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View Full Version : Running out of data port 8000

16-02-2006, 10:29 AM
If you are running out of community guide data on the port 8000 emulator :eek: see the following thread


All port 8000 emulator users will need to move to port 80.

Unfortunately the slice codes have changed on the new emulating system and the result is that new data will be overlooked by any tivos setup from the legacy headends.

All new setups should be against port 8000, legacy setups will continue to work on port 80.


16-02-2006, 11:49 AM
Sorry to be dense (I was born that way!)

.. but I've read the post you mentioned, and I'm a little confused. You said:

Basically we are asking users to migrate to port 80 to allow port 8000 to become the emulator for new installs from this point forward.

But what constitutes a "new install"? Is that anything from the yet-to-come NZ images? I've just recently (re)-installed from the latest OzTivo image, and I'm using port 80. That's correct right? Or should I be on 8000?



16-02-2006, 11:55 AM
Can we stay on 8000 and just re-run GS?

16-02-2006, 12:29 PM
We are encouraging you to hang out and GS on port 80 until we deploy the new headends.

Currently port 8000 is running the old headends (so you're ok either way at present). We will change it over to the new headends on the 1st of March.

At that point tivos with the legacy configuration will get 'failed to prepare data' messages. So this is why we are encouraging users to convert to port 80 now - before the changes are made.

I've dropped a message onto tivos on port 8000 giving the date.

After the change ... we would like new installations (or re-installations) to GS off 8000 to use the new setup which will become the standard from here on.


Sorry to be dense (I was born that way!)

.. but I've read the post you mentioned, and I'm a little confused. You said:

Basically we are asking users to migrate to port 80 to allow port 8000 to become the emulator for new installs from this point forward.

But what constitutes a "new install"? Is that anything from the yet-to-come NZ images? I've just recently (re)-installed from the latest OzTivo image, and I'm using port 80. That's correct right? Or should I be on 8000?



16-02-2006, 12:41 PM
Can we stay on 8000 and just re-run GS?

You can try. Up to you. Post your results.

From the testing we have done so far, in order to move to the new headends you need to be prepared to do a clear and delete everything and then run GS. The new headends will not go in over the top of a previously configured unit.

The other issue is that the community guide data slice namings are changing to support the satellite and FTA location slices, therefore tivos configured with the legacy headends won't see them. This will cause tivos configured on the old headends to appear to run out of data (we are pretty sure of this).

We are keeping port 80 fed with the legacy community guide slices, so your best bet is to stay there in the sort term. When you are ready to cut across (up for a clear and delete) you can.

The ONLY difference between port 80 and 8000 is the logo slice. You will not loose the logos going to port 80 so there is little change in terms of functionality.

The new emulator setup has a fully indexed logo slice among other extras and I'll be working with its logo setup from here on.

19-02-2006, 08:37 AM
TiVo Newbie here -

To best respond to these changes should we:

a) TELNET into the TiVo and change the Emulator IP address to: 127::
(from .....133:8000)


b) Reload the latest NZ image (checking the image has the new Emulator port IP address) and run Guided Setup.

If it was just an Emulator IP/Port address change then I'm sure the answer is a), however the headend changes have me a little confused, which brings me to b)!

19-02-2006, 09:23 AM
The answer is (a) change from port 8000 to 80.

Should be a 2 minute job with no visible service impact.

[headends are not changing on port 80 ~ we are updating port 8000]

19-02-2006, 03:04 PM
....I am currently running on 8000. If I choose not to change this, can I simply re-run GS once the emulator has been changed on the 1st March?

19-02-2006, 03:07 PM

But as the title of the thread says, you will start to run low on data near the end of the month.

And secondly, you can't just do a GS without clearing and deleting all your recordings to get onto the new setup.

Up to you really. My advice is to go 80.

19-02-2006, 03:09 PM

But as the title of the thread says, you will start to run low on data near the end of the month.

And secondly, you can't just do a GS without clearing and deleting all your recordings to get onto the new setup.

Up to you really. My advice is to go 80.

Ah yes, good point. Changing now!

