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25-05-2005, 11:09 AM
Hi, we recently moved here from the UK, leaving our beloved Tivo behind, as I assumed it wouldn't work here (bad decision!) I've now worked out that it may/is possible to get a Tivo up and running here after all. My computer knowledge is limited. My question is... I can source a Tivo from Oz, c/w OzTivo image installed, is there anyone in or around the auckland area who would be willing to help finish the installation process? Any comments.advice as to the reliability and availability of guide data? Any help at all would be much appreciatted. Anyone really keen is welcome to give me a call on 09 818 4743 Tony

26-05-2005, 07:28 AM
...is there anyone in or around the auckland area who would be willing to help finish the installation process? Any comments.advice as to the reliability and availability of guide data? Any help at all would be much appreciatted. Anyone really keen is welcome to give me a call on 09 818 4743 Tony

While I am not in AK (CHCH) if you don't get any closer takers I would be happy to lend a hand from a distance... Also, if I get my A into G (sorry if that's a kiwi'ism...) I will be updating the docs at www.nztivo.net to reflect installation with the new image... with screen shots.
Re the guide data - it's pretty good most of the time, but you really do need to keep an eye on it if you want to be sure of a recording. I've set up Daily Mail which sends me a list of future recordings/conflicts etc - just a quick check against TV Guide and you soon see if anything is missing.

26-05-2005, 07:31 AM
Is there anyone in or around the auckland area who would be willing to help finish the installation process?

I'll give you a hand. I'm on a deadline at the minute but I'll give you a call later today (or tomorrow if I get a bit caught up). I'm in Mt Albert -- where are you?


26-05-2005, 07:36 AM
Matt, I work in Glendene, live between Helensville and Kaukapakapa. Speak to you soon. Tony

26-05-2005, 07:41 AM
MrGadget, thanks for the offer, looks like I've got some local help pending. Will keep in touch though!

27-05-2005, 08:17 AM
Local is always better :-)
Just looked at the new OzTivo image - it's so much easier than previous ones - you shouldn't have any problems with it :-)

27-05-2005, 07:03 PM
Hows life - so do you reckon the Chch tivo contingent should look at the new Oztivo image ??

Anything in it once you're going or is it more to do with the setup being easier?
