View Full Version : WIN & SCA swapping 9 & 10 related channels - July 2021

17-07-2021, 03:05 PM
On 1 July 2021, there was swapping of TV channels in a number of areas, with WIN (re)gaining 9 network channels and SCA (re)gaining 10 network channels. There may be similar channel swaps in other areas that don't have WIN & SCA as broadcasters.

So far I have heard from TiVo users in a few of those areas and worked out that swapping the guide data seems to help (so that the guide data from OzTiVo matches what is being displayed on the broadcast, although the channel name and logo don't match).

The way this usually works is that after I hear/see a particular area has this channel swapping issue and that the channels swapped seem pretty much consistent with other areas, that is:
Broadcast channel -> TiVo station
9 -> 10
9Go -> 10 Bold (ONE)
9Gem -> 10 Peach (ELEVEN)
10 -> 9
10 Bold -> 9Gem
10 Peach -> 9Go
then I swap which channels the guide data goes into for future guide data which has not yet been loaded (about 4 days into the future).

Here is a list of where & when I have done these channel swaps so far:

Cairns - July 10
Hobart - July 16 / 23
Launceston - July 17 / 23
South East SA - July 19 / 23
Canberra - July 17 / 22
Orange - July 17 / 22
Wollongong - July 23
Bendigo - July 29 - updated Nov 3
Ballarat - Aug 2 - updated Nov 7
Toowoomba - August 18
Regional WA - Sept 27
Wide Bay & Sunshine Coast? (partial?) - Oct 3

I think/hope that Canberra is also used for South Coast NSW, but waiting for some feedback on that.

I expect (subject to confirmation from people in the areas where these oztivo channel swaps have happened) that old season passes on the swapped channels will stop working (because they won't see any matching shows on the channel where it used to be) but that you could recreate season passes for the new channels (after your tivo sees the swapped guide data) and those new season passes would work.

Call to Action:

If you are in an area where channels swapped on 1 July 2021 which is not in the list above, please post a reply on this thread saying what your area is (preferably a biggish town that gets the same TV broadcasts you do & state) and whether the channel swaps look the same for your areas as the swaps I have seen before - or if not then a list of the name your TiVo gives to the channel, what it looks like the EPG has and what is showing on air (no need to include information about the local channel number or logo). Or if you can't post here then find some other way to contact me. (I'm not going to give my email address here, because spammers.)

Then please give some feedback after you have been seeing the swapped guide data (maybe a week or so after your original post) on whether it has helped, any gotchas or tips for people in other areas so they know what to expect.

23-07-2021, 07:10 PM
Hi David, thanks so much for your help so far. I've checked our tivo in Wollongong again today, 23rd July, below are the results.

You mentioned that you can't fix the logo, but are you able to fix the EPG label to match it to the EPG content? I have attached a photo with an arrow pointing towhat I'm calling the EPG label show you what I mean.

Also, 9gem and 9go still need to be swapped in the EPG Content for Wollongong please. (also shown in photo)

Channel 5
EPG Content 10 - Fixed
Logo - nil
Airs channel - 10

Channel 50
EPG Content 10HD - Fixed
Logo - Nil
Airs channel - 10HD

Channel 52
EPG Content - 10 Peach - Fixed
Logo - nil
Airs channel 10 Peach

Channel 53
EPG Content - 10 Bold - Fixed
Logo 11
Airs channel - 10 Bold

Channel 8
EPG Content 9 - Fixed
EPG Label - WIN
Logo Win
Airs channel - 9

Channel 80
EPG Content 9HD
Airs channel 9HD

Channel 81
EpG Content 9Go INCORRECT should be 9gem
Logo 9Go
Airs 9gem

Channel 82
Epg Content 9gem INCORRECT should be 9go
EPG Label - '11' INCORRECT
Logo gem
Airs 9Go

Thanks again. 614

23-07-2021, 09:41 PM
Lukeric, what you call "EPG label" is what I call channel name, unfortunately its not something I can change. That is, the "ELEVEN" in the photo.

