View Full Version : It's quiet...

31-10-2004, 02:13 PM
It's oh so quiet...........shhh shh!
It's oh so still...... shhh shh!

What's up in NZ TiVo land? Seems pretty quiet in here these days.

01-11-2004, 06:51 AM
ugh.. you woke me up!

Bad bad person :P

01-11-2004, 09:24 AM

01-11-2004, 04:35 PM
it's quiet in here....

Anyone know how the progress on the guide data database is going? I'm keen to help out on it, getting the data entered.... but nothing....

01-11-2004, 09:37 PM
Could it be that everyone's Tivo's are working beautifully?

Hope I don't end up with commentators curse, but I am reaching Tivo nirvana - it now knows me well enough to get a pretty good hit rate with its suggestions. Bliss!!

Finally - this probably belongs in the Guide data forum, but here goes... What feedback do the guide guys want? I get occasional glitches in the data (not identifying a series, data holes etc). I would be happy to report them as I identify them if that is useful, but I certainly don't want to whine because I am so damn grateful that there is data there in the first place.



01-11-2004, 11:12 PM
It's oh so quiet...........shhh shh!
It's oh so still...... shhh shh!

What's up in NZ TiVo land? Seems pretty quiet in here these days.

Thats a good thing for me, no whinging users :p ........ kidding hehe :D

02-11-2004, 07:02 AM
Thats a good thing for me, no whinging users :p ........ kidding hehe :D

/bitchslap/ Hehehehe

02-11-2004, 12:00 PM
It's oh so quiet...........shhh shh!
It's oh so still...... shhh shh!

What's up in NZ TiVo land? Seems pretty quiet in here these days.

We're all silent in anticipation of the showdown at high noon... :-)

02-11-2004, 08:24 PM
happy tivos and summer sun.. we are all outside being active and not watching PC andTV's

you know - happily engaged in that exercise stuff.....


03-11-2004, 11:05 AM
ugh.. you woke me up!

Bad bad person :P

*prods tenty with a peanut remote*

03-11-2004, 11:06 AM
We're all silent in anticipation of the showdown at high noon... :-)

Peanut remotes at 50 paces?
Winner takes losers TiVo suggestions?


12-11-2004, 01:14 PM
*plies everyone with some steak and cheese pies*

12-11-2004, 01:42 PM
*plies everyone with some steak and cheese pies*Me, I'd rather have a wee bit o' titty (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?p=2385#post2385)... (leers) :D

12-11-2004, 01:56 PM
So... are people interested in having more than a few days worth of guide data? I am currently playing with a mechanism (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=294) that duplicates information from the current week, so that I can have more than two weeks worth of data loaded. Using this mechanism the predicted data should be updated automatically as soon as new slices are released.

Currently this requires you to manually create/load slices... but if others like the idea, then we may want to incorporate it into the "official" slice.

12-11-2004, 01:57 PM
Sounds like a decent idea to me...

12-11-2004, 02:13 PM
Yes absolutely.
Additionally, when the real data did arrive would it be possible to have it retain the predictions where there were gaps in the real data?

I'd been looking at doing this with scripts to use last weeks guide data to fill any gaps in this this weeks data but doing it at the head end would obviously be preferable.

12-11-2004, 07:33 PM
Additionally, when the real data did arrive would it be possible to have it retain the predictions where there were gaps in the real data?

Yeah, well... that is definitely the ultimate goal... but not as easy as it sounds. Needs some pretty heavy logic and parsing in order to replace the "gaps".
While this is easier if there are true gaps in the data... if the programme preceeding the gap has had its duration increased then this become much harder to diagnose. For example if a show that is usually only half and hour, is suddenly three hours, then it would be hard to figure out what the correct duration should be (as it could be a special episode)... if, however, the show was still only an 30 minutes long, but their was a two and a half hour gap with nothing showing, then this would be easier to match and fill in.

Still a pretty big job as the slice would need a lot of manipulation, rather than the simpler "search and replace" that I am currently doing.

13-11-2004, 06:46 AM
Me, I'd rather have a wee bit o' titty (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?p=2385#post2385)... (leers) :D

Oh of course :P

13-11-2004, 08:23 PM
While this is easier if there are true gaps in the data... if the programme preceeding the gap has had its duration increased then this become much harder to diagnose.

