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View Full Version : gathering movie info - any suggestions?

27-07-2005, 04:43 AM
I want to build an on-demand datafeed by crawling the comcast website.
I'll use this data in an HME app, and possibly a tivoweb module. The comcast
UI is difficult to use, so I intend to build a nowshowing-type UI with filters.

Anyway, I'd like to add more information about the movies.
In some cases, I can go to the Showtime and HBO sites.

I imaginge I'll create an XML file in the Calypso Protocol,
which the 7.1 spews when /TiVoConnect is requested.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Here is the data:

P.S. I realize this is a bit off-topic, but I intend
to roll improvements back into the perl scripts.