View Full Version : FX Price Action on Tivo

14-07-2005, 10:15 AM
Time to give something back to the community.

I'm using a vbs script to scrape the FX price from a live feed on the web and send the current price action to the Tivo if it hits one of my set HI or LOW limits, hopeful increasing the number of successful trades I make. All too often I find I have missed a good trading opportunity because I wasn't watching the market.

So now using YAC and "YACTextSend.exe" I get an alert when the market makes a significant move right from my Arm Chair in front of the TV.

YAC - Yet Another Caller ID Program from [http://sunflowerhead.com/software/yac/] which provides software for both the PC (server) and the Tivo (listener).

The script - You will need to write your own scraper , you could use it for the Stock market or FX once you have the data use the below vbs to display it on your Tivo. :D

'Below is the display part of the script with the scraper missing.

'Display data depending on price action.
If PriceLow < 1.2060 Then
msgtosend = "EUR Low Hit Open = " & PriceOpen & " High = " & PriceHigh & " Low = " & PriceLow & " Close = " & PriceClose & " Time = " & PriceTime
End If

If PriceHigh > 1.2093 Then
msgtosend = "EUR High Hit Open = " & PriceOpen & " High = " & PriceHigh & " Low = " & PriceLow & " Close = " & PriceClose & " Time = " & PriceTime
End If

'Use Yac to send the message.
Function Tivotxt(msgtosend)
Dim wshShell
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strCmdLine = "CMD /C c:\Download\fx\YACTextSend.exe " & msgtosend
exitcode = wshShell.run(strCmdLine,2,TRUE)
Tivotxt = exitcode
End Function