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View Full Version : TiVo-S3-Installer-0.6 stuck on 'Patching Kernel'

03-12-2021, 12:27 PM
Firstly, a hello.. It's been a while since I played around with TiVos.. originally with the Series 1 model (I imported two from the USA).

I'm now having a play with a series 3 unit.

I've created the boot USB and successfully have it starting up the TiVo-S3-Installer-0.6 and am following the instructions. However, prepping the disk it has got stuck on the screen

Active kernel on /dev/sda/ is in partition
Boot parameters are
Patching Kernel

It's been sitting here for some time, without asking for a root password to be created.

I noted in windows with winmfs it could not see this drive either, although it works fine in the tivo and I can play the recordings (from 2017.. noice!)


03-12-2021, 12:28 PM
Its just now thrown an error

Could not mount
/dev/sda1 on

03-12-2021, 01:28 PM
Aha.. brain dump... somehow overwrote the boot partition with MBR in windows. Resolved with WinMFS->Tools->Fix bootpage->Option1 and Option2

Made backup to desktop. Restored to a Seagate 1TB drive and it asked if I wanted to expand, so I said yes (Original was 320gb). All Done.

But it looks like this version of TiVoAPP isnt recognised... according to the error. So maybe this is an earlier, earlier version on the original drive. Correct thinking?

03-12-2021, 04:15 PM
Welcome back.

18-08-2022, 07:11 PM
I've created the boot USB and successfully have it starting up the TiVo-S3-Installer-0.6 and am following the instructions.

What did you have to do to create the USB? i found some instructions but the USB stick i created with unetbootin wont boot on my ryzen PC.. it just kicks me into the BIOS setup

22-08-2022, 03:39 AM
What did you have to do to create the USB? i found some instructions but the USB stick i created with unetbootin wont boot on my ryzen PC.. it just kicks me into the BIOS setup

I have since found out a UEFI machine like mine wont boot the USB stick and you need an older machine to work with