View Full Version : Problems Imaging to Hdd

20-02-2006, 10:54 AM
Hi There, I recently purchased a hdr112 Tivo with a turbonet card from the States. To accompany this I bought a 250GB Seagate Hdd locally here in NZ.

Following the guides on the website I have managed to create a boot cd and succesfully run linux. As I follow the guides all seems well, until I put the Hdd into the actual tivo. All I get is the tivo boot screen that I get even without the Hdd in. The hdd is set to master and is actually spinning but will not come up to the guided setup stage. When imaging thge hdd it stated that is was imaged successfully but im not so sure. Is there a way I can test this without using my tivo? I think possibly the hdd may need unlocking or something similar.

After this problem I tried a much smaller 4GB seagate drive and installed the image on to this. When I put this into the tivo I can hear the hdd being accessed and after about 30 seconds the original "please wait" sceen is replaced by a sheer white screen. I have tried 2 image releases and still the same problem.

If anyone could help or give me any advice at all it would be greatly appreciated as It is very frustrating stumbling at the very first hurdle.

Thanks in advance, Matt

Darren King
20-02-2006, 11:01 AM
Hi Matt and welcome.

This sounds very much like your PC is not imaging either hard disk correctly given the large 250GB won't boot at all and the 4GB goes to a white screen. This sometimes happens on *some* PC's and my suggestion would be to try a completely different PC if possible. Another thing to try if you already have not done so is image to HDC, that is make the hard disk Master and put it on the secondary IDE port.

You will not be looking for, or needing to, unlock the hard disk as the TiVo will not lock these type of hard disks. You will know if it is locked or not anyway because your PC BIOS will report it as substantially less than what it really is, generally 9MB or thereabouts.

No you cannot boot a TiVo hard disk in anything other than a TiVo.

20-02-2006, 01:19 PM
Have used yet another different hdd (80GB WD) on a different computer as hdc and still get white screen on boot of tivo. I feel like I have tried everything...
Any other suggestions?

Thanks, Matt

Darren King
20-02-2006, 05:39 PM
No, sorry. If you are using the bootable CD oztivo installers then I've never had a problem and this is installing images on a regular basis week in week out.

I'd offer to install the image and verify it working and return the hard disk to you but postage would be a killer. Anyone in NZ willing to give Matt a hand here?

20-02-2006, 05:43 PM
Ok just tried a different tv and now got the guided tv screen with both the 4GB and 80GB but still not on the 250gb. Will keep trying and let you now how I get on

20-02-2006, 06:43 PM
Ok just tried a different tv and now got the guided tv screen with both the 4GB and 80GB but still not on the 250gb. Will keep trying and let you now how I get on

All very interesting... there was a teletext subtitle issue with the v2.5.5 software that would upset some TV's (mainly Philips)... but that would tend to "crash" them rather than give a whitescreen. I would say that a reimage of the 250GB drive will probably solve the issue - as it should be no different to the image on the other drives.

21-02-2006, 08:20 PM
What part of the country (ie. down to the city/town) do you live in Biltz?

I could give you a hand if it were Wellington.

Which two images have you tried? The OzTiVo Ver3.0 Rel1.5 (2005/11/28) ? Or brand new nzTivo (kiwiTivo??!?) images? Something else even?


22-02-2006, 07:40 AM
I'm in welly too and have also just setup my tivo (so stuffs pretty fresh) with no real probs feel free to msg me if you need help
