View Full Version : Guided setup problem

02-10-2005, 09:44 AM
Darren Kindly set up a new channel lineup for my area, so i went to tivoweb /Pal NTSC/ guided setup mode and set that up and rebooted!
Now the first time it worked fine but i couldnt find the new lineup so i thought i'd leave it a couple of days in case it wasn't ready ( I dont understand how its done anyway!)
Now when i try to reboot into guided setup though it doesn't work! eg it just boots normally!!
yes i am setting the switch in Tivo web.

So my question is "What do I do now"
Oh and now that we have changed the clocks down here in Tassie My Tivo doesnt know the new time so how do i change that.
I guess that i will need to get into Guided set up :eek: -- lol



Darren King
02-10-2005, 12:02 PM
Hi Mike

Darren Kindly set up a new channel lineup for my area

Actually not me, but Warren Toomey "set it up" in the emulator. I just submitted a new lineup for your general area thus:

provider: 07310 Burnie-Devonport Analog FTA
version: 1
lineuptype: Antenna
channel: 0 NoNag
# Round Hill Burnie
channel: 10 SC-Tas
channel: 47 WIN-Tas
channel: 55 SBS-Tas
channel: 58 ABC-Tas
channel: 61 SC-Tas
# Kelcey Tier Translator East Devonport
channel: 51 SC-Tas
channel: 54 SBS-Tas
channel: 57 ABC-Tas
channel: 60 WIN-Tas

Now the first time it worked fine but i couldnt find the new lineup so i thought i'd leave it a couple of days in case it wasn't ready ( I dont understand how its done anyway!)

So when you went to pick your lineup, previously you would have only seen a "Hobart" analogue lineup..... do you not now get listed a "Burnie/Devonport" option as well?? I submitted the above to Warren via email and it appeared on the Oztivo server on the 23rd of Sep, so unless Warren didn't do something right it should be in the list for you to pick when you redo GS. You can see for yourself that it is sitting there:


Now when i try to reboot into guided setup though it doesn't work! eg it just boots normally!! yes i am setting the switch in Tivo web.

So you have at least tried and pick the menu option to redo guided setup anyway?? Did it work regardless??

Oh and now that we have changed the clocks down here in Tassie My Tivo doesnt know the new time so how do i change that.

Unless the emulator has not been configured right (again, another job for Warren) then this should happen automatically.

Darren King
02-10-2005, 12:54 PM

Just for fun(?) I imaged up a hard disk and set it up for Tasmania and yes I can confirm that I did get a "Burnie-Devonport Analog FTA, TA" lineup selection which I was able to pick no problems and continued with GS.

I can also confirm that the clock is indeed set correctly for Tasmania's non-conformity to Daylight Savings time :) Time now is 1:53pm and the TiVo is showing 2:53pm.

So all is working fine here :confused:

04-10-2005, 07:21 AM
When i looked yesterday in my Tivo setup it said that it was setting the clock - i checked back about 3 hours later and it was still doing that!
This morning the clock is OK.

I tried to do the guided setup and it didn't work so i again reset the switch in Tivoweb and restarted, 1st time it didn't work 2nd time it did?

so I got into the guided setup again and went thru to the cable lineups and the only one available is "Hobart analog FTA" and "None of the above"
am i doing something stupid? it wouldn't be the first time!


Darren King
04-10-2005, 08:10 AM
hmmm.... ok try this: go into your preference menu and pick "clear and delete everything" (or something like that) and then try redoing a guided setup.

It is possible that the guided setup is not updating via the communication to the server but rather seeing and existing one on the hard disk and picking this and therefore not seeing the new area.

04-10-2005, 11:24 AM
Will this delete all my recordings ?


04-10-2005, 01:54 PM
Yes. :(

04-10-2005, 02:13 PM
If you want to save your recordings, you might want to try downloading the attached delallsources.zip unzip it, ftp it into /var/hack/bin and Make it executable by issuing chmod a+x delallsources.tcl

Then execute it by typing ./delallsources.tcl

This will remove any source previously setup, in case GS wasn't able to.

Then run GS again.


04-10-2005, 08:45 PM
I will try that tomorrow.

Just to add some more mystery.

after a scheduled phone call this afternoon my Tivo clock was set back about 5 hours !

