View Full Version : TIVO newbie question about Networking

11-10-2005, 01:54 PM
Just joined the TIVO set.

I am using a Phillips HDR212 with Turbonet card.

I have loaded "ozTiVo_installer_HDRX12-20050524.iso" onto a hard
drive, I have configured the Turbonet ip address for
with a gateway being my SMS (esmith) linux box.

I install this into my HDR212 and I can't get past the first call results in "service unavailable" message, have replaced the Linux SMS box with a Netgear WGR614 V6 router again configured for gateway of and get the same result. Also note I tried with HRD212 set to DHCP without success.

I can view my TIVO as and can also ping it OK.
The led on the Turbonet card constantly.

Last night I tried an experiment of re-imaging the disk and left the turbo card set to DHCP and connected straight into my Optus cable modem, and everything connected and loaded fine, the Turbonet card led was blinking I guess 50% on and off.

Unfortunately this is not a practical way of having it operate, anyway my main drawing point to TIVO was the possibility of being able access it from it work via the internet and program it for a show I want to watch.

As far as my WGR614 i have the HDR212 IP as the DMZ and I can't see anything to restrict to accessing the internet. I have read the network How To and FAQ and have not worked out what I am doing wrong.

Any help would be appreciate, especially links to things I could try.
My opinion is that my hardware is OK,I have a configuration problem.

The Configuratuion I hope to achieve

Internet--Cable Modem---Linux Box----hub---TIVO

I have been succesfull with
Internet--Cable Modem---TIVO

11-10-2005, 03:25 PM
have you gone through the configuration and diagnostics section of NetworkingHowto (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto).

Which bits work and which bits don't.

Then we can isloate where the problem lies.


12-10-2005, 02:00 PM
have you gone through the configuration and diagnostics section of NetworkingHowto (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto).

Which bits work and which bits don't.

Then we can isloate where the problem lies.


I tried again later in the day, and it worked fine via the Netgear WGR614 gateway, no success via my linux box gateway/server. Will investigate the linux gateway thing at a later stage, might take a bit of time.
