View Full Version : tivoweb plus

19-02-2006, 02:13 PM
Anyone had probs getting this going fully?
ie streaming,whats on list etc



19-02-2006, 08:30 PM
got it running but it suxs lol dont like my 801 wireless i think

how do we move "now showing" files on to computer anyone help?

I'm happy to keep plodding along...learning heaps as i go which is always fun

keep smiling

20-02-2006, 07:41 AM
Do a search on tystudio for ripping shows to PC. Also I would personally skip Tivowebplus. I got it mostly going but still can get new guide info and my TiVo crashes twice as often. I can't see a good reason to switch myself.

20-02-2006, 11:33 AM
cheers looking now

20-02-2006, 07:13 PM
how do we move "now showing" files on to computer anyone help?

This process can take a while... firstly the transfer is pretty slow (due to a slow network interface) and the conversion can also take a while. If you are really interested in archiving shows and leave your PC turned on overnight, then you might want to have a look at ETiVo (http://prish.com/etivo/). It is also possible to FTP the raw TY files over to the PC by setting up MFS_FTP (http://www.dealdatabase.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21915) on the TiVo... you can then attempt to play these TY files via a modified mplayer (http://tivo-mplayer.sourceforge.net/) or a codec (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tyshow) to WMPlayer. Remember though that these TY files will be large, so if you have a few shows you wish to keep, then archiving via ETiVo is a better idea.

I did bundle up a TWP package for someone a while back which is located here (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/pub/Uploads/WebHome/tivowebplus-1.2.2-oztivo.tgz). It should work fine, although I do not use an emulator so am unsure about forcing a daily call using it. It is easy enough to have both TW and TWP running on the same TiVo, you just need to change the port in the config file.

21-02-2006, 06:38 AM
It is easy enough to have both TW and TWP running on the same TiVo, you just need to change the port in the config file.

Yeah, that's what I am blaming my more frequent crashes on. Maybe it isn't the fact I am running TW and TWP at the same time. To be honest I don't even use TWP but still have it running along side TW. One day i'll get around to removing it and then I'll find out if the TiVo gets more stable. I would still say if there is no reason to use it I wouldn't bother. I am a great believer in if it ain't broke don't fix it.

21-02-2006, 08:38 PM
Although the TW README alluded to it - somelike about the phone module causing issues with the Ver 3.0 event handler which was less stable than the handler in 2.5.5 ...

...I never really put much effort into getting my unit stable with TW.

Currently, my Philips HDR112 running the OzTivo 1.5 image:

TW on = halts and wierd crashes - particularly during network accesses - end up with programmes half recorded before a screen freeze (needing a power reset).

TW off = stable TiVo and household tranquility.

I haven't tried TWP and I'm not even tempted to until Mr Development TiVo machine arrives from the 'states.

22-02-2006, 05:01 AM
I haven't tried TWP and I'm not even tempted to until Mr Development TiVo machine arrives from the 'states.

When it does I would very much suggest loading up TWP (there is a bundle here (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/pub/Uploads/WebHome/tivowebplus-1.2.2-oztivo.tgz)). If you do not need the phone module then I would remove it (although I happen to feel it is very safe to leave it there - just don't use it). TWP has some added features that I use quite a bit... things like being able to easily create Wishlists from the "search" module (so much easier than using the remote!).

22-02-2006, 06:21 AM
I used tivoweb and have moved. I regularly experienced the event bug, about weekly.

I recently moved to tivowebplus, and so far have not seen the event bug and its a few weeks now. (I put it into the NZ image, but not as the default)

I have been using the phone module alot for emulator testing, something I would never do before. And the remote has been getting a hammering looking through the new guides.

Of course, this could all be a coindicence ... but it is interesting.

If things remain good, I will go back to tivoweb and verify that the bug becomes more frequent ... or not.

22-02-2006, 07:32 AM
this is a good module to add called mfs_export lets you export now showing files to a folder of your choose on tivo then you can just ftp it off


22-02-2006, 09:25 AM
I have been using the phone module alot for emulator testing, something I would never do before.

Want to know a secret :)

The phone module in v1.2.1 and above of TivoWebPlus do not register with the event handler... this is likely to drastically reduce the hang situation. If you have a look at line 93 (or search for "even register") then you will notice that while it does connect to the event handler, it does not register with it - the line will be commented out (using a #).

Still... if some people want to stick with TivoWeb v1.9.4 they are more than welcome :)

22-02-2006, 06:20 PM
Groovy - thanks Thomson, DJC - that inspires heaps of confidence. :cool:

I just ran up TW to quickly undelete an episode the missus *needed*, and shut it down again.

When the new machine arrives, I'm keen to try out the NZ image and I'll definately run TWP. It's kind of cool loading up the page on my BlackBerry to check up on things and schedule a new show that a workmate just told me about. I've just got to get my SSL VPN running on my Cisco to wrap a bit of security around it.