I did a forced phone call - this went ok but my system locked up.
I pulled the plug and rebooted and now it seems ok. I will try running that prog as soon as i get time.

Thank again all


Darren King
04-10-2005, 09:13 PM

Just on a (sort of) related issue: Did you ever diagnose that power problem? Was it soldering on the PSU like we spoke about or something else.... or did it just vanish?

05-10-2005, 07:21 AM
I thought to myself next time that happens i'll have a good look.
Never happened since!! :confused:

05-10-2005, 07:38 AM
Pete I tried using delallsource and then re running GS but i still only get the Hobart Lineup??


05-10-2005, 07:45 AM
Yes after that GS, Tivo's time has been rester to 4.43 pm which is 5 hrs back!!
i will do a forced phone call to see if that puts it right

Mike :confused:

05-10-2005, 07:56 AM
But a reboot did.
So I now have the right time again.

But still cant get the Bernie/devonport lineup?


05-10-2005, 02:02 PM
I haven't got a spare box to try GS again on, but checking the basics you do select:
'Cable' as your source
'07000' as your postcode
'003' as your area code

There is also one possibility that when the new headend was created the headend Version number was not advanced. It would explain why it works for Darren on a fresh install, but not on an existing TiVo.

If your in a hurry, A fresh image and GS will work (as Darren has tried). But if you can wait a little while I'll look into it.


05-10-2005, 04:41 PM
Yes all that is done and correct



06-10-2005, 10:29 AM
There was a mistake in the headend.

If you redo GS again it should come up this time.


06-10-2005, 02:11 PM
Great at Last i've got the lineup :D

oh dear when i go to live TV on any of the cable channels i still get
"The recorder cannot show live tv"


does anyone know what the channel frequencies are being used in this lineup?


06-10-2005, 03:12 PM
Ok this is getting interesting I only wish i had a clue! :confused:

OK the lineup is there but i get as i said before i get blue screen with "The recorder cannot show live tv"
so i try to run Palmod_config which always starts with an error and then doesn't work properly so i remembered how i got round that last time by typing in
insmod -f /lib/modules/palmod.o `cat /etc/palmod.conf`
now i dont have any idea what that means i just got it from the forum. :o

This starts Palmod_config without error and i can now alter the frequencies.
I was told that as i alter the frequency i should see the channel on the telly.
so i tuned to channel 51 on the tivo (got blue screen etc) and then changed the frequency to what my telly seems to like which is 575500--- Telly changes to history channel!! but only after i move off this channel to another cable channel.
Changing to any of the new lineup keeps showing the history channel with no sound!

So after some experimenting it seems that if i change to a satellite channel and then onto any of the new lineup i get the last channel i was watching without the sound.
Even after exiting palmod and closing my telnet session this still happens.

after a reboot it all goes back to showing the blue screen on any of the cable channels.

I tested it again and found that when i run the command
insmod -f /lib/modules/palmod.o `cat /etc/palmod.conf`

the tivo goes back to previous behaviour of staying on satellite channel with no sound. :eek: BUT not on the screen i'm actually watching at the time.
What i mean is that i'm watching say channel 51 with blue screen on it
then run insmod -f /lib/modules/palmod.o `cat /etc/palmod.conf`
nothing changes
turn to any of the other in the new lineup and get the previous satellite channell -
switch back to channel 51 and blue screen is gone but getting same picture with no sound :eek:

I hope you understood all that i've tried to make it as clear as i can but it doesnt look very clear when i read it back!

Thanks again

06-10-2005, 03:39 PM
Ok, I think some of this behavior may be because of a clash between channels.

Try going into massages and setup / my preferences / customise channels.

Scroll down to channel 51. Is there two entries shown ? If there is, disable the paytv one for the time being and try palmod_config again.


Darren King
06-10-2005, 04:48 PM
oh dear when i go to live TV on any of the cable channels i still get
"The recorder cannot show live tv"
does anyone know what the channel frequencies are being used in this lineup?

Yes. They are listed here:


More specifically this:

provider: 07310 Burnie-Devonport Analog FTA
version: 1
lineuptype: Antenna
channel: 0 NoNag
# Round Hill Burnie
channel: 10 SC-Tas
channel: 47 WIN-Tas
channel: 55 SBS-Tas
channel: 58 ABC-Tas
channel: 61 SC-Tas
# Kelcey Tier Translator East Devonport
channel: 51 SC-Tas
channel: 54 SBS-Tas
channel: 57 ABC-Tas
channel: 60 WIN-Tas

So you are not receiving your channels from either location - or you are but they are that bad the TiVo can't lock onto them.

