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10-08-2004, 06:57 PM
Hi Clive,

Thanks for the help and encouragement!

Sorry only just learnt about the ifconfig and I get this result:

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0B:AD:10:10:10
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0

Interestingly enough if I ping I get no answer hehehe...

My network is made up of WinXP, an Ethernet Switch and the Tivo. I am using (I think) ICS & the WinXP built in DHCP server thingy...

Im using a Turbonet Card supplied by George installed by yours truly (probably a bad thing) but it is definately slotted in correctly and when I have the cover of the Tivo it is lighted green on the corner of the card when powered on.


10-08-2004, 08:47 PM
so will see if I can get any sensible technical comment on the performance of their Pace SCARTs.

Pahhh 'Sky customer service + technical' don't go there, never go there, you wont get anywhere... :)

10-08-2004, 09:05 PM
Hi Clive,

Thanks for the help and encouragement!

Sorry only just learnt about the ifconfig and I get this result:

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0B:AD:10:10:10
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0

Interestingly enough if I ping I get no answer hehehe...

My network is made up of WinXP, an Ethernet Switch and the Tivo. I am using (I think) ICS & the WinXP built in DHCP server thingy...

Im using a Turbonet Card supplied by George installed by yours truly (probably a bad thing) but it is definately slotted in correctly and when I have the cover of the Tivo it is lighted green on the corner of the card when powered on.

Is there a link light on the switch?
Looks like the turbonet (drivers) doesn't like winxp's DHCP, either implement a real dhcp server. Or rerun 'nic_config_tivo' and enter a manual IP address for your tivo..
Then try pinging the address from your PC..

10-08-2004, 09:30 PM
My network is made up of WinXP, an Ethernet Switch and the Tivo. I am using (I think) ICS & the WinXP built in DHCP server thingy...

It's pretty clear that DHCP via ICS is not working. Hardware, drivers etc look OK as the OS is detecting eth0 (per ifconfig) and you have a light but an IP of means that tivo has not received an answer from a DHCP server at boot time.

Beyond running through ICS setup again, I've run out of suggestions, as I don't use ICS.

Keep at it mate, it's worth the anguish. We're on our second evening here and all is well.

11-08-2004, 08:06 AM
One other random thought - does anyone else think that the series 1 Philips front panel is a piece of absolutely classic design? I can't stop staring at it wedged there between my Denon HT receiver and DVD player. At 2 am this morning, I SWEAR the big black all-seeing eye winked at me. ;)

Yes I certainly do. George from Eksys sent me a Series 1 Philips HDR312 - got it yesterday (also up late last night, and not quite finished). The HDR312 has silver around the black eye - I think now that I like it more than plain black.

Any way I better forget about mt TiVo for the mo' and (oh bother) get back to my 'job' - looking after the kids... roll on bedtime (for them).

11-08-2004, 12:56 PM
As my contribution to the effort, I intend to start over from scratch and carefully document a step by step howto for NZ conditions based on the emulator approach. I think non-linuxers will struggle a bit without something like that at current state of the art. It might be worth maintaining our own iso with that pesky IP address fixed???


I'm not quite finished my setup as I've said but I too would like to create a document that builds on what Ed and all have done so far (step by step for NZers that use Sky Digital). Would you like to make it a small collaborative effort? Contact me via my profile if you are interested (or I'll just duplicate your effort:)).



For what it's worth I think that we should leave ISO creation up to those in the West Island. I imagine that "pesky IP address" could be sorted with something like sed. The RW and RO problem is catered for in the TiVo web module - just use your favourite web browser to get to your TiVo (using it's IP address), the RW/RO toggle is in the main menu.

As for my sed idea, I'll test it tonight when my TiVo is connected to my network - it's hard wired at the moment, and cables and under five year olds don't mix.

11-08-2004, 02:38 PM
Clive and Seanoffshotgun,

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I plan on updating the nztivo.net wiki site - I have confirmed this with Tim. It will be a PHP Wiki site, and I'm slowly building it. I will be linking and reproducing some of the info on Oztivo, and crediting the info from the origin for each excerpt used. I have just finished what I like to call the Quick Start document, which can be very quickly assessed by potential NZ tivo-interested people and can see if the technical and cost measures up to what they expect etc. Also what some of the lingo is, when reading further documents. It would be great it there is a newbie setup guide. I was planning on doing one anyway - I will have another 2-3 tivos for friends coming in the next while, but none will be with PAL tuner info, this is what I desperately need some more info on. Also anything on dial-up. I'm flying blind! So if you guys want to put together anything you can and keep me posted, I can put it on the new wiki site. I found there was so many sites and pages to keep track of (eksys for installing netcard, oztivo, nzforums, tim's wiki, tim's homepage) so yeah I want to consolidate to one totally nz-focussed site.
Please get intouch with me through my profile, or send me a private message through the forum...
Cheers guys...

11-08-2004, 07:54 PM
I'm not quite finished my setup as I've said but I too would like to create a document that builds on what Ed and all have done so far (step by step for NZers that use Sky Digital). Would you like to make it a small collaborative effort?
Absolutely - there's a small group of us that have jumped through the hoops at roughly the same time. Pooling effort will cover more hardware options.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I plan on updating the nztivo.net wiki site - I have confirmed this with Tim. It will be a PHP Wiki site, and I'm slowly building it. I will be linking and reproducing some of the info on Oztivo, and crediting the info from the origin for each excerpt used. I have just finished what I like to call the Quick Start document, which can be very quickly assessed by potential NZ tivo-interested people and can see if the technical and cost measures up to what they expect etc.
I'm happy to help in any way I can and nztivo.net would be the logical place - reviewing/testing what you've already done or whatever. If I hadn't been linux CLI capable and read widely from many sources before starting, I doubt I would have got there in one afternoon. I suspect there's a significant segment of folks that would kill to have one of these amazing boxes but would baulk at some of the technical complexity (I think the FFWD article has set expectations a tad high at this point). A comprehensive howto for newbies would swell the NZ tivo population and success breeds growth by word of mouth etc. Do you want your Quick Start critiqued at this stage?

For what it's worth I think that we should leave ISO creation up to those in the West Island. I imagine that "pesky IP address" could be sorted with something like sed. The RW and RO problem is catered for in the TiVo web module - just use your favourite web browser to get to your TiVo (using it's IP address), the RW/RO toggle is in the main menu.

Happy to take some of these ideas one step at a time - my thought was that a non-linux type with a typical jetstream gateway box (many of which run a DHCP server out of the box (and, hence, avoid all the hassle that people like Marv have experienced) would have a much easier path if they were limited to simply having to image and physically mount a drive, boot up and follow the on-screen setup wizard to get going in an afternoon.

