View Full Version : Redo guided setup loop

19-03-2006, 02:25 PM
I moved my Tivo and connected it through my other tv. Even though I am using the same set top box the IR wasn't working. Without looking at the Oztivo site I went and tried to rerun the guided setup thinking I might have somehow changed my IR setup. Well, thats when I found you cannot do this with the OzTivo image. I then went to useTivoWeb but I cannot login either with TivoWeb or telnet. When I restart the tivo I do get an IP address email, etc but then nothing. Now I am even unable to get live tv and everytime it has the bar at the bottem representing the guided setup. Should I just reimage as I don't really have anything there that i cannot redo?

19-03-2006, 03:38 PM
I decided to reload the image and have gone through guided setup again. Didn't take much time. Its just indexing now and should be finished soon as I only have the FTA Vic digital channels.

While re-running guided setup I was also not about to get my IR blaster working. Not sure if its the cable or the box. I would be open to suggestions as to how I could go about diagnosing where the fault lays (I did try and see whether any light came out of the blaster but couldn't see anything) and what my options are as out of all the things I did, I hadn't expected this problem. I will post an update when my guilded setup has reindexed and whether it works then.

19-03-2006, 05:14 PM
continuing the theme of my conversation with myself - now after guided setup it seems to be working:eek:
Not sure what could have been the problem and its not always consistant. How do I change the speed of the channel change now that I am through guided setup?


Darren King
19-03-2006, 05:55 PM
How do I change the speed of the channel change now that I am through guided setup?

If you mean the three selections for each IR code (slow, medium and fast) then the simplest way is a redo of guided setup.... which brings me to your original post saying that is cannot be done in the OzTiVo image. Well, it can.... But you have to go about it a special way which is documented on the OzTiVo website in this area: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk#Redoing_Guided_Setup

19-03-2006, 07:07 PM
.... which brings me to your original post saying that is cannot be done in the OzTiVo image. Well, it can.... But you have to go about it a special way which is documented on the OzTiVo website in this area: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Install/PrepareTiVoDisk#Redoing_Guided_Setup

I saw that doc and another reply you made on the subject. The problem was that I didn't read it prior to attempting it just through the TV tivo interface. Once I started down that route I was unable to TivoWeb into the Tivo to actually achieve the redo of guided setup - it put me in a crazy loop and my only alternative was to re-image as Telneting, TivoWeb etc. didn't work.

But, thanks, good to know there is only one way to get back to it.