I'm out of ideas then as Kelcey Tier is not that far away from the location you gave me as your residence and I can't offer much more help except maybe if you tell me the rough direction your antenna is pointing. That might give me a clue as to exactly what transmitter your receive your TV from.

06-10-2005, 05:05 PM
I havnt got any double entries for channels ? :confused:


07-10-2005, 10:10 AM
Well i'm not an aerial expert and i'd not thought of checking where it was pointing :o
but if i'm right it seems to be pointing east!!!!!! ??

i'm east of Kelcey tiers so that looks wrong.

just to check i'm right. The main dipole is east west and the shorter elements are on the east end with the longer elements on the west end.

so maybe this is the problem? as you know i'm in a rental while i find a house so i shouldnt alter it i suppose but!


07-10-2005, 12:30 PM
TiVo does require a strong signal to produce any image at all, much more than your average TV or Video.

Unlike most TV's or VCR's if TiVo does not find a strong enough signal, then instead of a fuzzy picture you will receive no picture at all.

Would you call the quality of the picture on your TV when connected directly to the aerial 'Good' ?


07-10-2005, 02:53 PM
Piss Poor is more like it :D

07-10-2005, 03:06 PM
Then you have petty much zero chance of TiVo being happy with it.

If your keen have a play with the aerial, pointing in the right direction would be a good start.

But if you or your landlord don't want to, there is another way.

I'm assuming Darren did the tuner install, often at the same time he also does the '2nd audio input' mod. you could use an old VCR as the tuner and hook it up to the 2nd audio input plus one of the video inputs. This would let you run both Pay and local. It won't improve your picture quality though.


07-10-2005, 05:19 PM
Which i brought back from the UK.
The funny thing is that we lived in a poor reception area there and the picture was so bad i just used satellite but the tivo had no problem with it.


07-10-2005, 05:47 PM
Well, my 2nd suggestion doesn't apply to you then.

I don't have much experience with UK TiVo's, But do have US TiVo's with UK Tuners installed. In certain rooms where the tv picture is very good the TiVo will not accept the signal due to lack of strength (not just quality), the fix for me was to boost the signal with a signal booster before pluging it into the TiVo.

The problem for you lies in the already poor signal/noise ratio you have boosting the signal will also boost the noise.

Don't know how far you are from a DSE store, but they would carry boosters and also offer a 14 day return policy in case it doesn't work.


Darren King
07-10-2005, 07:01 PM
Unlike most TV's or VCR's if TiVo does not find a strong enough signal, then instead of a fuzzy picture you will receive no picture at all.

Not quite right. When doing the research on the MSP3410D stereo chip I had to find the point of attenuation where the sound was lost to prove the stability of the lock on the sound carrier. I can get TiVo's fitted with the ALPS tuners to the point where the picture is barely visible in the snow before the TiVo barfs.

Anyway PAL tuner installs are on the way out. As per the website I have my last batch and once they are gone they are gone. It will be down to repairs and 2nd A/V input installs only.

Darren King
07-10-2005, 07:07 PM
but if i'm right it seems to be pointing east!!!!!! ??

In which case on the map you are trying to shoot for Launceston which is a fair distance and not in the current oztivo lineup so no wonder it is not receiving anything.....

07-10-2005, 10:23 PM
In which case on the map you are trying to shoot for Launceston which is a fair distance and not in the current oztivo lineup so no wonder it is not receiving anything.....

The lineup doesn't really matter for the moment.

First try the correct frequencies for Launceston using any existing FTA channel and see if you get a picture.

TNT11 Commercial 216.24
SBS53 National 702.25
ABNT56 National 723.25
TVT62 Commercial 765.25
TVT63 Commercial 774.5
SBS64 National 781.625
ABNT65 National 788.625
TDT66 Commercial 795.5

FWIW, KELCEY TIER freq's are:

TNT51 Commercial 688.25
SBS54 National 709.25
ABNT57 National 730.25
TVT60 Commercial 751.25