Is it best to take this offline now or keep extending this thread???

11-08-2004, 09:27 PM
Hi guys - hope this is an OK place to introduce myself. Tivo noobie finally prodded into action by FFWD. Got my box from george, and got it running tonight the manual way - hadn't caught up with the emulator business. No guide data yet, but I'm working on it.

Saw a few posts earlier about SCART to s-video (horrible) - exactly my experience too, with or without Tivo in the signal chain.

One question - my TV/Tivo isn't that close to my network at the moment - having done the setup, what are the pro's/con's of just getting slices by phone (if I read correctly, this is available going through the emulator?), or should I start drilling holes and threading network cable? I suspect that I could also hook the turbonet card to a wireless access point and do it that way.

My setup Jetstream/Linux (Slack10)/Netgear ADSL/Router, Sky Digital, Pace STB, Philips Tivo (with the silver bit), Maxtor 160GB.


11-08-2004, 09:40 PM
or should I start drilling holes and threading network cable?

Maybe you are talking about drilling holes in walls of your house but if you are talking about drilling holes in your TiVo case then read on...

(I got this tip from a friend last night)...
I have a Philips HDR312. To get the short network cable that came with my TiVo from the TurboNet card to the outside of my case I poked it through the RHS hole in the bottom of the TiVo case right underneath the fan. Removing and replacing the fan simply requires some wiggling of the fan and bending the 2 'prongs' at the top of the fan.

The cable pokes out the bottom of the TiVo in an odd place, but who cares, no one ever sees it.


Because the short cable that I have came those RJ45 clip protector thingies ... to fit it through the hole I cut the protector off (can be done with no effect to the cable and no residue rubber).

11-08-2004, 09:47 PM
Yes - I was talking holes in the house...

I just threaded the cable through the way george said to on his website, but now I feel all uncreative :)


11-08-2004, 09:50 PM
As for my sed idea, I'll test it tonight when my TiVo is connected to my network - it's hard wired at the moment, and cables and under five year olds don't mix.

OK, my sed solution would go something like this:

tivo # rw
tivo # sed 's/w\.x\.y\.z/66\.238\.88\.163/' /etc/tclient.conf > /tmp/tclient.conf
tivo # cp /tmp/tclient.conf /etc/tclient.conf
tivo # ro

Where w.x.y.z is the original ip address, but I'm too stupid to be sure what it was originally, can someone help me out?

11-08-2004, 10:03 PM
or should I start drilling holes and threading network cable?

It would be a shame to have all that broadband sitting at the other end of the house, but for a few holes and a few meters of CAT5. Hardwired tested ethernet to a router that serves DHCP would avoid some of the teething issues that have been reported here recently. I take it you got a turbonet card too??? - (you didn't say) - that would have to be one expensive NIC to leave unconnected ...

12-08-2004, 08:22 AM
Oh, I forgot to add, you'll probably want to set the time on the Tivo, set it to localtime:

settime [YYYYMMDDhhmm[ss]]
settime -rtc

Hi, just wondering about this... because my TiVo's clock is 12 hours slow.
(My unix/linux is a bit rusty these days).

The cron job (fixtime.cron) looks like it does a time sync with an internet clock. Since the GMT offset (on my TiVo at least) is 0 (zero) won't the time just be set back 12 hours slow again each time the cron job runs?

I would I suppose like to be running NZST/NZDT or whatever it's really called. I followed some instructions from Tim's website under the heading "Setting the TimeSync Up for New Zealand" but that didn't seem to help. In case you are wondering I followed Ed emulator post which has a postcode of 02113 so I had to alter Tim's instructions accordingly.

Or am I just way off beam?

12-08-2004, 08:54 AM
The cron job (fixtime.cron) looks like it does a time sync with an internet clock. Since the GMT offset (on my TiVo at least) is 0 (zero) won't the time just be set back 12 hours slow again each time the cron job runs?
To test my theory I ran (something like):

[TiVo [p0] ~]# settime 200408121025

and then:

[TiVo [p0] ~]# settime -rtc

the time displayed OK. Then (just for fun I rebooted and) I ran

[TiVo [p0] ~]# date
Thu Aug 12 10:30:48 localtime 2004
[TiVo [p0] ~]# fixtime.cron
Time set to: Thu Aug 12 10:31:08 2004
Have a nice day.
Time set to: Wed Aug 11 22:32:04 2004
Have a nice day.

So yes the cron job sync's and changes the time back to correct GMT.

Other people don't seem to be saying much about this. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?



12-08-2004, 09:35 AM
Hey guys,

As requested by Clive, this is a first draft for a NZ Quick Start guide:

Now, I haven't put a link to it in the topics page, as it's just a draft. Also note that I wrote it in the PHP wiki (mediawiki) that maybe replacing the current wiki, so the formatting is slightly different, and the images don't work, and the links are not pretty like in mediawiki - I just put it up to get comments additions and changes that I can transpose to the mediawiki version.
I found myself looking for such a doc (Beginners FAQ was okay, but not definitive enought) when I was looking into Tivo...

12-08-2004, 09:38 AM
To test my theory I ran (something like):

[TiVo [p0] ~]# settime 200408121025

and then:

[TiVo [p0] ~]# settime -rtc

the time displayed OK. Then (just for fun I rebooted and) I ran

[TiVo [p0] ~]# date
Thu Aug 12 10:30:48 localtime 2004
[TiVo [p0] ~]# fixtime.cron
Time set to: Thu Aug 12 10:31:08 2004
Have a nice day.
Time set to: Wed Aug 11 22:32:04 2004
Have a nice day.


I also have not sorted this, and came across the 2113 postcode thing too, and downloaded the Auckland postcode file from Tim's site. The postcodeszones file was added with Auckland as a 0800 post code... I found if I changed it to 2113 it would find Auckland, but the GMT offset was STILL 0 - and therefore was incorrect at 12 hours out. So I set it back to 0800. THIS IS NOT A FIX...
All in all, I still have to do the settime -rtc, whenever it goes wrong, which it doesn't...

12-08-2004, 12:50 PM
Because I am soo pisst off now about the stupid ICS STUPID TIVO :mad: thing Im going to go and buy a router! And organise ADSL. But I have a few questions hoping that someone knows the answers...

1) If I get a router can I use it to get the STUPID TIVO :mad: to talk to my PC and also use my Dialup connection (at least until I get the new connection sorted)????

2)Any reccommendations on a good router for a brainless twit with to much money to spend... Damn this STUPID TIVO :mad: better be good!

Marv :D

12-08-2004, 01:44 PM
1) If I get a router can I use it to get the STUPID TIVO :mad: to talk to my PC and also use my Dialup connection (at least until I get the new connection sorted)????

