View Full Version : IR Code Capturing

21-09-2004, 08:37 PM
Has anyone in NZ had a go at capturing IR codes from remotes using the TiVo itself (via the OzTiVo guide) ?

I had a quick go the other night but found the info a bit confusing regarding editing lines together and ensuring the count for each digit file showed the same amount of line/characters (eg 40).

Keen to be successful with IR code capturing to create IR files for various boxes/vcrs :)


22-09-2004, 04:40 AM
You could try
They have the largest database of IR codes.


22-09-2004, 07:14 AM
I could be wrong, but to me it looks like they only have codes for multifunction remotes.

23-09-2004, 07:51 PM
Oh dear.. well I had a crack tonight and failed. Now TiVo #2 is unhappy and in constant reboot mode. Time to re-image again.. *sigh*

24-09-2004, 06:48 AM
The article below explains how to use Pronto codes (from an actual Phillips/Marantz Pronto remote or RemoteCentral files)


I used this info successfully to create IR codes for the Sky "Zenith" decoder via my Pronto.

24-09-2004, 11:31 AM
Ooo a pronto.. Yep, saw them for sale on ascent.co.nz for something like $938.. a bit pricey. Don't have one of 'em myself, sadly. Looks a lot easier if you have one of those.

24-09-2004, 11:32 AM
I should add, do you know of anyone selling a second hand pronto remote for a resonable price? :)

25-09-2004, 07:58 PM
A long time ago in a land far away..

I borrowed a pronto from a hifi shop to test compatiblity in a corporate application. specifically checking useabililty and compatibility for video conferencing applications.

If a fella got desparate and possessed large nads a similar line might gain the use of a pronto for 48hrs at no charge....

25-09-2004, 10:09 PM
Heh Heh.. good thinking. could be worth a shot.

08-05-2005, 01:37 AM
Ihad a look on remotecentral and found a possible set of pronto codes for my box (Multichoice satellite receiver).However, i have not had much luck reading through the decompiled files to find the pronto codes? The ones I seem to find start with 5000 not 0000 and are very short?
Am I being stupid?


Darren King
08-05-2005, 09:41 AM
Hi Sinbad

Any reason why you have not tried the new IRSliceCreator written by Brad McGill on the OzTiVo website?


09-05-2005, 05:51 AM
Hi Sinbad

Any reason why you have not tried the new IRSliceCreator written by Brad McGill on the OzTiVo website?

I gave it a shot. It found my signal length and managed to capture some keystrokes, no problem, but I had no joy getting the tivo to send the keystrokes to the satellite box.

Is there a nifty way to check the frequency of the remote using a pronto file? Cos I suspect the default list of frequencies doesn't contain mine...

Thanks! :)

09-05-2005, 06:50 AM
Scratch that request!!! :)
A little birdie told me that Tridge's Foxtel slice would work for my decoder, since the Foxtel decoders are made in South Africa...
I now have a fully functional tivo!!! Hooray! Thanks for the help :) (well apart from the EPG problem)


12-05-2005, 03:33 PM
Howdy all,

I've used winLirc to capture and create IR remote codes for controlling a MP3 player and the process looks very similar to the IR capture process off oztivo. If it is related then $10 worth of parts does away with the need for a Pronto or Dragging it out of the Tivo's onboard receiver.

So - has anyone used this method? - ie capturing ir codes directly to a pc's comm port and converting using winlirc before processing into a tivo file?

Reason I'm interested is I'm about to setup a satellite box and am expecting some grief with the IR blaster... so am wondering if there is a smarter way of doing this. Of course the box is generic so may be just fine with the available codes but... tivoland never seems to work out that easy!