I take your point. I'd been working on some tcl to just fill the "gaps" from previously logged guide data and hadn't considered durations being extended. Does this actually happen? I'd be happy with just loosing the true gaps with all the "upcoming show" gaps getting filled with whatever show happened to be on at that time the previous week. shows at either end of the gap where overlaps potentially occur could just be dropped (I'm intending on putting in a truncated flag, easier when your on the client, to give the option).

Just need a second TiVo so I don't keep annoying the wife when I stuff the recordings index. :rolleyes:

Anyways, take the simpler approach first and I'm sure we'll all appreciate whatever you come up with as always.

14-11-2004, 08:39 AM
The easiest option for the gaps is to fix the bug in the slice generator that is creating them. I think the gap on TV2 on Sunday evenings has appeared more then twice now, but the TVNZ site seems fine and another source of FTA/XML information has the correct schedule. So I have a feeling the problem is likely to be in the listings->slice conversion process.

Now that the two weeks predictive information seems to be working for me, I will have a play at detecting the gaps and trying to fill in the information from another source... I was hoping to play with the predictive stuff to make the code more efficient. It should be noted that currently all of my filtering/parsing/predicting processing is being done on a 3GHz linux system rather than a 50MHz TiVo :).

15-11-2004, 09:31 AM
Just in case you are interested, the gaps in the latest slice for FTA channels is as follows (the negative numbers mean there is an overlap):

GAP (14400) in data (7998002, Date=12734, Time=43200, Duration=3600)
GAP (10500) in data (7998002, Date=12735, Time=24300, Duration=1200)
GAP (10500) in data (7998003, Date=12734, Time=56400, Duration=1500)
GAP (10800) in data (7998003, Date=12735, Time=54000, Duration=3600)
GAP (10800) in data (7998005, Date=12734, Time=56100, Duration=1500)
GAP (10800) in data (7998005, Date=12736, Time=56100, Duration=3300)
GAP (21600) in data (7998005, Date=12738, Time=43800, Duration=3000)
GAP (-18300) in data (7998001, Date=12734, Time=3300, Duration=18300)
GAP (-7200) in data (7998001, Date=12735, Time=3600, Duration=18000)
GAP (11100) in data (7998001, Date=12737, Time=45000, Duration=1800)
GAP (10800) in data (7998006, Date=12734, Time=2700, Duration=8100)
GAP (10800) in data (7998006, Date=12735, Time=0, Duration=10800)
GAP (10800) in data (7998006, Date=12736, Time=0, Duration=10800)
GAP (10800) in data (7998006, Date=12738, Time=0, Duration=10800)

17-11-2004, 08:38 PM
If anyone is interested, I have posted (http://www.forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?t=398) a couple of modifications that could be rolled into the next OzTiVo image. If you have any custom modifications that you have made, or would like somebody else to make :) then you may also like to post them there as well.

22-11-2004, 05:49 AM
Guys, has anyone compleated a full set of logo files for NZ Tivo yet? I have uploaded the TV 1,2,3, and C4 and they work fine and will do the whole set if no one has already done it. Just dont want to do all the work then find i could have downloaded it.


22-11-2004, 06:09 AM
I have posted some source and a binary that decodes Teletext pages to this Teletext Wiki (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Developers/ExtractingTeletext). It's nothing fancy, but does demonstrate that Teletext can be pa rsed... clocks could be set using it for those that do not have Internet access... you could get the weather from it and create a message on the TiVo, etc...

23-11-2004, 08:40 PM
Created the attached program for a friend of mine who has ADSL and wanted to be notified when his IP Address changed (eg the ADSL router was rebooted and got a different DHCP address).

Could not be bothered doing it in C, so thought I would do it in TCL (this makes it easier for people to modify). It's not the best code, but should be enough for most peoples needs... The code for sending the email came from dailymail.

Anyway... when run, the attached script will email you when your IP address changes... the current address will be stored in /var/log/my_ip_address. You can either run this via cron at say 4am, or change the "sleep" variable found at the top of the script to 24 (which will make the script loop and check every 24 hours) and place the script running in the background (using "./monitorIP &")

You will need to alter the "sender", "recipient", "mailserver" and "domain" variables found near the top of the script... If you already have dailymail configured then you can use the same values here. In short... if you are with Xtra and have an email address of bob@xtra.co.nz then you can set the sender and recipient to "bob@xtra.co.nz", and set the mailserver to "" (which is the IP address of the mail.xtra.co.nz server) and set the domain to "xtra.co.nz".