2)Any reccommendations on a good router for a brainless twit with to much money to spend... Damn this STUPID TIVO :mad: better be good!

1) yes

2) I'm a brainless twit and I bought and like:


(I bought it from there [Ascent] also)

Careful though this thing keeps going down in price. So you not be happy with all that money you have left over when you do actually buy it.

It gives you wireless also... for later maybe.

:( my stupid TiVo currently has a nice black screen... I'll see your grrrr and raise it grrrrrrrr

12-08-2004, 01:57 PM
tisk tisk badmouthing tivo..

(i should take ya'll out back and shoot you on the spot)

12-08-2004, 02:13 PM
tisk tisk badmouthing tivo..

(i should take ya'll out back and shoot you on the spot)
Well now that I've got your attention...

Can you tell me what avsaturation, avcontrast and avbrightness settings you use. Currently my wife is telling me to "send it back" if I can't get the picture better than it is currently.

Would setting it to 720 horizontal improve picture quality?

I also have a dumb (no sky channel change, no guide data) Panasonic HDD/DVD recorder that produces (records / plays back) a very good picture (not very noticeably different from the Sky Digital source). My wife (and so do I just a wee bit) compares the TiVo to this and isn't happy.

12-08-2004, 03:16 PM
Its ok im only bagging the STUPID TIVO :mad: until I get it going


12-08-2004, 05:37 PM

I had the exact same problem when I used S-video, after seeing what it was like with composite (pervect qual, same as sky) I ran guided setup again and went back to composite. Also, mixing Svid and composite results in jerky video. When on Svideo I tried using saturation settings as per the older tjv.info site, and this dulled down the over bright saturation but I noticed it was very grainy, and quite poor. Like I said, composite in and out solved all, and no saturation settings had to be altered.
Hope this helps.

12-08-2004, 07:27 PM
2)Any reccommendations on a good router for a brainless twit with to much money to spend... Damn this STUPID TIVO :mad: better be good!

Marv :D

I've got a Netgear DG824M ADSL/Wireless/Router/Firewall - no problems at all under Slack - can't guarantee for Windoze. Let it be the DHCP server, make sure that every other computer isn't trying to be, and away they go. My Tivo made itself right at home on the network from first boot.

You might as well get the wireless part as well - just in case. Mine is 802.11b which is faster than broadband and about half the price of 11g - fine for my needs. If you were going to spend a lot of time sending large picture or video files over your wireless network, think about 11g or beyond...

I have the turbonet card in the Tivo - I have just bought a cheapo wireless access point which I hope will bridge from my Jetstream to the Tivo without any holes in the wall - hopefully have time over the w/e to find out...


12-08-2004, 07:46 PM
Ok thanks Brian,

I'll be off to Harvey Normans or similar to have a look tomorrow, Ive just got those sneaky bstards at Telecom to do my ADSL line thing for $100 ( 4-5 business days grrr), its a very good excuse to upgrade to Jetsurf... "Sorry honey I can't get the Tivo going unless I get a faster internet connection" what a shame huh? :rolleyes:

Just a thought on the Wireless, even on the 802.11g isn't the video going to be crap?

Im working on the Tivo world record awarded to the person who spent the most time trying to get the thing going with no success...


12-08-2004, 08:13 PM
Ok thanks Brian,

Just a thought on the Wireless, even on the 802.11g isn't the video going to be crap?


The only think going over your network will be your guide data, every night at some ungodly hour, and the limiting speed for that will be your jetstream. Video streaming over networks is a whole other thing.

Before you deal with the pimply nerds at HN, check out


can save a few $$. A lot of these places deal over the net - I ordered my Tivo hard drive one night about midnight, and it was delivered by the time I got home from work the next day!


PS don't give up - without guide data (yet) my Tivo is just a way cool "VCR", but it is still way cool. I'm still watching a recorded programme while recording another - just because I can!!

12-08-2004, 08:16 PM
I ran guided setup again and went back to composite.
Thanks, I'll give it a try.

12-08-2004, 08:59 PM
Hey Brian,

Thanks for the encouragement... sorry regarding the 11.g I was meaning for applications between networked pc's. I thought I had read somewhere that 11.g was ok for fairly sizeable files but no good for actual video ie streaming.

Before I go and spend the extra to get the wireless, how long is it likely to be you think before 11.g is replaced?

Im thinking of starting a new thread, just to drag in the one or two people that haven't already tried to help me. I must admit I am impressed with everyones patience... till this point. :)


12-08-2004, 09:37 PM
Hey Brian,

Before I go and spend the extra to get the wireless, how long is it likely to be you think before 11.g is replaced?


I may not be the best person to ask - I am not an early adopter. I am sure that 11g will be supported for quite a while yet, with all the Intel support via Centrino and it's new mobos. How long till the next new kid on the block? Don't know, but if you were a gambler, you might suspect that it will be expensive and difficult/impossible to implement on old hardware/software.

Just to put the numbers in perspective remember that 11b tops out at (theoretically) 11Mbps (about the same as USB1.1); 11g is up to 54Mbps (yeah right); you need firewire to stream DVD quality - 400-800Mbps, and your Jetstream will prob be 256KILObits/sec (even full speed is only up to 2Mbps).Wireless real world speeds halve when you implement encryption, but at least my 11b network is soo weak someone would have to be inside my house before they could start hacking my network :rolleyes: !!

My bottom line - 11b is fine for internet sharing and cheap enough that you don't feel too bad if you upgrade in six months.


13-08-2004, 08:22 AM
Hi Guys,

Well, I'm currently using loadguide and my TiVo is connecting to the oztivo site to keep it happy. They've made some changes to lineups so now my TiVo is giving me a 'lineup change' message each time it makes the daily call. So, it looks like I'll be switching to Ed's emulator this weekend.

My question, I'm using my TiVo with Saturn Cable. Will I be able to remove Sky channels that I do not have and add Saturn channels that aren't on the Sky lineup, manually or otherwise?

If I connect to Ed's emulator, then I take it that I won't need to manually run loadguide anymore as my TiVo will download the guide data each day when it makes the daily call?


13-08-2004, 11:38 AM
FWIW, I use a very cheap D-NET wireless bridge to connect my Tivo to my Wireless LAN (and the internet), plugging the TurboNet card into the wireless bridge worked out of the box, no setup, no hassles. 11b is perfect for connecting the Tivo to the internet and fine for copying files, there's just not enough bandwidth to watch streaming video from the TIVO on your PC.

