View Full Version : audiofix

13-01-2021, 10:01 PM
Hi all,
I have developed a script which attempts to fix the audio issues people are experiencing on some channels. The issue is that some channels are now broadcasting 2 audio streams. One of these cannot be decoded sucessfully by the TiVo. It also seems to be selected as the default stream when you change channels. The result is either no audio, squeaks etc on the audio, and in some cases no video. This would probably be easy to fix if the Tivo was still supported, but of course it isn't. So we have to find ways around the problem. So, I spent a a considerable amount of time analysing the problem and have developed a script which seems to fix the issue. It works by listening for channel change events, and then selecting the English audio stream if multiple streams are detected. In testing so far it is working well for both live TV and recordings, but to date it as only been tested by a handful of people. I have been running it for over a month now without any issues.

The next stage is to automatically roll this script out to whoever wants/needs it. For most people this should be an automatic process. I'd like a few more people to test this before making it widely available. To date, I have installed it on 4 tivos, it has been manually installed on 2 or 3 others, and automatically installed on 2.
I'm still waiting for feedback from some of the testers, so I'm asking for an additional 2 or 3 volunteers to by guinea-pigs for the automatic roll out. All you need to do is send me your Tivo service number (via private message) and I'll schedule your Tivo for an update.
For this to work, you must:
1) have the audio problem
2) have a tivo with auto update running (this should all but the very early modified Tivos)
3) be willing to give feedback on the process
4) be prepared to take the risk that it may brick your tivo (low risk, but still possible. If this happens you may need to get some one to pull the disk to fix the issue)

If you are willing to give it a try, please send me a PM with your TSN.

If you feel more comfortable waiting until it has been more thoroughly tested, then please be patient and wait until it is ready for general roll out.


14-01-2021, 03:00 PM
In respect of the brick potential it would be wise for those with a functional MAK to image their drive before they try the script.

Darren King
14-01-2021, 06:47 PM
That’s great work. I’ll update my website FAQ section shortly to point to this thread rather than the other one, and alert those who have asked me via email.

14-01-2021, 08:13 PM
Hi all,
I have developed a script which attempts to fix the audio issues people are experiencing on some channels. The issue is that some channels are now broadcasting 2 audio streams. One of these cannot be decoded sucessfully by the TiVo. It also seems to be selected as the default stream when you change channels. The result is either no audio, squeaks etc on the audio, and in some cases no video. This would probably be easy to fix if the Tivo was still supported, but of course it isn't. So we have to find ways around the problem. So, I spent a a considerable amount of time analysing the problem and have developed a script which seems to fix the issue. It works by listening for channel change events, and then selecting the English audio stream if multiple streams are detected. In testing so far it is working well for both live TV and recordings, but to date it as only been tested by a handful of people. I have been running it for over a month now without any issues.

The next stage is to automatically roll this script out to whoever wants/needs it. For most people this should be an automatic process. I'd like a few more people to test this before making it widely available. To date, I have installed it on 4 tivos, it has been manually installed on 2 or 3 others, and automatically installed on 2.
I'm still waiting for feedback from some of the testers, so I'm asking for an additional 2 or 3 volunteers to by guinea-pigs for the automatic roll out. All you need to do is send me your Tivo service number (via private message) and I'll schedule your Tivo for an update.
For this to work, you must:
1) have the audio problem
2) have a tivo with auto update running (this should all but the very early modified Tivos)
3) be willing to give feedback on the process
4) be prepared to take the risk that it may brick your tivo (low risk, but still possible. If this happens you may need to get some one to pull the disk to fix the issue)

If you are willing to give it a try, please send me a PM with your TSN.

If you feel more comfortable waiting until it has been more thoroughly tested, then please be patient and wait until it is ready for general roll out.

Hi I have problems with sound and picture with ABC ch's 22, 23, 24 etc and the racing ch. I have 3 Tivos connected to two different aerials. Some times there will be sound and no picture and other time picture and no sound all other ch's are perfect as is ABC 2. A relative is also having the same problems.
If I can help in anyway I'll be glad too.
I told Darren about it and asked if he knew what was causing this problem a few weeks ago.


