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View Full Version : watchout Newbie alert!!!

13-02-2006, 11:25 AM
Hi guy,
just brought a phillips tivo off trademe and reading up on what to do....its very confussing lol
So thought I would introduce myself and apoligize for all the stuiped questions which no doult are about to come.
Its a series 1 30 gig which i should get latter this week and has networkcard.but no remote (is that a prob?)
Also whats the img file I download from oztivo? there is so many to choose from started with this one "oztivo_hdrx12_3.0-20050524.mfs" about 62meg is this right one?
thanks guys sorry but lots more questions to come but judging from what i have seen of the tivo setup it'll be worth it


Darren King
13-02-2006, 12:42 PM
Hello and welcome.

So thought I would introduce myself and apoligize for all the stuiped questions which no doult are about to come.
We all had to start off the same. Most of what you need to know is on the oztivo website, as it sounds like you have already visited.

Its a series 1 30 gig which i should get latter this week
That will give you 10-15 hours recording. Not much, but it is a start

and has networkcard
Good. They are essential for an easy connection to get you going doing the Guided Setup and getting daily Guide Data

but no remote (is that a prob?)
Yes it is a problem. You will need one to do the Guided Setup and most of the navigation as you will notice the distinct lack of any buttons on the TiVo itself. You can get them on USA eBay or I sell them and my website is in my signature (below).

Also whats the img file I download from oztivo? there is so many to choose from started with this one "oztivo_hdrx12_3.0-20050524.mfs" about 62meg is this right one?

There's only one you really need, and it explains this on this page:


That page takes you to the latest ISO images ready to burn and run in your PC to image the hard disk. I suggest you read that page, and then this one:


lots more questions to come
Most of them are answered on that OzTiVo Website and it also has a search function, but if you are truly stuck then people are willing to help so long as you have had a go first.


13-02-2006, 12:53 PM
cheers darren
we must think alike found that site and started the d/load
i will order a remote
Not much i can do till it arrives now
should be a good learning curve

wil be intouch

Darren King
13-02-2006, 01:32 PM
No problem.

Actually I just noticed you are in NZ so using the OzTiVo images is fine, but you will have to make a small change to them to reach the NZ emulator for Guide Data and the like.

One of the NZ guys may like to jump in and tell you what the change is, or there may be a NZ image floating around. I'll leave it up to them as I'm more the hardware guy than software :)

13-02-2006, 02:48 PM
Welcome to the community dadnz!

Darren is right. You will need to make a change between imaging the drive with the downloaded ISO file and proceeding with the guided setup.

But firstly, if you haven't already worked it out from the OzTiVo Prepare TiVo Disk page, you probably should download the ozTiVo_installer_HDRX12-20051128.iso file and create a bootable CD from that (as opposed to the 20050524.mfs file quoted below).

Work is under way (on the mainland) to create a NZ specific disk image. Annoucements will be published in this forum when it's completed (right DJC?).

For now, I'd advise looking at:


to get you going when your remote arrives. Although it states that the steps are for the Version 3.0, Release 1.4 image and the image I listed above is the current 1.5 image, the instructions are very good for the NZ newbie!

NB: Where it mentions changing the Aussie emulator settings ("minnie") to the NZ emulator, make sure you use the reference to "orac" rather than the original emulator. I'm pretty sure the original is no longer used (but I haven't been doing this for long myself!) :)

I'm sure you're going to get really hooked when you're finally up and running. You will probably find fairly shortly afterwards, that you really want to buy a much bigger disk. The demands of my household were just too much for a 60GB disk and TiVaddiction had taken too much of a hold on everyone to do nothing about it! :D

Incidentally, the last couple of TiVos to go recently on Trade Me have had remote controls included. If your purchase was some time ago and it wan't included in your listing, Darren's your man!

13-02-2006, 04:26 PM
thanks ave read all you guys have advised and think i have it sussed...now just burned my boot disk off and checked it work.
starting to get a bit excited hehee
I have always been a gaget nut and never been happy with pvr as they stand tivo looks awesome!!!!

thanks again guys

13-02-2006, 04:38 PM
Work is under way (on the mainland) to create a NZ specific disk image. Annoucements will be published in this forum when it's completed (right DJC?).

Yes correct. We will release the images after the new emulator system is up and running.

I'm pretty sure the original is no longer used

Yes, the ed-ulator system is no longer used. All new setups should be done against orac port 8000. (now and shortly for the new emulator setup)

14-02-2006, 11:55 AM
hehe went out and brought a 200gig hd and ordered the remote
have imaged disk drive and its ready to go in
now waiting on mr courier hehe

ps still excited lol


14-02-2006, 12:29 PM
Hi there -

Welcome to another Kiwi TiVo user. I'm a relative newbie too - but I love it! And once you've started using it you can't go back. My wife is so enamoured with it that when the hdd in mine died the other day she offered to cough up half the cost of a new one rather than go Tivo-less until I got around to sorting it!

Good decision to get a bigger hard-drive before you set it up ... as someone said earlier in the thread .. you'll only find you want to do that anyway as soon as you start using it ... and then you'd need to set up everything again.

Once you've set it all up, it works sweet as a nut ... are you using a broadband connection?

Good luck and enjoy! And any questions - just post them in here. I've found the forum users to be incredibly helpful. And I'm happy to help out when (if!) I can too.



14-02-2006, 02:48 PM
yup on broadband and waiting for saturn to upgrade it too 2g instead of my 256k

Question: what ftp program ya all use to transfer files across?



15-02-2006, 07:30 AM
Question: what ftp program ya all use to transfer files across?

It all depends on personal preference. I use Filezilla (https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21558), it's free and works well.

15-02-2006, 12:09 PM
I'm ashamed to admit it :p, but I used Internet Explorer ....

Just type (or whatever the ip address of the Tivo is) in the address bar of IE and you'll get a directory listing which you can navigate through.

Then just copy-paste from Windows Explorer, and "drop" the file in the Directory you wish to FTP to on the Tivo.

Yes I _KNOW_ it's not a real FTP client, but it was there and it was easier that way! ;-)

And my TiVo is firewalled from the outside world, so didn't need to password protect the FTP service. Even so you can use IE .. you just add the username and password to the URL in the address bar .. I think the format is something like ... but by default you won't have password protection on.

Saves downloading and installing an FTP client if you don't otherwise need one!

Cheers - Mark

Darren King
15-02-2006, 12:59 PM
My own personal "soft spot" is for FlashFXP, but only because I have used it for years in both transferring to/from the xbox and my webpages.


16-02-2006, 03:46 PM
cool up and running
time is out but still doing its 4 hour sort thing so waiting on that

still excited hehe


16-02-2006, 03:53 PM

Also because of xbox.

BTW: it's ftp://user:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port

Darren King
16-02-2006, 04:59 PM
cool up and running
time is out but still doing its 4 hour sort thing so waiting on that

It will be. You need to do a few reboots to get out of the startup splash screen that says "Maintenance Mode" to the one that says "Starting Up....." before you lose video jerks and time is correct.

16-02-2006, 06:59 PM
cheers darren yup time good now...added me first hack hehe "yac" I can see my name on the big screen haha


Also because of xbox

yeah forgot about my xbox ftp program havn't used it for so long forgot i had it lol

still smileing


17-02-2006, 01:04 PM

Also because of xbox.

BTW: it's ftp://user:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port

Cheers! Wasn't sure of the exact syntax.
