My tivo is now nicely palmodded thanks to DK, but I'm getting the "no signal" blue screen (with a black bar at the bottom - that's normal right?).

No sky so its just TV1, TV2, TV3, C4, Triangle, Prime, Juice & Maori I'm after.

How does the tivo know what freq to tune each channel to?

Grepping some stuff from the Sky/Saturn howto on, I ran:

# cd /var/hack/guide
# ./delallsources
# ./add-fta.tcl
# ./lssources
SignalSource 2274/44 {
  Connector      = 1
  ProviderName   = FTA
  RFChannel      = 0
  SignalType     = 1
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998001 1 TV1    "TV1"              2274/44
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998002 2 TV2    "TV2"              2274/44
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998003 3 TV3    "TV3"              2274/44
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998006 6 Prime  "Prime"            2274/44
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998032 32 C4    "C4"               2274/44
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998033 33 Maori "Maori Television" 2274/44
# ./add-whole-channel.tcl 7998099 99 NoNag "NoNag"            2274/44
Now I can flick through these channels using the remote but there is no signal on any of them.

PS: happy to write up a FTA/palmod howto when this is up and running - if there isn't already one.