13-08-2004, 09:12 PM

I had the exact same problem when I used S-video, after seeing what it was like with composite (pervect qual, same as sky) I ran guided setup again and went back to composite. Also, mixing Svid and composite results in jerky video. When on Svideo I tried using saturation settings as per the older tjv.info site, and this dulled down the over bright saturation but I noticed it was very grainy, and quite poor. Like I said, composite in and out solved all, and no saturation settings had to be altered.
Hope this helps.

But wait, there's more. Some poking around and I have solved the Sky Pace box SCART crap S-Video thing!!! Actually, Tim already had, I just re-read his whole howto for fun and noticed the solution lurking there in italics. Turns out the Sky box has a setup screen that configures exactly what sort of video signal comes out of the two SCARTs - cool. I felt that surely three of us couldn't have ended up with dud boxes.

While watching any channel, hit the big yellow circle button ie the ENTER button. Up pops a screen that has a number of stylie icons at the top. Scroll across to the little spanner at the left, scroll down to Advanced Setup, hit ENTER, and enter your pin (haha don't know your pin :confused: - try 0000 :D If not, call Sky). Aha! SCART Setup, ENTER then scroll to S-Video, ENTER, then S-Video again and ENTER. The first one sets the SCART labelled TV, the second the VCR one (though they are just labels). Cool eh? Plug in your S-Video cable and viola! Crispy clean colour, in my case noticably better than composite. Those SCARTS are flexible and hence require setup.

Now, back to reset my video input to S-Video on tivo (thank God it's Friday).

Let's keep pickin' away at this guys! I promise you it is definitely worth the effort.


13-08-2004, 09:33 PM
Hey guys,

As requested by Clive, this is a first draft for a NZ Quick Start guide:

What's the best way for me to do a few mods to this draft? Just hit edit and have at it?

Nice job there btw :)

13-08-2004, 09:40 PM
But wait, there's more. Some poking around and I have solved the Sky Pace box SCART crap S-Video thing!!!
Thanks Clive, yes I do think it is worth the effort (just in case someone gets the wrong impression),

BUT, I've always run my Sky with S-Video (and had the settings done like you say). So your solution doesn't help me (although it will help others).

I still have a TiVo picture that has a huge red shift and I don't know what to do with it. It's not that I have a hardware problem I don't think, as I have another TiVo here and it's the same.

Woe is me.

I must admit that the 2nd TiVo I have here looks sort of OK in it's real home. But it is connected there to an old TV and running composite (sorry Thomson!). I have a Sony 36" widescreen TV and the straight through Sky picture looks very good (but connected via S-Video which is inherently better than composite).

So probably one answer as other people suggest is to downgrade to composite as the TiVo settings seem right for it. I just won't give up just yet.

13-08-2004, 09:45 PM
My question, I'm using my TiVo with Saturn Cable. 1. Will I be able to remove Sky channels that I do not have and add Saturn channels that aren't on the Sky lineup, manually or otherwise?

2. If I connect to Ed's emulator, then I take it that I won't need to manually run loadguide anymore as my TiVo will download the guide data each day when it makes the daily call?

1. Yes, I suspect the easiest way will be to run Guided Setup again, following Ed's recipe at the top of this thread. Just one gotcha to avoid (as Ed hasn't edited his post yet): from the linux command prompt, do an "rw" before trying to edit /etc/tclient.conf and then an "ro" afterwards.

2. Oh yesssss!

13-08-2004, 09:58 PM

I had the exact same problem when I used S-video, after seeing what it was like with composite (pervect qual, same as sky) I ran guided setup again and went back to composite. Also, mixing Svid and composite results in jerky video. When on Svideo I tried using saturation settings as per the older tjv.info site, and this dulled down the over bright saturation but I noticed it was very grainy, and quite poor. Like I said, composite in and out solved all, and no saturation settings had to be altered.
Hope this helps.
Have a read of Clive's post number 72 in this thread. This could help you improve your S-Video picture. I'm already set like that so I don't know what my solution is yet.

I would be interested to hear the result.

14-08-2004, 06:51 AM
Seanoff: Yeah, I knew about the setup, still found the colours waaay off, and couldn't be bothered with the saturation settings... I have to more boxes coming next week, might try it out on a fresh on, instead of messing with the tivo that the missus has now gotten very protective over ;)

Brucer: Would you be able to post more details on the wireless bridge? Was it purchased online? The cheapest I found was $156...but no sign of D-NET anywhere...

clive: Yep, Just click edit. I plan to do more work on it and have the mediawiki version up next week....

14-08-2004, 08:39 AM
doh! did I say DNET? I meant DLINK and around $150 is about what I paid.

14-08-2004, 07:18 PM
Oh, I forgot to add, you'll probably want to set the time on the Tivo, set it to localtime:

settime [YYYYMMDDhhmm[ss]]
settime -rtc

My TiVo is 12 hours behind NZ time (looking at it via telnet or on my TV screen) and try as I might I can't find a solution - using my own grey matter or by searching the OzTiVo Forums or OzTiVo sites.

Ed mentions in another post (#13 of the Newbie thread) that our TiVo's should run with GMT. So I do, in fact it's pretty hard not to since the rc scripts, cron and a guide data download will all set it back to GMT! So I guess it's meant to be GMT... I won't fight it. :)

If I set the time as quoted above it just gets changed again whenever I boot (rc scripts), or at 2:10am (fixtime.cron) and any time I do a guide data download.

I also followed Tim's 'Setting the TimeSync Up for New Zealand' from his website. But since I'd used 02113 (from Ed's instructions) I modified the postcodezones accordingly. Should I not have done all that?

I know there are other people out there that have the same problem. But some more clever person (than me) must have the solution. Can someone please give me a few pointers.




Some more info...

when I do:

rtimetz -v

I get back:
Our postcode is 02113. Found matching timezone Pacific/Auckland
Offset 0 for timezone GMT, daylight saving is 0

But it should say something like:
Our postcode is 02113. Found matching timezone Pacific/Auckland
Offset 43200 for timezone NZST, daylight saving is 0

So there's the problem, but how to fix...

I suspected my /var/hack/zoneinfo/Pacific/Auckland could be bung so I binary FTP'd it again. But no luck there.

14-08-2004, 09:30 PM
Sean, I don't even bother with timezones, I have my tivo set to Timezone 0
then set the time to local time using 'settime'. I haven't had a problem with that tivo for 2 years.. I just adjust it an hr for daylight savings.
I have a dumbntpd running which syncs the TiVo time with itself.
Suprisingly it keeps time better than my PC does..
(however this is not a oztivo image, just a US 3.0 that I customised myself)

I suspect you have your tivo timezone set to GMT+12, you are then using 'settime' to set the the tivo clock to local time? When in fact you should be setting the time to GMT time, i.e 12hrs behind us. The tivo will then adjust the clock to local time, since it knows the offset via your timezone setting.. this should work fine with the emulator..