15-01-2021, 12:57 PM
Hi all,
I have developed a script which attempts to fix the audio issues people are experiencing on some channels. The issue is that some channels are now broadcasting 2 audio streams. One of these cannot be decoded sucessfully by the TiVo. It also seems to be selected as the default stream when you change channels. The result is either no audio, squeaks etc on the audio, and in some cases no video. This would probably be easy to fix if the Tivo was still supported, but of course it isn't. So we have to find ways around the problem. So, I spent a a considerable amount of time analysing the problem and have developed a script which seems to fix the issue. It works by listening for channel change events, and then selecting the English audio stream if multiple streams are detected. In testing so far it is working well for both live TV and recordings, but to date it as only been tested by a handful of people. I have been running it for over a month now without any issues.

The next stage is to automatically roll this script out to whoever wants/needs it. For most people this should be an automatic process. I'd like a few more people to test this before making it widely available. To date, I have installed it on 4 tivos, it has been manually installed on 2 or 3 others, and automatically installed on 2.
I'm still waiting for feedback from some of the testers, so I'm asking for an additional 2 or 3 volunteers to by guinea-pigs for the automatic roll out. All you need to do is send me your Tivo service number (via private message) and I'll schedule your Tivo for an update.
For this to work, you must:
1) have the audio problem
2) have a tivo with auto update running (this should all but the very early modified Tivos)
3) be willing to give feedback on the process
4) be prepared to take the risk that it may brick your tivo (low risk, but still possible. If this happens you may need to get some one to pull the disk to fix the issue)

If you are willing to give it a try, please send me a PM with your TSN.

If you feel more comfortable waiting until it has been more thoroughly tested, then please be patient and wait until it is ready for general roll out.


Thanks, Matt. PM sent.

15-01-2021, 01:48 PM
There are now eight people who have agreed to help test the automatic update. Of those, two have reported that it works, four are scheduled for update tonight, and I'm waiting for feedback from the remaining two.
I don't need anyone else to test the update process for now. If these updates all work, I will make it generally available.
I will post further updates here.


16-01-2021, 05:18 PM
Six of eight updates confirmed working. Waiting for feedback on the last two.

18-01-2021, 09:09 PM
All eight testers have reported that the fix has worked, with no issues during the automatic update. So I think it's time to roll this out to whoever wants it. In most cases, I can schedule this automatically. To do this, you need to send me your Tivo Service Number TSN.
To find your TSN:
From TiVo Central, select 'Messages & Settings' -> 'Account & System Information' -> 'System Information'
The TiVo Service Number (or TSN) is the number starting with 663-

Send me this number via email to mc682001-audiofix@yahoo.com (make sure that you put audiofix in the subject). I will then schedule your Tivo for an update. The update will occur overnight. If the update worked, your TiVo will be restarted and you should get a new message:
When audiofix is running, you should see a banner in the top left of the screen when in TiVo Central:

Feel free to publish the email address elsewhere for people who do not read this forum.
Note: Please use the email address above and not forum private messages. The forum PM system is awkward to use for this purpose.


18-01-2021, 09:36 PM
Great news Matt. Thanks for persevering with this. Cheers.

19-01-2021, 06:32 AM
Brilliant work Matt - PM sent - thank you.

20-01-2021, 01:42 PM
This morning straight out of bed to see what happened overnight and...
Tivo has been granted yet another life! ABC is back, squeaks are gone.
Many Thanks Matt.

Matt Callow: 2021 nomination for Australian Of The Year.

21-01-2021, 09:20 AM
I second the motion.

Matt auto-updated my (85 y.o. tech-illiterate) Dad's TiVo and he is delighted. So am I since I didn't need to travel to manually intervene.

Thank you.

22-01-2021, 08:43 PM
If you need the audiofix, the preferred option is to request an auto update by emailing me at mc682001-audiofix@yahoo.com. So far it's been installed or is scheduled for install on about 40 machines.
But if you have a early modded tivo, or for some other reason the auto update does not work, and you have command line access to the TiVo. You can do it manually by logging into your tivo and typing the following commands

cd /tmp
wget http://hd.oztivo.net:8000/static/swupdate/OZ-update-v3.snow.bnd
tar xf OZ-update-v3.snow.bnd
tar xzf swupdate.tar.gz

This will manually update your TiVo in the same way as the auto update (it will reboot at the end).

To re-iterate, please request an auto update first. This will be much easier in terms of support. The manual option is only really for those TiVos where the update failed, or you need an update in the future when I've stopped scheduling them.


