lastly, am I right in assuming I should only consider a series 1 Tivo for use in Australia? Based on what I have read, series 2 does not support PAL. Has anyone tried to output in NTSC from the Foxtel unit and use a series 2? Or is it not as simple as that?

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia

    A lot of your questions are answered in the Beginners FAQ link on the front page of the forum.

    Others (specifiacally the S2 question) are answered in the 'Other How To's' link also on the front page of this forum.

    And lastly if you look at where all the links are on the front page of this forum at the bottom you will find a bunch of links for extracting video from TiVo's.

    Generally we are a friendly bunch, but we do expect members to a little basic searching on their own before asking questions.

    These are the most common questions, which is why we have FAQ's aslready written to save us answering the same questions over and over.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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