View Full Version : tivowebplus

14-09-2005, 03:51 PM
just thought i would share this in case some were thinking of it...

i have installed tivowebplus which is great, you can stream now playing shows to your pc etc. problem is that that you want to be able to run the original tivoweb also. Simply edit the tivoweb config file to be port 8080 (or whatever) that way when you open your web browser http://tivo/ you will get tivoweb plus and should you need the original simply http://tivo:8080/

i know it is obvious but it was a good tip given to me so i am sharing :)


14-09-2005, 11:04 PM
Thats a really good simple tip, I had not even considered.

The forums are not the best place to share these sort or tips or proceedures as they will get lost as more threads are started.

It would be really good if you could add it to the end of the twiki http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Software/UpgradeToTiVoWebPlus

Anyone can add or edit twiki on the website and this is a good place to collect all the howto's and tips.