23-01-2021, 08:12 AM
Matt as there will undoubtedly be TiVos operating with owners on not on the forum what plan do you have to roll the patch to them?

23-01-2021, 11:08 AM
Currently, anyone can request the fix via email. I have thought of rolling it out to everyone, but I don't think it's required in NZ. Also it seems not everyone in AU is affected.
I don't really have any figures on how widespread the problem is. Any ideas?

23-01-2021, 02:33 PM
If you need the audiofix, the preferred option is to request an auto update by emailing me at mc682001-audiofix@yahoo.com. So far it's been installed or is scheduled for install on about 40 machines.
But if you have a early modded tivo, or for some other reason the auto update does not work, and you have command line access to the TiVo. You can do it manually as follows:
Copy the attached 609 to your tivo in /tmp
log into you tivo, then type the following commands:

cd /tmp
tar xzf swupdate.tar.gz

This will manually update your TiVo in the same way as the auto update (it will reboot at the end).

To re-iterate, please request an auto update first. This will be much easier in terms of support. The manual option is only really for those TiVos where the update failed, or you need an update in the future when I've stopped scheduling them.


Works a treat, cheers Matt.

PS. Might make life a little easier (for some) to upload the swupdate.tar.gz file somewhere and direct people to download via wget

23-01-2021, 04:34 PM
Works a treat, cheers Matt.

PS. Might make life a little easier (for some) to upload the swupdate.tar.gz file somewhere and direct people to download via wget

Good idea. I've updated my post

23-01-2021, 08:00 PM
Thanks Matt, your audiofix worked fine on my TiVo.

Maybe a message on the TiVo sent out to everyone, stating there is a fix for some audio problems.


23-01-2021, 09:58 PM
Thanks Matt, your audiofix worked fine on my TiVo.

Maybe a message on the TiVo sent out to everyone, stating there is a fix for some audio problems.


Yes, that would probably help. i don't know how to do that though.

27-01-2021, 07:04 PM
Many thanks Matt. Another successful deploy. Fantastic.

27-01-2021, 08:54 PM
Long time since I have been on this site and good to see some activity.
Matt,is the fix to pass mpeg4 audio into the Tivo? or something else?

28-01-2021, 09:17 AM
Long time since I have been on this site and good to see some activity.
Matt,is the fix to pass mpeg4 audio into the Tivo? or something else?

It works by listening for channel change events, and then selecting the English audio stream if multiple streams are detected.

Darren King
28-01-2021, 08:22 PM
Matt as there will undoubtedly be TiVos operating with owners on not on the forum what plan do you have to roll the patch to them?

It?s also mentioned on the Whirlpool Forums, and my website also links to this thread now from a message on the front page.

Also selfish plug: you might notice in my signature and on the website I?m now also doing Fetch :)

29-01-2021, 07:43 AM
Hi Matt,Confirming the update was applied to my Tivo overnight.
All seems to be working as before.I only use my Tivo for a few channels and not fussed about Racing.com on 78 having no audio.
Thanks for you hard work in organizing this.


30-01-2021, 09:08 AM
Thank you Matt Darren and all who helped with the audio fix, the mighty TiVo lives on! Cheers guys.

Darren King
30-01-2021, 07:36 PM
Unfortunately I had almost no involvement in this one. Pretty much software related which I can’t do. Matt gets the credit for that! Maybe one day but I’ve got plenty of other things on my plate that stops me having a proper go at it.

31-01-2021, 07:56 AM
Like everyone else my audiofix is working well. Thank you again, Matt.

Tom Worthington
31-01-2021, 12:35 PM
Matt, thanks, I have emailed my TiVo number requesting the fix. The problem has got worse in Canberra: as well as squeaks on SBS Viceland, I get no sound at all now on ABC 24, ABC3 and ABC Kids.

31-01-2021, 03:30 PM
Sorry if anyone is waiting for the fix. I found several emails in my Spam folder today which I have now scheduled for update. Hopefully I now have a filter so that they don't go to Spam next time (as long as you have audiofix in the subject)


31-01-2021, 03:37 PM
There are a few reports that problems remain in channels 78 and 36.
I don't know what channel 36 is, but 78 is the racing channel. It looks like it only broadcasts a single audio stream, and the Tivo cannot decode it. So I don't think that will be fixable.