19-02-2006, 03:30 PM
Anyone else having trouble re-running GS on port 80?

Mine connects etcx, then asks how I want to connect to the number... Shows up New Zealand. If you select this, there are selectable blank lines and a


If you select anything the tivo reboots.

19-02-2006, 03:34 PM
You shouldn't need to re-GS against port 80, if you are changing from 8000, just change the port in tclient...

19-02-2006, 03:35 PM
hopefully I can just get out of GS

*fires up tivoweb*

19-02-2006, 03:46 PM
Hrm.. gone totally foobar now. :(
Doing a clear and delete everything (Season Passes have been backed up).

20-02-2006, 08:37 PM
You could select No dial in numbers, then choose the marketing program, 1800 number i think it goes..

21-02-2006, 12:23 PM
Yep I got it all sorted.
Doing the testing for new Saturn Digital and Saturn Analogue lineups.
Looking good!

21-02-2006, 06:00 PM
I have switched to port 80 as requested (having received a "service unavailable" response on port 8000 last week), but still get "service unavailable". We last had a similar issue in October when our ISP introduced a proxy server on port 80, but we were able able switch to port 8000 successfully.

I suspect that the problem is again that the proxy server is getting in the way somehow. However, Firefox can look at on both port 80 and 8000, so there is something about the Tivo request getting through.

Can anyone help?


21-02-2006, 10:32 PM
Can anyone help?

Colin: Can you re-test and post results here thanks.


22-02-2006, 08:26 AM
i did a clear out yesturday and a gs from 8000 worked fine then switched to 80 when finished all looking good



23-02-2006, 07:29 AM
I did the edit of the config file yesterday just changing the 8000 to 80. Data download happened as normal following that and all is OK...

Just FYI

02-03-2006, 08:43 PM
Well guys, I'm confused. I have a Series 1 Tivo OS 3.0-01-1.000 and had a message to change to port 80 on the emulator (127:: as of 1 March 2006.

Clearly port 8000 no longer works for me because I get the message "Failed while preparing data". I edited tclient.conf to change port 8000 to port 80 and now it just plain fails. Do I need to GS again as well as editing tclient.conf or is something else broken? :(

02-03-2006, 09:51 PM
Yes, as warned weeks ago port 8000 will no longer service legacy setups. The exactly message you are getting is what testing predicted.

There are those in this thread who have had no issues changing to port 80 (before March 1). There are alot of tivos running on it.

Anyway, this is beacause the headends were the same, so effectively changing to port 80 is just getting data from another location. In this case there is no need to make any other changes other than the port. There is no need to GS.

However, if you have left your machine on port 8000 and tried to update against it, it is possible that some of the new stuff was loaded into your tivo before the failure preparing data occured.

If that is the case... well, it may be a start again situation.

I'd advise to check your tclient line syntax closely, check your ':' count and so on. Take a look at tcliient log to see if it is connecting. If you are not running emuProxy (which it appears you are not) and your isp does proxy port 80, then I'd suggest you install emuProxy, the emulator on 80 is setup for it. This could also be your problem since you wont have experienced issues using port 8000.

Otherwise... its a start over. Good luck.

03-03-2006, 07:07 AM
Hi DJC, just out of interest can you explain why we need to do a 'Clear All'. Why cant we just re-run GS?


03-03-2006, 08:24 AM
See post http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?p=6517#post6096 above.

Basically as stated the new headends are quite different and there are alot more slices involved. The tivos I tested failed to take a GS once configured with of the legacy emulator.

However, that's not definitive in your case, just advice.

If you want to try it, knock yourself out :D. Post your results for the community.

07-03-2006, 08:50 AM

Having previously been on port 8000, I switched to 80 as suggested, but no luck there as my ISP has a proxy server on port 80. As suggested by you above, I have tried installing emuProxy3 (using the instructions on the BypassTransparentProxyServer OzTivo wiki) and running it with this command:

emuProxy3 -s -p 80

but all I get is:

Could not connect to server: No route to host

Is the OzTivo version of emuProxy3 the correct one to use? Any other suggestions?