So based on that detailed info from Wollongong, I am now going to do:

Broadcast channel -> TiVo station
9 -> 10
9Go -> 10 Bold (ONE)
9Gem -> 10 Peach (ELEVEN)
10 -> 9
10 Bold -> 9Gem
10 Peach -> 9Go

for Wollongong, Cairns, Hobart, Launceston, SouthEastSA, Canberra & Orange for guide data from July 28 onwards (which should start appearing on TiVos on July 25). The channel names in bold are the ones that will be changing (from July 28).

If we get more information (for example other regions detailing a different situation with channels in their region), then I can rejig the channel swapping again (if its going to happen then the sooner this happens the better, in terms of work for me and disruption for TiVo users). I probably wouldn't change Wollongong again (since I now have a clear idea of how that should be from "EPG Content" and "Airs channel"), so I might end up splitting regions rather than trying to treat them all the same for channel swaps as I do now.

28-07-2021, 06:14 PM
Hi David

I am in the Bendigo Vic region and my 9 and 10 have swapped over too the same as all the others have described. Are you able to help me out?

Thanks in advance


28-07-2021, 06:56 PM
Hi David

I am in the Bendigo Vic region and my 9 and 10 have swapped over too the same as all the others have described. Are you able to help me out?

Thanks in advance


28-07-2021, 10:24 PM
I am in the Bendigo Vic region and my 9 and 10 have swapped over too the same as all the others have described. Are you able to help me out?

Anne, you should see swapped guide data in Bendigo after your TiVo's daily connection on 29 July.

29-07-2021, 12:43 PM
Anne, you should see swapped guide data in Bendigo after your TiVo's daily connection on 29 July.
Thanks David. I did a connect to network as it hadn?t happened automatically on update earlier (at whatever time that is!).
Excuse my ignorance but do I need to do anything else like redo the channel list? The names of each channel is still what they were but the programming has changed in relation to each channel number. Or am I just being impatient?

29-07-2021, 11:21 PM
Thanks David. I did a connect to network as it hadn?t happened automatically on update earlier (at whatever time that is!).

The automatic connect happens about 25-26 hours after the previous connect.

Excuse my ignorance but do I need to do anything else like redo the channel list?

You don't need to redo the channel list.

The names of each channel is still what they were but the programming has changed in relation to each channel number. Or am I just being impatient?
I can't fix the channel names. What I am doing is changing the programming in the channels. So it sounds like that is working (at least something has changed).
The question is whether the programming you see in the TiVo's guide data matches what is airing on that channel (for each of the channels for 9, 10, 9Go, 9Gem, 10Bold, 10Peach).
Don't expect the guide data to match the TiVo's channel name, or for the TiVo channel name to match what is airing.

In lukeric's photo below from July 23, don't worry about matching the tivo channel name "ELEVEN" or the tivo logo "GEM". The question is whether "David Attenborough" matches the smurfs and 9Go you can see aired by the broadcaster. Unfortunately no, in that case.

31-07-2021, 03:40 PM
Apart from Bendigo, I haven't seen any replies in the last few days about the situation whether EPG data for WIN & SCA channels matches what is aired by broadcasters, since my changes effective July 28.
Should I assume no news is good news, and the guide data matches what is aired for 9, 9Go, 9Gem, 10, 10 Bold, 10 Peach for people with WIN or SCA who read these forums?

01-08-2021, 01:49 AM
Hi David
I have been away from the tv and am trying to catch up. It seems to me that my FSE NSW out of Canberra still has 9go and gem transposed.
Anyone else?

01-08-2021, 12:37 PM
Apart from Bendigo, I haven't seen any replies in the last few days about the situation whether EPG data for WIN & SCA channels matches what is aired by broadcasters, since my changes effective July 28.
Should I assume no news is good news, and the guide data matches what is aired for 9, 9Go, 9Gem, 10, 10 Bold, 10 Peach for people with WIN or SCA who read these forums?

Hi David, thanks for all your hard work so far. I have just checked our tivo here in Wollongong today, August 1st and channels 81 and 82 are still swapped (still the same as shown on the photo I previously posted):

Channel 81
Airs 9gem

Channel 82
EPG 9gem
Airs 9Go

Could you please swap these?