01-02-2021, 01:12 PM
There are a few reports that problems remain in channels 78 and 36.
I don't know what channel 36 is, but 78 is the racing channel. It looks like it only broadcasts a single audio stream, and the Tivo cannot decode it. So I don't think that will be fixable.


Hi Matt, Racing.com (78) is AAC (I think?) only with respect to newer MPEG encoding at head end and newer TVs. Not much bandwidth allocated to the spectrum either.

Tom Worthington
02-02-2021, 07:41 AM
Manual update worked fine. I have never telnet-ted to the TiVo before. Easier that I thought it would be. Thanks.

04-02-2021, 03:45 PM
Mine also worked fine. Thanks Matt!

04-02-2021, 07:02 PM
Thanks Matt for doing the autoupdate for two of our Tivos. Unfortunately one didn't work and the 3rd (families) was not auto update enabled. So I need to do the manual update for these. I'm wondering if anyone can run through how exactly to do that, ha,ha...I have never used used telnet client to access. I have the telnet client enabled (windows 10) but not 100% sure how to from there. open but not 100% on how to go about accessing. I have the code given on page 2 of this thread, but unsure if I first need to log into Tivo via the telnet client and then do the cd /tmp ??

Thanks in advance for the help.

05-02-2021, 11:46 AM
... unsure if I first need to log into Tivo via the telnet client and then do the cd /tmp ?? ...
I no longer have any TiVos (gave to rellies and Matt auto-updated them - again many thanks :)).

Anyway I *think* this is the procedure ...

1) Get the current IP address of your TiVo by going to TiVo Central > Messages & Settings > Settings > Network and note the IP Address listed under "Network connection details" - OR - check your router's list of "Attached Devices".

2) Open a Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell.

3) Type: telnet x.x.x.x (replace x's with the IP address found in step 1).

4) Type: the commands listed by Matt on page 2.

09-02-2021, 05:54 AM
Thanks Matt mine now working fine.
Regards, Mike

10-02-2021, 03:15 PM
I no longer have any TiVos (gave to rellies and Matt auto-updated them - again many thanks :)).

Anyway I *think* this is the procedure ...

1) Get the current IP address of your TiVo by going to TiVo Central > Messages & Settings > Settings > Network and note the IP Address listed under "Network connection details" - OR - check your router's list of "Attached Devices".

2) Open a Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell.

3) Type: telnet x.x.x.x (replace x's with the IP address found in step 1).

4) Type: the commands listed by Matt on page 2.

Thanks so much for that. I'll give that a go.

16-02-2021, 11:39 AM
@matt, I have emailed a request and hope it doesn't end up in your spam folder ;)

17-02-2021, 06:46 AM
I've now scheduled updates for 166 TiVos. Of thoese, 117 have been updated, the rest should be updated overnight. I have actioned all the email requests I have to date. So if you haven't had a reply from me, please re-send the request.
Also, several people have asked about the guide data. This fix does nothing to improve that, and it's not something that I am really able to fix. I haven't had much involvment with that side of the system. All can suggest is that you create another thread on this form to discuss it and maybe someone will be able to take a look at it.


17-02-2021, 05:23 PM
I've now scheduled updates for 166 TiVos. Of thoese, 117 have been updated, the rest should be updated overnight. I have actioned all the email requests I have to date. So if you haven't had a reply from me, please re-send the request.
Also, several people have asked about the guide data. This fix does nothing to improve that, and it's not something that I am really able to fix. I haven't had much involvment with that side of the system. All can suggest is that you create another thread on this form to discuss it and maybe someone will be able to take a look at it.

Hi Matt

I have a message on my Tivo for a audio fix, does that mean it will update automatically?
It hasn't as yet.


17-02-2021, 09:31 PM
Hi Matt

I have a message on my Tivo for a audio fix, does that mean it will update automatically?
It hasn't as yet.

You need to request the update. Please refer to post #8 for instructions

18-02-2021, 09:40 AM
Thanks Matt. Another happy customer here: updated overnight and all works fine on 24 and 3!

20-02-2021, 09:02 AM
I've now scheduled updates for 166 TiVos. Of thoese, 117 have been updated, the rest should be updated overnight. I have actioned all the email requests I have to date. So if you haven't had a reply from me, please re-send the request.
Also, several people have asked about the guide data. This fix does nothing to improve that, and it's not something that I am really able to fix. I haven't had much involvment with that side of the system. All can suggest is that you create another thread on this form to discuss it and maybe someone will be able to take a look at it.


