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View Full Version : Not connecting to emulator

25-04-2004, 08:39 AM

I ran guided setup without any issues but no guide data is available. When I go to make a daily call in the menu it tries to dial but then I receive a connection failure message. Can anyone help?


25-04-2004, 08:47 AM

I ran guided setup without any issues but no guide data is available. When I go to make a daily call in the menu it tries to dial but then I receive a connection failure message. Can anyone help?


Hiya.. you need to provide some basic info :)

Are you in NZ?
What model TiVo do you have?
And what version of the Emulator do you have?

28-04-2004, 11:25 AM
hmm actually I just set up a Tivo with the emulator the other day and experienced this problem. I then tried the next morning and it connected fine. I can only assume it was a temporary problem. Ed can probably confirm if the emulator is working for sure 24/7.

cheers ears

29-04-2004, 08:29 AM
hmm actually I just set up a Tivo with the emulator the other day and experienced this problem. I then tried the next morning and it connected fine. I can only assume it was a temporary problem. Ed can probably confirm if the emulator is working for sure 24/7.Should be 24/7. But I will admit the webhosting outfit isn't as reliable as I'd like, once in a while they die for a bit. But since it's run by an old friend, who gives me root and lots of leeway on an el cheapo account I can't complain much. When I was in the states and running my own boxes on my DSL line I had much higher reliability than he does(on a T1 too, one would think you'd get better uptime out of a T1). If Telecom weren't such theiving bastards I'd do it here, but I couldn't afford getting /.'ed.

29-04-2004, 08:55 AM
Ed, have been quite impressed with setting up the emulator. I was thinking of splitting my howto into two sections, one for emulator setup and the other for the manual setup. Do you mind if I do that?

I know you and me both aren't keen on supporting a community of non-hobyist users. ie users that don't want to take the time to learn a little about tivo, expect miracles, and complain like you owe them something.

but, neither do we want to make people jump thru hoops. I'm happy with the manual setup except for the updating/adding/deleting of channels which is a pain in the *** hence I think we should encourage use of the emulator as this is the desired medium range goal.

Note to all about my webpages, these are not permanent. I offer them only because no one else did prior. If anyone wants to set up a NZ Tivo website, by all means... you are more than welcome to take my pages as a starting point. :)

29-04-2004, 10:48 AM
Yeah, sure, go for it. Big kudos go to Jaidev though, he did the hardest work getting the headend slice going. Being able to use his slice probably saved me a week or two of fiddling. All I really did was take all the pieces and put 'em together on a site with a routable IP, and hack loadguide to download new slices, name them properly, and dump them in the correct directory for the emulator to find 'em. Though I do agree with you that it beats the hell out of the manual setup, esp. when deleting channels. Being able to just load up a new headend is huge. And anyway, unless you have a Pace decoder you still have to get your hands dirty at the command line to add the IR codes(and unless we create an image folks still have to add the IP addr). I've thought about playing with creating an IR slice, but it's not real high on the priority list.

29-04-2004, 11:07 AM
and setting up the timezone for NZ, adjusting endpad, palmod AV values, etc if required...

> and unless we create an image folks still have to add the IP addr

Not keen on the image idea, it'd be better to get support for it added to oztivo's image eh.

> I've thought about playing with creating an IR slice, but it's not real high on the priority list.

heh i'm still hoping someone is gonna make a channel logo slice as I really can't be assed. need more division of labour damnit, hehe.

29-04-2004, 11:57 AM
True dat. I suppose what I like most about the emulator is just that it functions more like it's supposed to; daily calls happen as expected, modems work if desired, etc. But I do agree that it's not a bad idea to have a certain level of tweakage required, 'cause we don't want a typical end user base. Folks need to understand that this isn't your off the shelf consumer device (well, here anyway), and having that level of tweakage required to get it up illustrates the point very nicely.

As for logo slice, eh, cosmetic. That's way down on my list... Honestly, when I had a fully supported DTivo, I always thought the logos were somewhat silly eye candy. But if somebody wants to make one I'd be happy to add it to the emulator. Just not bloody likely that I'll make it. :D

29-04-2004, 01:18 PM
I'm still keen to do the logos.. I just gotta get off (or on rather) my *** and work it out. I managed to get a logo to display but the colours were farked up. Still have to work out how the transparency thing works on the files.

I was using Photoshop and then re-saving in ifranview (as photoshop doesn't seem to support the logo format). Wonder if theres some other paint program that better supports it.

29-04-2004, 01:24 PM
Cool. Like I said, if you get something going I'll happily add to the emulator (assuming of course you want that to happen).