But then again I don't run V3 of the Oztivo image on any of my tivo's so I maybe talking crap :P

15-08-2004, 10:23 AM
The secret re time settings is not to touch them at all.. I had exactly the same problem (12 hours out regardless of installing "correct" timezone files and running timezoneadjust etc etc) until I re-imaged and left it alone, My Tivo now keeps perfect time all on its own.

15-08-2004, 10:35 AM
The secret re time settings is not to touch them at all.. I had exactly the same problem (12 hours out regardless of installing "correct" timezone files and running timezoneadjust etc etc) until I re-imaged and left it alone, My Tivo now keeps perfect time all on its own.
Heh, heh, I was beginning to suspect something like that.

Just for fun (before I start again):

Can you maybe run rtimetz as below manually (the non -v [verbose] version runs at 2:10am via cron daily) and post your output?

rtimetz -v


16-08-2004, 09:17 PM
Thanks to Jaidev and Brucer for their suggestions.

I have now fixed the time on my TiVo. Contrary to the detail I gave previously, I HAD broken my postcodezones file. I imagine this happened on ftp (doubt it) or edit (windows and UNIX end of line differences, I should have seen that days ago) - the file looked OK and fixtivotime displayed a postcode match, but what it matched to wasn't Pacific/Auckland it was Pacific/Auckland<invisible character>, so I got no offset or NZST timezone from the Auckland file.

So now when I run fixtivotime I get exactly what pendantic me wants:
(and when I reboot, or cron runs to sync time, or I do guide data update... it's stays correct)

[TiVo [p0] ~]# fixtivotime
Our postcode is 02113. Found matching timezone Pacific/Auckland
Offset 43200 for timezone NZST, daylight saving is 0
Connecting to time server
t was 3301642873 from server
t is now 1092697273
Time is 2004-08-16 23:01:13
Time set to: Mon Aug 16 23:01:13 2004
Have a nice day.
Time set to: Mon Aug 16 23:01:13 2004
Have a nice day.

Why I am writing all this you ask. Because it'll probably happen to someone else (maybe).


16-08-2004, 10:06 PM
(windows and UNIX end of line differences, I should have seen that days ago)

oh god you guys are getting stuck with this stuff?

hehe sorry man this stuff should have been pulled out of the threads and properly documented. hey wait... that was in my tivo doc? LOL

16-08-2004, 11:10 PM
oh god you guys are getting stuck with this stuff?

hehe sorry man this stuff should have been pulled out of the threads and properly documented. hey wait... that was in my tivo doc? LOL

No, the solution wasn't in your TiVo doc - but I can't expect you to cater for every silly thing that I might do!

A shame for me you haven't been around on the forum lately.

I did consider the postcodes file as the problem early on, I just didn't investigate properly (I read about the problem/solution in another post - no-one can ever say I post asking for help before I've done some digging).

Lots of years have past since I last did any UNIX. Luckily I can say that (although I created it) I fixed this problem myself. The well meaning help I did get on the forum was unfortunately no help.

While we're on the topic of documentation...
Would it make sense that you remove the instructions about loadguide you have in your howto? Is loadguide used by any newbie for any reason?

I've previously offered to write a new doc after I've got through all the set-up. (I think just a poor picture quality with S-Video to fix now). Do I have your permission and Ed's of course to plagarise your documentation?

I guess that the difference between the forum's documentation and mine is about the same as the difference between the forum's UNIX skill/experience and mine.

Now I LOL, :)

Keep up the good work.



17-08-2004, 06:49 AM
I've previously offered to write a new doc after I've got through all the set-up. (I think just a poor picture quality with S-Video to fix now). Do I have your permission and Ed's of course to plagarise your documentation?

By all means, please do. Half mine's plagarized from somebody else anyway... Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... :D

17-08-2004, 07:23 AM
Note that if you using windows the text file must be in unix format to work, you will need to either use a text editor that saves in the correct format (eg edit pad lite) or open it up in a text editor after you have uploaded it.

heh that was from my faq, maybe not that descriptive enuf. But that faq is old granted, just wanted to prove a point, haha anyway.

A shame for me you haven't been around on the forum lately.

yeah busy working on work stuff and guide data stuff too.

I've previously offered to write a new doc after I've got through all the set-up. (I think just a poor picture quality with S-Video to fix now). Do I have your permission and Ed's of course to plagarise your documentation?

The new wiki will be up in a few days. I suggest you help to work on it :)
I know I will try and do my part and I hope it suceeds in being the definitive source of answers for new users.

u got there tho eh :cool:



17-08-2004, 08:28 AM
Thanks for your pvt msg re Auckland timezone. I have now got this working, which has flumoxed me a tad. Mainly because I was very careful how I downloded it (from 1 linux PC to the tivo) I had altered the postcodesones file ages ago, when I did this, I was out by 12 hours (GMT). I also tried to get the Auckland timezone file from my own linux PC, and had the same result. Perhaps at one stage I had used timezoneadj30.tcl and put it on GMT+12... but who knows. (This should be set to 7 - GMT)
I think it really comes down to the file getting warped whilst downloading it.
The success came after I used the wget command straight from Tivo to download it, I only then chmod'd it to 666. Make sure postcodezones is edited to have Auckland as 02113 postcode. Here is the wget command for anyone interested:
wget -t 5 -nv -nd -S -na /var/log/wget.log

Thanks again Sean for prompting me to try again!

17-08-2004, 08:35 AM
Emulator doesn't load nztivo.slice.
Okay so I've been running LOADGUIDE with success, but heard that this was now redundant since the emulator came along. I am running with the emulator, and can see thru tivoweb that it makes the 'call'. However I can't see it getting ANY guidedata, and I haven't LOADGUIDE'D since last week just to make sure. My guide data doesn't go past tomorrow.
Can someone confirm the lack of LOADGUIDE requirement once running on emulator? My cron is working, however LOADGUIDE does not do anything when run from cron. Running it from shell is fine.
BTW the new Wiki is coming along nicely, we just need to cull down the mediawiki auto-information (useless info, nav bars, page discussions etc) to make more 'clean' and friendly. Most info from Tim's tjv.org.nz site was transferred, updated and edited, and anything else relevant from the nztivo wiki. A lot of stuff taken from ozTivo, cos, well how else do you word things when it's their image!? ;-) Credit is noted where credit is due to them tho. We'll all slowly rebuild it to be our own, as well as an image, as Tim suggested in the other thread.