Hi Matt, thanks for the fix, which worked for me, no more crackles. Unrelated issue is that SBS Movie channel seems to have disappeared but, as advised, I'll raise it on another thread.



24-02-2021, 06:28 PM
Only just saw this! As the maintainer of 4 tivos, the WAF will once again be achieved, while her, along with the family will once again not look at me with disdain when the squeaking starts.
Posted 2 of the 4 TSN's and looking forward to the updates.
Appreciated more than you can imagine. Thanks guys.

24-02-2021, 09:09 PM
Fix has been applied to over 200 TiVos now.
I'll probably keep the email address working till the end of march, so if you know anyone else with a TiVo, let them know!
It has been mentioned a few times that I should just push it out to all TiVos. I have considered this. What do people think? Is the problem Australia wide, or limited to certain regions? I don't think it's a problem in NZ


Darren King
01-03-2021, 11:20 PM
I’d prefer some way of keeping the fix “on demand” some way. I’m still receiving unmodded TiVo’s for conversion believe it or not!

03-03-2021, 08:21 AM
Fix has been applied to over 200 TiVos now.
I'll probably keep the email address working till the end of march, so if you know anyone else with a TiVo, let them know!
It has been mentioned a few times that I should just push it out to all TiVos. I have considered this. What do people think? Is the problem Australia wide, or limited to certain regions? I don't think it's a problem in NZ


Once again I want to say thanks Matt, as well as all others who keep our devices going. They are clearly well loved devices.

A question if I may...
I have one device remaining for the update (which also has the squeak) at a holiday house, which is powered down when nobody is there.
When I get the number required over the next few weeks, it may not be powered on long enough for the update to come through.
How long will the update sit pending for the device after pushed by Matt?

10-03-2021, 07:22 AM
Thanks Matt, the audio patch has fixed two of my ozTiVio's. The sound is now perfect.

A family member has a ozTivo that the audio patch can't be updated automatically. I have been told to use command line access to manually run audio patch. I will try Putty (first time with Putty)
Any advice on Putty and will be gladly excepted.

10-03-2021, 11:50 AM
Hi Matt,

I successfully used Putty to manually apply the audio fix code, to that ozTivo that would not automatically update.

Two items to note

1/ The Tivo did not have any DNS set in the network settings. (it does now, I set both primary DNS and secondary DNS before using Putty to connect to Tivo)

2/ The prompt on the Putty screen was S3-tivo/hack $ which is different to what is shown in the Putty forum.


Thanks for your help , and great work.


14-03-2021, 09:24 PM
Hi Matt and everyone. Thanks so much for all your work in keeping oztivos running for us.

Am wondering if anyone else is seeing a couple of problems possibly related to the audiofix patch?

1) Am seeing a couple of times a week programs recorded with no sound at all.
Tonight it was the second half of Michael Palin in North Korea on SBS HD. Mainly watch SBS and ABC HD primary channels here, and am suspecting something to do with subsequent programs on the same channel not triggering the audio channel selection - perhaps? Details of this instance now attached.

20:30 = 0930GMT - began recording Palin Part 2 on Tuner 0 whilst continuing 5-min end-padding of Palin Part 1 Tuner 1 (both have sound)
20:35 = 0935GMT - stopped recording Palin Part 1 on Tuner 1 (sound ceased on Tuner 0 for rest of recording)

2) The TiVo seems to be silently resetting/rebooting a couple of times a week now - evidenced by loss of the clock display we manually activate.
Strangely the logs show this often (but not always) happens at about the same time - within a few seconds anyway. Don't recall having to reactivate the clock ever (except for power failure) before the audiofix - so seem related but not necessary causal!

logs back to May-2020 show no fatal errors until 16-FEB-21. audiofix applied 15-FEB-21. Seems to have rebooted 17 times since then.

Both problems are easily lived with, but with a stock setup (thanks Darren King) I'd guess others might be experiencing similar, but so far don't see it reported. Very happy to do more research - anything to help.

Thanks again, Andrew

18-03-2021, 01:57 PM
Hi Matt,

I sent two emails to the audiofix address on 11/3/21 in respect of my two Tivos. So far, nothing has happened. No Message received, and no "running" display. Have I missed the boat? Should I just do the manual fix?