29-04-2004, 05:01 PM

I am located within NZ using a Philips HDR212 TiVo. I tried reimaging the tivo hdd and now it reports connection failure during guided setup :(

I have double checked all the settings files for typos...it is very strange that it is not working now.

- Sam

29-04-2004, 05:10 PM
Might be that there was no guide data. I just uploaded the new slice about 30 seconds ago. The website is up and functioning at the moment.

29-04-2004, 06:38 PM
I'm also getting a connection failure. (Just got a 160 GB disk because the old 15GB just wasn't cutting it ;-) This all worked beautifully a week or two back when I tried it the first time, so I think I'm doing things correctly.

Visiting that IP, port 80, just gives the home page of a US hosting company. Is that what's expected? Ed, is it possible you're connecting with a domain name, and they switched the IP address? (Or something?)


30-04-2004, 11:00 AM

for the record.. a.. err..*cough* .. friend of mine..

had a time out connection problem after reimaging - using ihugs ultra service, satelite download, phone line upload.

internal modem dialled perfectly but then hung and stalled and timed out after ~5mins. very repeatable over a couple of days..

eventually remembered that

using ihug ultra requires two different logins.

standard login of un:pw routes downloads via satelite

alternative login of un@ihug.co.nz:pw tells their system to route up& down via telephone only.

made the change and tivo was happy again..

30-04-2004, 11:27 AM
Visiting that IP, port 80, just gives the home page of a US hosting company. Is that what's expected? Ed, is it possible you're connecting with a domain name, and they switched the IP address? (Or something?)Yup, pbp.net is my hosting outfit. If you expand it out you'll see the service emulator's list of variables:

I'm not real sure what the problem is, but I've just made a sucessful daily call and gotten the new slice, so as far as I can tell the emulator is working. Maybe a dig through /var/log/tclient on the tivo will help identify the problem.

30-04-2004, 01:46 PM
Thanks Ed. I can retrieve that file from the tivo with wget, which suggests it must be an, ahem, userland issue. Strangely enough when I look at tclient.conf today I can see my error immediately. Sorry to waste your time!

PEBKAC (problem exists between keyboard and chair.) Sigh ...

30-04-2004, 05:43 PM

I looked in the logs and it seems to be getting "No carrier". I have checked the phone plug used and have confirmed it is working.

- Sam

30-04-2004, 08:03 PM
Sounds like a modem problem. I'd be doing things like using another line to listen to the dial tones (are they the correct number of tones?), checking phone numbers and isp login info, that sort of thing. This thread (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=48) might also be helpful.

30-04-2004, 09:02 PM
After reimaging the hdd several times I found out what the problem was......a faulty phone cable.

30-04-2004, 09:07 PM
*cough* dumbass...

(sorry, could'nt resist)

01-05-2004, 06:12 AM
*cough* dumbass...

(sorry, could'nt resist)It seems appropriate at this point to share my donation to the scientific world:

Ed's Law: People are stupid
Corollary: I am people, therefore sometimes I am stupid


01-05-2004, 10:14 AM
..And from that ever popular movie "I see dumb people!"....

Or was it?


01-05-2004, 11:30 AM
lol.....yes I know, it was such a stupid thing.

01-05-2004, 12:59 PM
Ed, can u switch from using the emulator to get slices to using loadguide instead. Just thinking for worst case scenario..

cheers ears

01-05-2004, 03:28 PM
Ed, can u switch from using the emulator to get slices to using loadguide instead. Just thinking for worst case scenario..

cheers earsSure. I sometimes use loadguide just to test functionality and slice integrity.

BTW, the IP addr is going to change shortly. My host told me the move is happening RealSoonNow. Will advise when this happens. Should be able to just modify the tclient.conf file and go to town.

01-05-2004, 04:04 PM
Great, and where are the settings for when (time/frequency) the tivo contacts the emulator? cron job?, rc.sysinit, or what?

01-05-2004, 04:55 PM
That, I don't know. The Tivo tells you in either the phone setup menu or the tivoweb phone module when it's going to call next (and when it did last), but I've never investigated the method it uses. I do believe it wants to phone home daily, though that's not a scientific observation. Some trolling 'round the tivocan, oztivo, or dealdatabase/tivocommunity lists/boards may reveal a definitive source. I've never paid too much attention, it's just part of the innards tivo inc put into the thing...

01-05-2004, 06:02 PM
IP changed. New is I added this to my tclient.conf file and a test call was golden. Dunno if a reboot is required, as I have to boot into NTSC to get at the phone menu, so by the time I make a test call I've already rebooted...