17-08-2004, 10:21 AM
Emulator doesn't load nztivo.slice.
Okay so I've been running LOADGUIDE with success, but heard that this was now redundant since the emulator came along. I am running with the emulator, and can see thru tivoweb that it makes the 'call'. However I can't see it getting ANY guidedata, and I haven't LOADGUIDE'D since last week just to make sure. My guide data doesn't go past tomorrow.
Can someone confirm the lack of LOADGUIDE requirement once running on emulator?

It's unclear from your post exactly what was done... But what needs to be done to convert from loadguide to emulator is 1: edit tclient.conf to point at the NZ emulator, 2: on the TiVo onscreen GUI, go to messages & setup:system reset, and choose "repeat guided setup", then follow the usual instructions...

17-08-2004, 11:16 AM
Yes, I've been running on the emulator for 3 weeks now. The only thing I can think of, is I had it running once when I first got my tivo with non-emulator settings, then saw that from this thread that an emulator was available, made the change to tclient and re-ran the GS. I have the opportunity to do a fresh build in the next few days, with the emulator from the start - and will see if I have success this time.

17-08-2004, 11:44 AM
heh that was from my faq, maybe not that descriptive enuf. But that faq is old granted, just wanted to prove a point, haha anyway.

Touche - yes it was there. Yes I do think it was descriptive enough.

u got there tho eh :cool:

Well almost, now all my 'To Do List' entries show 'None Scheduled' where the next date/time is supposed to be. The associated season passes tell me about the upcoming episodes but they don't get recorded. In fact each entry even says "This episode will not be recorded".

Still having fun tho'... I think.

29-08-2004, 01:42 PM
This my first posting so hello all!

I recently brought my UK Tivo (2.5.5) back to NZ and set it up per the instructions and have been successfully downloading guide data using loadguide. Obviously having issues with UKTV and others so decided today to try and connect to the emulator.

Does the emulator work with 2.5.5?

I have changed the tclient.conf file to point to the NZ emulator and then rerun my guided setup. It does not ask me anywhere like the same number of questions as it obviously does for the US model.

I get asked / I reply:

Program Source: Aerial & Digital Satellite
Post Code: 02113

It then performs the set up call - it connects, downloads and indexes (very quickly, takes about 3 mins).

Then after pressing select I get the message:

"No service providers were found in your Postal Code. Please try the Postal Code of a neighbouring community that has a service provider".

It the takes me back to the Post Code page.

Not sure what to do now. If the emulator does not work for the UK models then can someone please tell me what I need to change the tclient.conf file address back to (oops, I forgot to write the old one down before I changed it).

Many thanks!!

29-08-2004, 07:37 PM
This my first posting so hello all!

I recently brought my UK Tivo (2.5.5) back to NZ and set it up per the instructions and have been successfully downloading guide data using loadguide. Obviously having issues with UKTV and others so decided today to try and connect to the emulator.

Does the emulator work with 2.5.5?

I have changed the tclient.conf file to point to the NZ emulator and then rerun my guided setup. It does not ask me anywhere like the same number of questions as it obviously does for the US model.

I get asked / I reply:

Program Source: Aerial & Digital Satellite
Post Code: 02113

It then performs the set up call - it connects, downloads and indexes (very quickly, takes about 3 mins).

Then after pressing select I get the message:

"No service providers were found in your Postal Code. Please try the Postal Code of a neighbouring community that has a service provider".

It the takes me back to the Post Code page.

Not sure what to do now. If the emulator does not work for the UK models then can someone please tell me what I need to change the tclient.conf file address back to (oops, I forgot to write the old one down before I changed it).

Many thanks!!

I could be wrong, but are you using the original image on the drive that came with the TiVo? Perhaps you could try the latest image (vers 3.0) ?

Mmm a UK tivo. Your internal Tuner probably works over here too doesn't it?

30-08-2004, 01:06 PM
I could be wrong, but are you using the original image on the drive that came with the TiVo? Perhaps you could try the latest image (vers 3.0) ?

Mmm a UK tivo. Your internal Tuner probably works over here too doesn't it?

I took the OzTiVo 2.5 image. Don't think I can put the 3.0 image on a UK machine.

Internal tuner may indeed work, but as I don't have a decent aerial, it doesn't!

Anyone else have an answer?

30-08-2004, 02:27 PM
I took the OzTiVo 2.5 image. Don't think I can put the 3.0 image on a UK machine.

It is possible to put the 3.0 image onto a UK system. The palmod module would need to be removed and replaced with the ukchan module. Information on this can be found under the Minnie website.

I have a UK unit and have stuck with the v2.5.5 image, I have no idea if it is possible to get the emulator working with it... as I have never tried... and am a little behind the times with the whole broadband-at-home phenomena :)

There could be a problem with the PostalCode lookup as the v2.5.5 schema stores this under /Setup, whereas the v3.0 schema stores it under /Setup/LocationConfig. Somebody has also mentioned on the mailing list that "There are some issues with versions before 3.0 due to the fact that it will want to dialup and connect using the modem."... so it could be that you will need to load the v3.0 image in order to get the emulator working.

Not sure if it will help any, but the following (get_postalcode.tcl) script will display the PostalCode that is stored within the database:

set db [dbopen]
RetryTransaction {
set swsystem [db $db open /SwSystem/ACTIVE]
set tivoswversion [dbobj $swsystem get Name]
set setup [db $db open /Setup]

if {[PrefixMatches "2.5.5" $::tivoswversion]} {
set uktivo 1
} else {
set uktivo 0
RetryTransaction {
if {$::uktivo} {
set lconfig [db $db open /Setup]
set postcode [dbobj $lconfig get PostalCode]
} else {
set lconfig [db $db open /State/LocationConfig]
set postcode [dbobj $lconfig get PostalCode]
dbclose $db
RetryTransaction {
puts stdout "$postcode"

31-08-2004, 05:44 PM
Imaged a new drive using latest oztivo image.

I also get the following message:

"No service providers were found in your Postal Code. Please try the Postal Code of a neighbouring community that has a service provider". :confused:

edit: not a total noob.. done this a few time before with no problems at all, and yes i'm usiing the 1.3 image.. have reimaged twice now.. and triple checked the IP that points to ed's emulator. All check out OK.

01-09-2004, 10:28 AM

You could try using zip 02114 (I set that up as a tester). It might work, though I'd say you'd be better off sticking with 02113, as 02114 is only used by me and will probably go away the next time I nuke my Tivo.

It does feel more like the machine isn't talking to the right emulator though. Can you do some sort of tcpdump or otherwise packet trace to see where it's going? Alternatively, if you can get the TCDID for me I can dig through server logs and look for it. Telling roughly what time you connected would also help.