Thanks for your work,


20-03-2021, 09:52 AM
Hi again Matt,

I have gone ahead and applied the manual fix. No problems encountered. Thanks again for your work.


20-03-2021, 11:26 AM
Hi Andrew,

I am also having the same problem as 1) following installing Audiofix 0.2.0. Many things do still seem to record properly sound wise, but we will also getting partial sound recordings and none at all. Its happening on ABC Kids / Channel 22.


(Another) Andrew

30-03-2021, 11:56 AM
Hi Matt and everyone. Thanks so much for all your work in keeping oztivos running for us.

Am wondering if anyone else is seeing a couple of problems possibly related to the audiofix patch?

1) Am seeing a couple of times a week programs recorded with no sound at all.
Tonight it was the second half of Michael Palin in North Korea on SBS HD. Mainly watch SBS and ABC HD primary channels here, and am suspecting something to do with subsequent programs on the same channel not triggering the audio channel selection - perhaps? Details of this instance now attached.

20:30 = 0930GMT - began recording Palin Part 2 on Tuner 0 whilst continuing 5-min end-padding of Palin Part 1 Tuner 1 (both have sound)
20:35 = 0935GMT - stopped recording Palin Part 1 on Tuner 1 (sound ceased on Tuner 0 for rest of recording)

This could be something to do with the way audiofix detects a channel change. Probably not easy to fix

2) The TiVo seems to be silently resetting/rebooting a couple of times a week now - evidenced by loss of the clock display we manually activate.
Strangely the logs show this often (but not always) happens at about the same time - within a few seconds anyway. Don't recall having to reactivate the clock ever (except for power failure) before the audiofix - so seem related but not necessary causal!

logs back to May-2020 show no fatal errors until 16-FEB-21. audiofix applied 15-FEB-21. Seems to have rebooted 17 times since then.

Both problems are easily lived with, but with a stock setup (thanks Darren King) I'd guess others might be experiencing similar, but so far don't see it reported. Very happy to do more research - anything to help.

Thanks again, Andrew

I have 3 Tivos running the patch at home. I've stared to monitor uptime on them. Currently:
Tivo 1: 3 weeks uptime
Tivo 2: averages 2-3 days uptime
Tivo3: averages 1-4 days uptime

I don't have any data from before the fix, so can't really draw any conclusions from this.


11-04-2021, 01:24 PM
Please add 3 more to the list. I successfully used the manual approach. Was quick and easy.
BTW Using Kitty I could not SSH into a friends Tivo, so in Kitty I clicked Telnet and went straight in.
Pasted the following in one hit and clicked enter.

cd /tmp
wget http://hd.oztivo.net:8000/static/swupdate/OZ-update-v3.snow.bnd
tar xf OZ-update-v3.snow.bnd
tar xzf swupdate.tar.gz

It rebooted and all was good.

Thanks to MattCallow for this ("Manual install" page 5).

And many thanks to all for the great efforts.

12-04-2021, 08:18 AM
When season passes record two consecutive programs on ABC-TV I am finding that the second program records with no sound. Specifically, this occurs with Gardening Australia and Vera on ABC-HD Channel 20 in Sydney. Presumably the second recording isn't generating the channel-change message required for audiofix. Are others experiencing this problem? I can try to record the second program on ABC Channel 2 to see if that helps.

13-04-2021, 01:17 PM
... consecutive programs on ABC-TV [Channel 20] ... second program records with no sound .... Presumably the second recording isn't generating the channel-change message required for audiofix ...That sounds like (no pun) a reasonable hypothesis.

... try to record the second program on ABC Channel 2...That would be a good work-around. Alternatively you could cancel the 2nd back-to-back show in the To Do list and then extend the end time of the 1st show to encompass the 2nd. The downside of this would be the recording title only listing the 1st show.

08-05-2021, 02:43 PM
The TiVo seems to be silently resetting/rebooting a couple of times a week

Mines doing the same. Seems to be since I patched it recently. Let me know if I can supply any other info\data.

01-07-2021, 09:54 AM
When season passes record two consecutive programs on ABC-TV I am finding that the second program records with no sound. Specifically, this occurs with Gardening Australia and Vera on ABC-HD Channel 20 in Sydney. Presumably the second recording isn't generating the channel-change message required for audiofix. Are others experiencing this problem? I can try to record the second program on ABC Channel 2 to see if that helps.

