View Full Version : A tricky one.. i need help please (XB)

22-09-2005, 10:44 PM
Hi guys, im wanting to stream from my tivo to the xbox that i have in another room the whole networking side of it is fine the problem must be in my version of XBMC or some of the coding i have done wrong i am going to attach the appropriate files, i have followed all the new steps, if there is anyone out there who can help me , i will reward you.

attached are some files that i have altered i have followed all the steps if there is someone who can get this working i can setup vpn access and pay you for your time. its driving me insane :) and i want it working... thankyou very much in advance.

EDIT - it wont let me attach if you feel you can help me let me know via email and ill send the files. thankyou again


22-09-2005, 11:07 PM
I don't have an Xbox, but thought I'd mention We have a twiki about this at http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Software/XboxAndTiVo

Don't know how up to date it is, but you haven't mentioned which guides you were using.


23-09-2005, 05:47 AM
i've read and used information from that guide along with a newer guide.

23-09-2005, 08:18 AM
-Follow the guide for the tivo section. Once ccxstream is running you should see an entry in tivoweb called "xboxtv".

-Download the latest version of xbmc - I am currently using the 2005-09-12 build which works fine. Don't do anything special, just install it.

-Go to "My Videos" then "XBMSP Network Servers (Auto-Discover)". Your tivo IP address will show up, and you can stream from Now Showing!

Hopefully it is this easy for you too :)