How to find the TCDID:


01-09-2004, 10:38 AM
thanks for the reply ed.. will try tonight and get back to you. :cool:

01-09-2004, 05:12 PM
ran guided setup again.. and it worked.. confused.. but happy :rolleyes:

02-09-2004, 12:09 PM
It is possible to put the 3.0 image onto a UK system. The palmod module would need to be removed and replaced with the ukchan module. Information on this can be found under the Minnie website.

Have now done this successfully and have resolved my issue. Thanks for your help.

17-09-2004, 12:38 PM
Telnet onto tivo

Run palmod_config

follow your nose ......

I found 65 was about right for me.

need to reboot I think to take after you save.


Phil Dew
05-11-2004, 04:26 PM
Hey has anyone got a source for the Samsung tuner module. I am a sad person whom doesn't want to run the Tivo and a Sat box so I can watch/record. Either this or can someone help me to modifiy PalMod so as I can user define the I2C commands to suit my Philips Tuner module? As far as I can see reading all the posted info thus far, everyone is using and external box to get their video signal. Me myself I really don't want another box just for that. There is enough crap on five channels let alone SKY as well. Any help would be appreciated greatly.

06-11-2004, 05:14 PM
Hey has anyone got a source for the Samsung tuner module.

All the source is available from the OzTiVo site... however I think you probably have bigger problems than locating the source code, as I am guessing you have a Philips TiVo purchased from the States... and these have NTSC tuners in them.

This will need to be replaced with a PAL tuner if you wish to view FTA stations using an aerial. However, if you have a UK TiVo (These are made by Thomson and silver) or a US model that has had the tuner replaced with a PAL version, you will need nothing more than the standard palmod.

You may like to read this FAQ (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/FAQ/PalModOrTunerMod) for more details.

06-11-2004, 07:19 PM
This will need to be replaced with a PAL tuner if you wish to view FTA stations using an aerial

But yes but yes but ... the NZ emulator still doesnt support using the inbuilt or added tuner? I have a Thomson PAL TiVo and have found it necessary to use an alternate signal source. i.e. an old VCR. So the inbuilt or added tuner is surplus? Tell me if I missed something.

07-11-2004, 09:11 AM
But yes but yes but ... the NZ emulator still doesnt support using the inbuilt or added tuner? I have a Thomson PAL TiVo and have found it necessary to use an alternate signal source. i.e. an old VCR. So the inbuilt or added tuner is surplus? Tell me if I missed something.

I personally have not used the emulator on either of my TiVo's (UK&US). I do not think it has been configured for FTA channels. What you can do is load your own headend and then use wget/loadguide to download the programme slice (using cron). I have posted a few headends for regions in the "PAL Tuner in NZ" (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=101) forum (which this discussion should probably move to...).

As far as the tuner goes... if you are running the OzTivo image then you may like to try the kernel module mentioned in this "Latest Palmod for the UK" (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Sandbox/LatestPalModUK) entry. If you are still running the v2.5.5 software (as I am on my UK TiVo) then you may like to use the kernel module mentioned in my "NZ Stereo Support" (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/FAQ/NzStereoSupport) entry.

Phil Dew
08-11-2004, 07:10 AM
Thomson, thanks for the reply. But "finethen" has got the same problem as I have by the sounds of it. Thomson the RF module in your Tivo box will either be the ALPS (PAL version) or the Samsung (PAL Version). Yes the old module fitted to the Tivo (Philips HD112) was a NTSC, I have since removed this module and tried to fit a Philips FI1216, which is a PAL B/G version 3 in 1 Tuner module. I know the module is fine, but the problem I have of course is that the I2C buss commands are incorrect, therfore the unit wont tune correctly or in this case at all. I have three options to make this a stand alone device, 1) integrate another tuner section from a SKY UHF box or VCR 2) find a PAL ALPS tuner module 3) modify old ALPS module for PAL (very hard). So as you can see getting the kernal modified maybe the easiest way to cure my problem, plus there are benifits for everyone else following behind me..

08-11-2004, 11:03 AM
Philips FI1216, which is a PAL B/G version 3 in 1 Tuner module.

I am a little lost here.... The Philips F?1216 modules have been used by the Australian crowd for a while now (see these installation instructions (http://minnie.tuhs.org/TiVo/files/hardware/us/tuner/PalTuner.doc)), in fact I think Jaidev has a Philips tuner in his unit. You should be able to run "palmod_config" and select the Philips tuner to resolve your issues. Even the oldest palmod module should support the Philips tuner without issues, but my latest code-base (including source) can be found here (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=2164&postcount=45).

PS: I am happy to make any of the changes that are required to the palmod code as well as cross compile a new binary, I am just not sure that there are any changes required.

10-11-2004, 02:48 PM
in fact I think Jaidev has a Philips tuner in his unit.

Errr sure do although I haven't had time to change that tivo to FTA only... so I haven't tested the palmod to see if all the frequencies are correct. Anyway expect a FTA headend (FTA over the emulator) slice soon :)

10-11-2004, 02:56 PM
Errr sure do although I haven't had time to change that tivo to FTA only... so I haven't tested the palmod to see if all the frequencies are correct. Anyway expect a FTA headend (FTA over the emulator) slice soon :)How about zip 02117 for the FTA? Would maintain consistency.

10-11-2004, 03:18 PM
Thanks Jaidev and Ed just for the promise of FTA on the Emulator. What would we do without you? I will send you some of my children as payment.

10-11-2004, 03:27 PM
How about zip 02117 for the FTA? Would maintain consistency.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sure :) (added the "hmmm's" cause I got this error, The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.)

11-11-2004, 12:53 PM
could have typed out a little ditty jaidev (not to be confused with a little titty) :eek:

11-11-2004, 02:23 PM
could have typed out a little ditty jaidev (not to be confused with a little titty) :eek:What's wrong with a little titty? :D

11-11-2004, 02:52 PM
What's wrong with a little titty? :D
Oh, don't get me wrong. A little titty is absolutely perfect! ;)

17-11-2004, 09:51 PM
Oh, don't get me wrong. A little titty is absolutely perfect! ;)

I assume we are talking about Titty from Swallows and Amazons :rolleyes: says he showing his age......

At the risk of being Bitchslapped can I ask if an NZ bootable CD for FTA setup is on the cards? I only ask as I have spent the last 2 hours attempting to get 3 computers to speak Linux long enough to stick the Oztivo image on my 120GB UK Tivo upgraded hard drive (sigh) must be having a blond day!

