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View Full Version : NONAG missing?

02-12-2004, 07:45 PM
Since the hickup with the FTA channels sorted itself out, I've noticed that the second week of 'nonag' seems to have disappeared, causing Tivo to constantly warn me that I have less than one week's data left.

Note that I'm still using DBLOAD (don't ask...) could this have anything to do with it?

02-12-2004, 07:59 PM
I've noticed that the second week of 'nonag' seems to have disappeared. Note that I'm still using DBLOAD (don't ask...) could this have anything to do with it?

Might want to just dbload the NoNag slice again... You can find my one in this post (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=1709&postcount=2). I prefer the method used in that NoNag as it avoids having to setup a NoNag channel :)

03-12-2004, 07:01 AM
And I'm having the same problem.

Have redone the daily call a couple of times to no avail


03-12-2004, 04:41 PM
Same here - emulator and a 5/6 day message popping up. Only noticed this in the last couple of days tho....

03-12-2004, 11:07 PM
Hmm yea same here :P
Weird will look into it..

04-12-2004, 07:27 AM
Same here - emulator and a 5/6 day message popping up. Only noticed this in the last couple of days tho....

Yup just noticed it on my two tivos here... 3 days guide data left *tivo grizzle, tivo moan*.

Die nagging message, Die!!


05-12-2004, 08:59 PM
*bumpity* *bump*

12-12-2004, 11:40 AM
Hrm perhaps I'm missing something :)

been a while since I did a dbload

I run the slice via

./dbload30.tcl nonag.slice

and it seems to do something. But my TiVos are still grizzling about lack of guide data.

Can someone refresh my memory? :)

16-12-2004, 06:26 AM
Hi there, what was the solution to this issue for people using the emulator? I have plenty of guide data but I'm still getting the messages to do a daily call? thanks!

16-12-2004, 06:41 AM
been a while since I did a dbload. I run the slice via: ./dbload30.tcl nonag.slice, and it seems to do something. But my TiVos are still grizzling about lack of guide data.

The following should solve any issues:

dbload30.tcl NoNag.slice (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=1709&postcount=2)

16-12-2004, 07:50 AM
Can someone refresh my memory? :)
yup your tivo hasn't indexed yet.
run force_index30.tcl

Something weird going on with NoNag and wktivoguide.. have logged a request with Warren :)

16-12-2004, 07:55 AM
yup your tivo hasn't indexed yet.
run force_index30.tcl

Something weird going on with NoNag and wktivoguide.. have logged a request with Warren :)

Whadda you guys think about loading the above linked NoNag slice into the emulator? I could put it up there with the usual naming format, and once everybody loads it, done deal. Anybody see a reason why not to? I don't, but I tend to be cautious before twiddling with practically every Tivo in the country... :D

17-12-2004, 08:48 AM
FWIW, I found the nonag channel had been de-selected from "channels you receive", I put it back so we'll see if that fixes it.

17-12-2004, 08:58 AM
Newbie sorry...

after you telenet the box, then type:

dbload30.tcl "NoNag.slice file location"

Should you see anything happen other than it return you to the telenet prompt again after a few seconds?

I then type:


And according to System Information it did Index my TiVo at that time...but....I still get the pain in the *** message about data and I don't see anything on C4 after Saturday like every other channel

My final question: If I did this properly should I be able to see the show on C4 in 2011? - And would System Info then say I had data to 2011?

Bruce (dreaming of the data message leaving me forever!)

17-12-2004, 11:16 AM
Ya oddly I did the same for both my tivos (havent yet forced an index)
My main TiVo is fine.. my second one is still grizzling, so I'll run a forceindex on it tonight and see if it cures the problem.

The 'Channels you recieve' just hides it in the guide I think, it doesn't actually remove it from the lineup.

17-12-2004, 12:37 PM
If you have problems then you best bet is to touch the timestamp file, force an index and reboot. Then leave it a little while (maybe an hour) and all should be happy. Steps would be:

touch /var/timestamp

18-12-2004, 02:34 PM
All good now that I remember to use case sensitive syntax !
(eg: NoNag.slice not nonag.slice)

Was suprised it doesn't compalin if you get the file name wrong either...

Sorry, as I said Newbie !

But now a newbie without annoying black boxes saying get more data!


21-12-2004, 10:23 AM
Hmmm, very confused, (situation normal).

Have tried the suggestions here (dbload, forceindex30 etc) on both my main and a newly built TiVo with the same lack of result.

Is there a way I can check the NoNag.slice is correct?

21-12-2004, 02:56 PM
Is there a way I can check the NoNag.slice (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=1709&postcount=2) is correct?

It will be correct :) You can check that it has been correctly loaded into the database using the MFS section of TivoWeb. There should be an entry at the bottom of the Schedule (http://address.of.tivo/mfs/Schedule) list with a 15000 in it, similar to this:

Name Type Id Date Time Size
25195:15000:84600:01800:0:223996 tyDb 223996 10/30/04 16:03 212

Please note (as pointed out on an earlier post) Unix/Linux is a case sensitive operating system so the to load the slice you will need to use "dbload30.tcl NoNag.slice".

If you actually do wish to check the slice file then I have attached a readguide binary which will do the job for you. Place the readguide, schema.txt and NoNag.slice (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showpost.php?p=1709&postcount=2) files in the same directory and run "readguide NoNag.slice". This will dump the slice file in ASCII/TEXT format out the the screen.

Should look like the following:

Guide type=3

Series/1/990100/3 {
Genre: 25
Episodic: 0
Title: {NoNag}

Program/1/990200/3 {
Series: Series/1/990100
Description: {Stops the TiVo from nagging us.}
Title: {NoNag}

StationDay/1/990300/3 {
Station: Station/1/7998032
Day: 15000
Showing: Showing/99
Subrecord Showing/99 {
Station: Station/1/7998032
Program: Program/1/990200
Date: 15000
Time: 84600
Duration: 1800

21-12-2004, 08:16 PM
Thanx T

I was indeed failing to load the slice.
Got a fresh copy of NoNag from your post and now don't need to worry again until 2011.

22-12-2004, 09:28 AM
Jaidev: Would it be possible to make a single show for 2011, ala this nonag slice, that is persistent and in every guide data slice? I can put nonag up on the emulator, but it will cycle off after 10 days, and new users won't get it. But if you could put a static entry in that stays in the regular slices, the problem would be sorted...