07-03-2006, 09:10 AM
According to what I can tell you shoulkd have switched to port 8000 not port 80.

See this thread:


"ALL new installations should be run against the port 8000 emulator. "

07-03-2006, 03:17 PM
According to what I can tell you shoulkd have switched to port 8000 not port 80....

"ALL new installations should be run against the port 8000 emulator. "

I'm not trying to do a new installation. I'm just trying to switch an existing setup from port 8000 (which used to work, but will now only work with a new installation as you say) to port 80 (which also used to work, but now my ISP has a proxy server on port 80)

I understand that emuProxy is meant to deal with this problem, but I can't seem to get it going. Can anyone help?


07-03-2006, 04:40 PM
Hmmm. No route to host sounds more like tcpip setup than a proxy issue?

The emulator hack side is done. I can see others on it who are using the emuproxy setup. PM me your tivo id, and I'll look at the emulator logs.


* tclient 127 line is 8000?

* then try emproxyZA

and lets enable -d and/or -d2 options to get some debugging output.

07-03-2006, 06:44 PM

Tivo ID sent by PM and I have confirmed that the tclient line is 127::

Debug output is as follows:

[TiVo [p2] ~]# emuProxy3 -d -s -p 80
Accepted connection
Could not connect to server: No route to host

Would switching to emuProxyZA help?



07-03-2006, 09:00 PM
Could you also try the following:

traceroute -n
If traceroute is on your tivo it'll show if you tivo can get out.


If this work and you get a index.htm file (which you can delete)
then your networking is working.

Which should bypass your ISP's proxy.

08-03-2006, 07:37 PM
Further to my earlier post, I have tried a GS against port 8000 on the emulator and it downloads fine but gets to 11% importing data and then fails.

This is pretty much the same situation as I had trying a daily call prior to running GS. Anyone out there had similar problems? Found a fix?

One knackered Tivo at present...

Just re-tried GS against port 80 to see what happens and now it fails to connect at all - Where to from here?

As a matter of interest, how does one tell whether they have a legacy setup or not? Does this refer to the hardware, the OS loaded or a combination of both?

08-03-2006, 07:45 PM
Huh? I doubt there is a fix. Unless you have done a clear and delete eveything you will not be able to GS against 8000 with a legacy configuered tivo.

You need to move to port 80, if that still fails you'll need to clear out the previous headend data.

08-03-2006, 08:00 PM
Following discussion with our ISP, they have placed proxy bypass for the emulator IP, and at the same time we have made some adjustments to our network. I'm not sure which of these (perhaps both) fixed the problem, but I can now get data on port 80 without requiring emuProxy (i.e. the call "succeeded").

Unfortunately things are still not 100%. Although under "Watch Live TV" accurate program detail is now displayed, nothing is to be found when searching for programmes. A reboot has not made any difference. Any further thoughts?


08-03-2006, 08:03 PM
Sounds like your tivo needs to complete indexing.

It probably downloaded alot of data slices and will take some hours to sort itself out.

Do the usual 'touch /var/timestamp' then '/hack/bin/force_index.tcl'

and wait until morning...

08-03-2006, 08:46 PM
I am clearing out everything and will try try GS again tomorrow - wife pissed off :o

I'll post a result once I've had another crack at it...

09-03-2006, 04:47 PM
OK - looks like I might have a functioning Tivo again after clearing everything and running GS against port 8000 once more. :)

Question is - do I now need to to talk to the emulator on port 8000 or do I need to switch to port 80?


09-03-2006, 05:25 PM
Clearly stated in earlier posts. 80 and 8000 are incompatible. 80 is for legacy setups. 8000 is for new setups. You should stay on 8000.

09-03-2006, 07:37 PM
Sounds like your tivo needs to complete indexing.

It probably downloaded alot of data slices and will take some hours to sort itself out.

Do the usual 'touch /var/timestamp' then '/hack/bin/force_index.tcl'

and wait until morning...

Yes, it did download a huge amount of data when we finally got connected. The usual 3 - 4 hours was not enough, so I did have to wait until morning! All is well now, so thanks DJC and Wimble for all your help.
