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View Full Version : Recording of a running program with the previous 30 minutes

20-06-2005, 05:07 AM
One nice feature of the Tivo is that it keeps 30 minutes of recording on the current channel, so that if I turn the TV on, and find an interesting program running, I can rewind up to 30 minutes.

The question is, how can I record the rest of the program (including as much as possible from the beginning), if I want to keep it on the Tivo. Pressing the record button erases the buffered 30 minutes (similarly if I do manual record) no matter where I am in the viewing of the program.
(I would have expected the TiVo to be smarter about this, or at least to give me the option).


20-06-2005, 09:06 AM
Hi Gideon,

That's not the behaviour I've observed. If the live cache contains 30 minutes of a program that is still being broadcast it keeps that 30 minutes if you press the record button.

However if the 30 minute buffer has (say) 25 minutes of a prior program and 5 minutes of the current program, pressing the record button loses the 25 minutes and keeps (and adds to) the 5 minutes.

Perhaps in your example you just happened to press the record button just after a new program started. That would lose nearly all of the cache.


Cheers, Dave.

21-06-2005, 12:18 AM
This is an interesting answer!
Since I am in Israel, I am not using the guide data. That is, there is no guide data for the channels I defined for my TiVo.
I guess this means that I am out of luck, since it seems the Tivo assumes that all the buffer is not in the "current" program.
..... (a few minutes later)
I tried manual record with the time in the past, on the same channel, and it seemes to have worked !! Hurrah !

(I vaguely recall trying this in the past and failing, but I think that I did not have the channels set up correctly then, and was changing channels on my STB rather than throught the TiVo, which is very important here. That is to say, the Tivo channel must be in sync with the actual channel shown and used on the manual record).

Thanks for the tip.


21-06-2005, 08:48 AM
Hi Gideon,

I am not using the guide dataOoh yes, I didn't think of that (despite being aware of where you are :) ).

You probably already know this but another aspect is that when you change channels on the TiVo it erases the live buffer immediately and starts afresh. Hence in your situation just changing the channels on the STB might work better for you (because the live buffer would be preserved).

Cheers, Dave.