View Full Version : Help with tivo 2 TCD540040

11-02-2006, 02:48 PM
I just got a tivo2 and I would like to use it as a hard drive recorder without any subscription.
I could use it to set the time and date for the recording until today and now after 1 week I can't do that again. After pushing the 'date and time recording' it's asking to subscribe.
The signal I use to input in the tivo is from a international sat receiver and I don't want to use any tvguide feature from tivo.
Is there any way that it can bypass the subscription?

Darren King
11-02-2006, 05:28 PM
TiVo Series 2 is not really supported outside the USA without a valid subscription, however yes you can use them if you are prepared to do quite a bit of software tinkering and you can get started here:


12-02-2006, 02:06 AM
Are you saying that s2 TDC5 is unhackable?This is what the link said.

12-02-2006, 05:42 AM
Are you saying that s2 TDC5 is unhackable?This is what the link said.
ThanksIt is possible to hack a TCD540 but only up to a point.

In order to run any hacks on a Series 2 TCD540 unit you will need a hacked prom chip. This isn't as easy as it sounds, it requires removing the chip and running a firmware update on it (assuming you have the right equipment). There are pre-hacked prom chips for sale (http://www.dealdatabase.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43911) (roughly $30), this does still require that you remove the existing chip and solder the new one on. So not an easy task, maybe a service Darren could offer?

A hacked prom chip will allow you to run unsigned apps/hacks on the TCD540 but you will still be unable to make full use of the available guide data. The problem is that TiVo software 5 and up requires downloading encryption keys once a month, without these keys the unit will not allow you to make recordings or list guide data. (Before you ask, no it's not possible to run software version 4.01 on a TCD540)

One option to get your unit up and running without hacking the prom chip is to route the guide data call via a proxy running on your PC, the proxy would then route the calls to the emulator you wish to connect to. This would still require that you download the encryption keys once a month.

A theoretical solution: Since you are not wanting to make use of the actual guide data, you could run an NTP (time) server on your PC and get your TiVo to update its time against that. This would allow you to send a fake date to the TiVo letting it think the time is not passing and hence it will not require you to download the encryption keys. This would not allow you to make use of the guide data as your unit would not have the correct time & date but it may allow you to at least get your unit to do manual recordings.

A further hypothesis: If the above method does work and your TiVo thinks time does not pass and it doesn't request encryption key updates, you could take things a bit further. To do this, I propose that you get your TiVo to request its time against the server which has the stagnant date & time, when it is in this state you then request new guide data. Once the guide data has been downloaded you would then perform a manual setdatetime and then force the guide data to be indexed. This method is just a thought and it may still request the encryption key updates, if you were to try it you would require a hacked prom chip to perform the manual setdatetime and force indexing.

Darren King
12-02-2006, 09:16 AM
Thanks TiVoZA that explains it very well. This is the problem a LOT of people are going to face if and when we finally work out how to get Series 2 fully operational in PAL because there is what I term the "old" and "new" versions of Series 2. The "new" type (also sometimes termed Series 2.5) is a real pain in the bum to run anywhere but in the USA on a valid subscription for reasons you point out. It's going to cause a lot of confusion because 99.9% of people think that all Series 2 SA units are the same, but unfortunately unlike the Series 1 SA they are far from all being the same.

Whilst it is possible to remove the chip and replace it (and yes I have the tools to do it) I know very little about the newer Series 2's so even though I can remove the chip and stick on the new one I can't do anything more than switch the unit on and say "yep... it boots". In the end it won't boot if I don't solder the chip on properly so if it boots then my work is done. If this is enough to make Joe happy to work out the rest software wise then I'll try and give it a go if he wishes to contact me and we can work out a strategy to get the hardware work done.

18-02-2006, 02:44 AM
Thanks guys...I'll sell the unit and I'll look for a philips 212...can I use the philips 212 for manual recording?..I heard that 212 can do it w/o sub...Thx

18-02-2006, 03:12 AM
Thanks guys...I'll sell the unit and I'll look for a philips 212...can I use the philips 212 for manual recording?..I heard that 212 can do it w/o sub...ThxThe ability to record without a subscription is not specific to a TiVo model but rather the software that the TiVo is running.

The only TiVo's that support manual recording without a subscription are series 1 TiVo's running software version 1.3 or lower. All series 1 TiVo's if connected to the TiVo mothership anytime in the last couple of years will be running software version 3.x (you may be able to find a TiVo image for version 1.3 but they are scarce).

You are however, able to do manual recording with any series 1 run unit so long as you connect it to the OzTiVo emulator just once to set it up. This will download the NoNag channel and once set up you will not be required to connect the unit again. Alternatively you can run the fixup script (search DealDatabase) and this will also allow you to do manual recording, this may be a bit more complex to set up though.

Darren King
18-02-2006, 07:07 AM
Thanks guys...I'll sell the unit and I'll look for a philips 212...
Hi Joe

I should be able to help you out in getting you where you want to be with all of that with something suitable. If you are interested, before you do anything else please contact me.

Darren King
02-03-2006, 08:20 PM
Hey Joe.

I see your last login was on the 25th but you never contacted me. Hope you sorted out your problem or got a 212. Pity really as I was going to swap you the S2.5 for what you really needed for no cost as the S2.5 would be better in my hands as a hardware person than you trying to get it going and I happened to have a spare Series 1 going begging.

Still, nevermind. If you have chosen to do something different then good luck all the same.


03-03-2006, 01:33 AM

Joe's IP was from the US so don't feel to bad, possibly your offer was not practical for him.


Darren King
03-03-2006, 06:48 AM
Ah, thanks Peter. I keep forgetting that these days we are attracting a worldwide audience.... which if course is a good thing - except when people don't fill in their "location" details :D