Did you scribble up a new PNG splashscreen for the nzTiVo image, DJC?

26-02-2006, 02:21 PM
I would very much suggest loading up TWP (there is a bundle here (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/pub/Uploads/WebHome/tivowebplus-1.2.2-oztivo.tgz)).
If anyone is a heavy user of wishlists then they may also be interested in a port of denali's blocklists module (http://archive.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=153834). I have attached a version compatible with TWPv1.2.2.

10-04-2006, 09:23 AM
I was playing around with TWP yesterday and decided that it didn't really provide that much more, so I reverted back to TW but I seem to have stuffed up some things (don't know how :( )
Anway, when I go to the "info" screen I get the following before some other data. Does anyone know what it means?

action_info '/' ''
can't read "::defrecquality": no such variable
while executing
"if {($::dtivo || $::defrecquality == $recquality) && (!$::version3 || $rectype != 8)} {
store_space space time count list 103 $streamsize $recdu..."
("uplevel" body line 23)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type "/Recording/DiskUsed/10" "" 15 {
set rec [db $db openid $fsid]
scan $name "%d:%d" fsid streamsize
set s..."
(procedure "::action_info" line 135)
invoked from within
"::action_$action $chan $part $env"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval {::action_$action $chan $part $env}"

10-04-2006, 07:30 PM
In general with TiVoweb, the info screen can take a while to come good on fresh installs.

How did you install and remove TWP. Did you leave TW in place and install TWP into a different directory.


10-04-2006, 09:42 PM
I used the "Upgrade To TivoWeb Plus" doc. on OzTivo. I blindly followed what it said and setup another directory and copied over some of the TivoWeb files into TivoWebPlus and did one or two other things it said.

When I first ran TivoWebPlus it didn't seem that much better to me and didn't seem to fully functioning as I wanted to setup logos and it wouldn't do it, so all I did was change its port to 8080 and went back into rc.sysinit.author and commented out TivoWebPlus and removed them from TivoWeb to allow it to run. I didn't remove TivoWebPlus. I think I must have done something else as I am getting these errors. Also, they are not consistant. If I click on "info" I got the message I posted before but now I get another saying things like

"can't read "presentationbehtypes": no such variable
while executing"

11-04-2006, 12:16 PM
Just wondering if it is possible to simply ftp all the tivoweb files into the tivoweb directory to clean out something that might be wrong with them or whether something else is amiss? Not sure if this solution makes sense as I don't know where to get the files or whether there is something else awry.

Actually, to give some background to my issue, I was uploading logos in TivoWeb when it just froze on me (using Firefox). Any attempts post this the connection would just hang. So, using my basic logic I thought that if something was wrong with TivoWeb, why not install Tivowebplus and not worry about it. Well, Tivoweb plus also had error messages, so I was back at step one.

Looking at the instructions for the upgrade, I don't think I actually touched any TivoWeb files other than copy some for the creation of TivoWebPlus, so I am not sure what the issue is. :confused:

note: at one point while I had a telnet connection to the tivo where I was chmod the new directory files in TivoWebPlus I was called away from my PC. When I got back my 3.5 old son had hit a few keys but I am not sure what he did as the telnet didn't show anything crazy.

11-04-2006, 01:28 PM
It's been more than a year since I last tried TWP, and from memory it was just a matter of re-enabling TW in rc.sysinit.author and disabling TWP. I don't believe any TW files were changed at that time.


11-04-2006, 06:14 PM
I have a hunch as to what I might have done. In the upgrade to TivoWebPlus I edited a ui.itcl file that i put into the modules folder in TivoWebPlus. There is the possibility that put the incorrect one into TivoWeb by mistake. Where could I find a copy of the file that would work with an OzTivo image to test my theory?

Also, another thought - do I have to restart TivoWeb separately to just rebooting my tivo? I saw another thread on this issue and someone mentioned that you also need to restart TivoWeb and not just reboot.

Also, when I go to the files section of minnie.tuhs.org to possibly find the file I cannot see any of the files - am I missing something? Previously I just went to the files section and they were all there.

11-04-2006, 06:26 PM
I have a hunch as to what I might have done. In the upgrade to TivoWebPlus I edited a ui.itcl file that i put into the modules folder in TivoWebPlus. There is the possibility that put the incorrect one into TivoWeb by mistake. Where could I find a copy of the file that would work with an OzTivo image to test my theory?

I have attached a copy for you.

Also, another thought - do I have to restart TivoWeb separately to just rebooting my tivo? I saw another thread on this issue and someone mentioned that you also need to restart TivoWeb and not just reboot.

Reboot is fine, as is a full reload.

Also, when I go to the files section of minnie.tuhs.org to possibly find the file I cannot see any of the files - am I missing something? Previously I just went to the files section and they were all there.

It's a leftover problem from the spambot attacks. It's on the todo list.


11-04-2006, 08:32 PM
Thanks alot!!:D :D
fixed it - problem solved.