Also, Channel 60, which airs 7HD has no EPG data at all, shows "to be announced" is this also something that you can fix if possible please?


01-08-2021, 04:31 PM
Hi David, thanks for all your hard work so far. I have just checked our tivo here in Wollongong today, August 1st and channels 81 and 82 are still swapped (still the same as shown on the photo I previously posted):

Channel 81
Airs 9gem

Channel 82
EPG 9gem
Airs 9Go

Could you please swap these?

Okay, this should be fixed from August 2 (after a daily connection on August 2). I think I fixed it a week ago and then it reverted back on July 28 (probably my fault either not fixing it permanently or changing Wollongong when I was trying to fix something else). This time I only changed Wollongong, so if anywhere else has the same problem of 9Go and 9Gem being swapped, let me know.

Also, Channel 60, which airs 7HD has no EPG data at all, shows "to be announced" is this also something that you can fix if possible please?


No, I can't fix that. In 99% of cases where a channel has no EPG data (including this one), I can't fix it.

05-08-2021, 06:49 AM
Okay, this should be fixed from August 2 (after a daily connection on August 2). I think I fixed it a week ago and then it reverted back on July 28 (probably my fault either not fixing it permanently or changing Wollongong when I was trying to fix something else). This time I only changed Wollongong...

Hi David, I've been keeping an eye on this since August 2, but unfortunately it's still incorrect. I just checked our tivo again today in Wollongong, and the problem of 9Go and 9Gem being swapped still exists, could you please recheck it? We currently have program guide data up to and including Saturday 7th Aug and it's still wrong in Saturday's guide data. 615
As shown in picture, 82 airs 9Go, not 9Gem (Beyblade burst, not TV home shopping) and vice versa for 81.
Thanks for your continued efforts on this, greatly appreciated

05-08-2021, 07:33 PM
Have been following chats from Hobart and as of 5/8 I think that info is still wrong The info for channels 81and 82 needs to be reversed the same for 52 and 53 thankyou for all the work you are doing

05-08-2021, 10:25 PM
It seems what I did for Wollongong a few days ago was to swap the channels that air 10 Bold & 10 Peach. Hopefully that swap was okay (even if it wasn't what I meant to do).
Would you believe ... the channels that air 9Gem & 9Go in Wollongong will be swapped from 6 August.

05-08-2021, 10:28 PM
For Hobart I have done a swap of 9Gem & 9Go, and a swap of 10 Bold & 10 Peach, as from August 6. (Effective from daily connection on August 6.)

06-08-2021, 06:20 PM
Thank you for prompt fix everything is working correctly now cheers

07-08-2021, 11:29 PM
Hi David
I have been away from the tv and am trying to catch up. It seems to me that my FSE NSW out of Canberra still has 9go and gem transposed.
Anyone else?

I think this should have been fixed on August 4. Let me know if it is still not right.

08-08-2021, 10:01 AM
Tks David

Looking good. I don't see a lot of commercial channels over the weekend, optimistic for next week.

Many thanks for your persistence :)

08-08-2021, 06:26 PM
It seems what I did for Wollongong a few days ago was to swap the channels that air 10 Bold & 10 Peach. Hopefully that swap was okay (even if it wasn't what I meant to do).
Would you believe ... the channels that air 9Gem & 9Go in Wollongong will be swapped from 6 August.

Thanks David, all fixed now in Wollongong, greatly appreciated 👍

15-08-2021, 09:32 AM
Hi David, many thanks for your incredible help over the years!

Please also change Darling Downs (Toowoomba).
I say "Darling Downs, Qld" as that is the choice provided by www.wintv.com.au

I have been away from the region, but visited and noticed this problem with the recording of Antiques Roadshow.

Again many thanks for your help.

15-08-2021, 03:22 PM
Hi David, many thanks for your incredible help over the years!

Please also change Darling Downs (Toowoomba).
I say "Darling Downs, Qld" as that is the choice provided by www.wintv.com.au

I have been away from the region, but visited and noticed this problem with the recording of Antiques Roadshow.