21-10-2005, 06:32 PM
Hi, I thought I would post this in the New Zealand forum as this has major benefits for nzTivo users who can hopefully fast-track a new ozTivo image release with these changes (assuming you/they feel this is as beneficial as I do). I have made a request for changes in the ozTivo image which can be viewed at (See update by TivoZA - 21 Oct 2005): http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Install/RequestsForNextImage

These changed would allow for standard installation of the ozTivo image to work for the TivoZA, nzTivo & nlTivo communities without requiring any fixes for clock warping and access the emulator would be as simple as comenting out one line and uncommenting another, thus you wouldn't even require a network connection to set up your TiVo. If you would like to discuss any of these changes I have created a new topic for this purpose: http://tivoza.nanfo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14

My recommendations also include the use of emuProxyZA which allows for DNS emulator addresses, it also has the HTTP1/0 header fix that is current plaguing emuProxy2. I wasn't sure of the correct nzTivo emulator DNS addresses so have left them as IP addresses for now. Feel free to change them if you know the correct address. This should be of big benefit to the nzTivo community as I know that in the past there have been issues regarding change of emulator IP address.

Hope this is good news for the nzTivo community and that we can get a new image with the changes soon as this will greatly help out the TivoZA, nzTivo & nlTivo users.

31-10-2005, 01:07 PM
I followed this excellent guide - thanks Ed - and managed to get my Tivo running happily again but ran into a snag with using the zip code mentioned for Saturn Cable (02115). I never got offered Saturn Cable as a choice - it just said there were no providers for this zip code. I re-did the guided setup and chose Sky instead which seems to work for Saturn as well.

One thing I would like to know is, can you change the IR code in a config file somewhere? I really don't want to go through Guided Setup again just to set the correct IR code for the Saturn General Instruments STB.

Thanks... Rick

Update 25 October 2005
As of this date I no longer run the NZ emulator, it is now hosted by Wibble and DJC. The post below is preserved as instructions are still accurate for setup on the new emulator. However, this post will be deprecated once instructions for the newer oztivo images are posted.
End update

I got the emulator runnning on my website over the weekend, so setup is considerably less painful. Various notes: guide data is coming from jaidev/tim, the only difference is it's coming through the service emulator. The headend slice is courtesy of jaidev (thanks!). AFAIK, if at some point in the future we (the nz types) migrate to another emulator, all one would need to do is edit tclient.conf to point at the new IP, but this is untested (as we've not yet had an emulator, let alone moved house from one to another). Regardless, I expect to leave the emulator functioning indefintely, so even if we find another solution later mine will continue to function (as long as I can still get guide data from jaidev/tim). As usual, use at your own risk, it works fine in my rather large test group of one, YMMV, if it blows up your TiVo, drinks all the beer in your 'fridge, and leaves dirty socks on the table it's not my fault...

Setup instructions as near as I can remember them:

Start off with the oztivo image, get it networked, and edit the file /etc/tclient.conf thus:

# This is for the server emulator on minnie.

Instructions for editing files on the Tivo can be found here (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=259) if needed. You can optionally setup DNS on the tivo and use either "www.pbp.net" or "emulator.caffeine.co.nz" at this stage (so that if the emulator moves IPs in the future you won't need to re-edit this file). This thread discusses the option (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?p=2412#post2412).

Plug your tivo into the tv via the video out jack on the back. Reboot, run guided setup with the following options:

You'll see "TiVo Service Terms"

Press 'select' to go to next screen

"Program Source" Select Cable and press "Select"

"Zip Code" Enter 02113 if on SkyDigital, 02115 if on Saturn Cable

"Time Zone" Doesn't matter.. just select the first one (Eastern) and press Å*Select'

"Daylight Savings" select "no" and press "select" butto

"Area Code" Enter 002 and press 'Select'

"Phone Dialing Options" select 'no : continue' and press 'select'

"Setup Call" Press select to go past this screen

It will take a while to connect and do it's thing.

Let it do its thing (go make a coffee or play quake for a bit) ;)

When finished press 'select'

"Dial In Numbers" choose 'none of the above' and press 'select'

"No local Numbers" choose 'sales and marketing program' and press Å*select'

"Cable box" select yes and press 'select'

"Cable Providers" choose 'Sky Digital Auckland' or 'Saturn' as appropriate and press 'select'

On the screen where it asks about how the box is connected, set to appropriate choice for your environment (either composite a/v in or s-video).

On cable box brand, you can try to see if yours is supported in the existing lists but it probably won't be. If it isn't just select some random one and let it go (I chose Motorola choice 1, 3 digit channel, no enter key, but any will do as you're going to replace it later anyway). I am told Saturn uses General Instruments 10006-fast.

Let it do it's daily call bit for guide data.

You're done with G/Setup, reboot.

Unless you got your cable box working in the step above (i.e. you're on Saturn with the Gen Instruments or you have a Pace decoder on Sky) you'll need to add your cable box IR codes. Presumably there will be an existing tcl script for your box. If not you need to make one, go to the oztivo site for instructions on how to do this (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Howtoir/IRCapturingCodesWithTivo). If there is an existing file, you can skip the first 6 steps of this document and start with 7 to load the codes.

After your reboot you should be up (though as always the machine will need to think for a few hours before it's really ready to run, but live tv and such will work fine).

Drop me a line with any questions or whatever. ed at hintz dot org

Update 18 Apr

An existing machine (installed via the command line/add channels bit) can be converted to the emulator with minimal fuss. Go into messages & setup:system reset, and choose "repeat guided setup". Then follow the instructions as above. I just did this with mine, and all existing recordings, season passes, and all items on the to-do list were preserved. Note of course that you will need to configure the tivo such that it will do guided setup (on the oztivo image this is done from tivoweb under the PAL/NTSC link, if using an older image you may need a different method of changing to NTSC or PAL+GS). The entire process took about an hour and a half.

Additionally, if you run guided setup in NTSC mode, the tivo seems to (reasonably) expect an NTSC signal, so you will need to provide it one in order to finish the setup. I used a Region 1 DVD, but any NTSC source will presumably do.

Update 1 May

IP address changed; webhost moved to new upstream providor.

Update 16 August

Added link for thread documenting how to edit files.

Update 17 August
Note- if converting from loadguide/manual setup to emulator, as per the 18 Apr. update, you also need to edit tclient.conf (otherwise the Tivo will be talking to the Aussie emulator, and it won't work so hot...)

Update 1 October
Added support for Saturn cable, modified instructions to reflect this.

Update 13 November
IP address changed; webhost moved.

Update 16 November
Added option for DNS.

Update 23 January '05
IP address changed; webhost moved.

Update 25 October '05
IP address changed; NZ emulator now provided by Wibble and DJC.

31-10-2005, 08:37 PM
This can happen.. Did you do a clear and delete prgram data and to do list?

If that doesn't work, you may need to do a clear and delete everything (in which case you will lose recordings).

31-10-2005, 08:40 PM
Hey There..

I made a slight edit to your post on that page, and added

02116 Pacific/Auckland

02116 is the zipcode for Saturn Digital.