Again many thanks for your help.

For Toowoomba, do you want to make a list of TiVo Channel name and what is actually airing on that channel? Or do you want me to try doing the channel swaps from another region, wait a few days and then you can see which (if any) channels still need swapping?

16-08-2021, 06:51 AM
Hi David, busy for the rest of the week so please try doing the channel swaps - seems to be the same going by a quick read.

I do note that channel 8 and channel 5 need swapping. Ch 8 on Tivo is now Ch9 network (was 10 network) and 5 on Tivo is Ch10 "Southern Cross 10" (was 9).

Plus the other channels Go, Gem etc

Many thanks...

16-08-2021, 04:12 PM
Toowoomba will get channel swaps for guide data from Friday 20th August, the same swaps as Wollongong and Tasmania (but different to the current channel swaps for Cairns and Bendigo).

I have retro-fitted guide data for Toowoomba channel 8 & 5 for August 17-19 since you have given details of that.

16-08-2021, 06:05 PM
Many thanks David, much appreciated

24-09-2021, 06:30 PM
I'm in regional WA and I have the same 9-10 channel issue.

Can these please be switched/fixed for WA too David?

The actual line-up in WA is:
2 - ABC
3 - SBS One
5 - 10HD
6 - GWN 7
8 - Channel 9
21 - ABCTV
22 - ABCKids
23 - ABCMe
24 - ABC News
31 - SBS Viceland
32 - SBS World Movies
33 - SBS Food
34 - NITV
50 - 10Bold
55 - 10Peach
62 - 7Two
63 - 7Mate
68 - Racing
80 - Nine HD
81 - 9 Gem
82 - 9 Go!
84 - TVSN
85 - 9 Life

Wrong TiVo EPG Channels:
5 - GEM
8 - WIN
50 - Nine
55 - Go!
80 - Win HD
81 - One
82 - Eleven

26-09-2021, 10:37 PM
Most (maybe all) of those station swaps should be visible after Regional WA TiVos do a daily connect on 27 September.

27-09-2021, 09:30 AM
Most (maybe all) of those station swaps should be visible after Regional WA TiVos do a daily connect on 27 September.

Thanks David for all your efforts, I'll let you know how it goes.

27-09-2021, 09:17 PM
Hi David, thanks for that, it looks like it has updated.

The EPG data looks to be on the right channel numbers now.

However the channel names are still wrong for:
5 - GEM should be 10HD
8 - WIN should be Channel 9
50 - Nine should be 10 Bold
55 - Go! should be 10 Peach
80 - Win HD should be 9HD
81 - One should be 9 Gem
82 - Eleven should be Go!

Also 6-GWN7 has no EPG

28-09-2021, 09:33 PM
Hi David, thanks for that, it looks like it has updated.

The EPG data looks to be on the right channel numbers now.

However the channel names are still wrong for:
5 - GEM should be 10HD
8 - WIN should be Channel 9
50 - Nine should be 10 Bold
55 - Go! should be 10 Peach
80 - Win HD should be 9HD
81 - One should be 9 Gem
82 - Eleven should be Go!

The channel names are wrong for all the other regions in this thread too, so you'll just have to live with that.

Also 6-GWN7 has no EPG

If you are able to telnet into your TiVo's IP address and run /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl and send me the output that might give me the information I would need to fix GWN7.
But don't get your hopes up, even if you can get that output I may not be able to fix it.

28-09-2021, 10:07 PM
Sent to you via PM David. Thanks for your assistance.

01-12-2021, 01:05 PM
Hi David,

thanks for your help.

On my tivo,
Darling Downs, Qld (Toowoomba), number 5 is showing as "Nine" but should be "Ten"

To be honest, don't use it much, but occasionally. Still be good to get it right.

Thanks again...

Hi David, busy for the rest of the week so please try doing the channel swaps - seems to be the same going by a quick read.

I do note that channel 8 and channel 5 need swapping. Ch 8 on Tivo is now Ch9 network (was 10 network) and 5 on Tivo is Ch10 "Southern Cross 10" (was 9).

Plus the other channels Go, Gem etc

Many thanks...