I'm experiencing the exact same issue, except on SBS Viceland 31 HD of which there isn't a 2nd SD channel anymore so I can't record the second program on another channel. Matt, if you're reading this, do you know if it can be fixed from a technical standpoint?

01-07-2021, 09:55 AM
That sounds like (no pun) a reasonable hypothesis.

That would be a good work-around. Alternatively you could cancel the 2nd back-to-back show in the To Do list and then extend the end time of the 1st show to encompass the 2nd. The downside of this would be the recording title only listing the 1st show.

I thought that the extended end time only applied to live programming events e.g. sport. Is this not the case?

01-07-2021, 12:31 PM
I thought that the extended end time only applied to live programming events e.g. sport. Is this not the case?
No - you can extend the end time of any scheduled recording regardless of the TV EPG value.

You can also schedule a manual recording for several hours.

I used both of those methods but no longer have TiVos so I can't accurately describe the menu paths etc.

Have moved to FetchTV Mightys - better now than TiVo but they do lack the excellent TiVo Wishlist functionality.

03-07-2021, 07:28 AM
I'm experiencing the exact same issue, except on SBS Viceland 31 HD of which there isn't a 2nd SD channel anymore so I can't record the second program on another channel. Matt, if you're reading this, do you know if it can be fixed from a technical standpoint?

It is probably fixable. Not sure when/if I'll get the time/enthusiasm to look at it though. I wrote the script because I still use my TiVos and the sound problem made a number of stations unwatchable. I released it because I thought it would be of use to others. it has now been rolled out to over 300 TiVos.

There are problems with the guide data, which I know people haved asked about. It's an issue for me too, but I don't have the time/knowledge to fix it. It wasn't something I worked on originally and altough I have looked into fixing the data for a couple of channels, I don't know exactly what needs to be done and don't want to break what is already there. So I have left it alone.

Unfortunately, it seems that most of the community of developers that worked to get the original mods together have moved on to other things.


02-08-2021, 10:38 PM

I've updated the Tivo Server software so that it can send out the audiofix to all Australian Tivos without anyone needing to request it. This will mean that most people in Australia will get the audiofix update without needing to ask me for it. The fix is already running on over 300 Tivos with minimal issues, so I think it's pretty safe to do this now.

I'll leave this here for a few days to see if anyone has any good reasons for me not to do this.


06-08-2021, 05:30 PM

I've updated the Tivo Server software so that it can send out the audiofix to all Australian Tivos without anyone needing to request it. This will mean that most people in Australia will get the audiofix update without needing to ask me for it. The fix is already running on over 300 Tivos with minimal issues, so I think it's pretty safe to do this now.

I'll leave this here for a few days to see if anyone has any good reasons for me not to do this.


This has now been enabled. All TiVos configured for an Australian lineup should get the fix overnight


20-08-2021, 10:17 PM
Hi MattCallow, just wanted to say a big thank you for fixing my TiVo's sound issues.
Great to be able to watch ABC news on channel 24 again.
And thank you for doing it automatically- a very welcome surprise.

21-08-2021, 03:45 PM
Hi MattCallow, just wanted to say a big thank you for fixing my TiVo's sound issues.
Great to be able to watch ABC news on channel 24 again.
And thank you for doing it automatically- a very welcome surprise.

You are most welcome. Glad it is working for you.


07-05-2022, 01:07 AM
Hi everyone. I have the audiofix installed and it works perfectly on abc and sbs, but am finding I get the nasty noises on 7flix now. I?m in central vic so this is channel 65. Seems that be only the one audio channel and it?s greyed out. I can?t watch any of my recordings from this channel and my dog gets very distressed if I turn it on. Is there anything that can be done to fix it? TIA.

11-05-2022, 02:02 PM
I have the same problem with flix in fsnsw. I have turned the channel off.

19-05-2022, 10:08 AM
Hi everyone. I have the audiofix installed and it works perfectly on abc and sbs, but am finding I get the nasty noises on 7flix now. I?m in central vic so this is channel 65. Seems that be only the one audio channel and it?s greyed out. I can?t watch any of my recordings from this channel and my dog gets very distressed if I turn it on. Is there anything that can be done to fix it? TIA.

Audiofix can't allow the Tivo to decode new audio formats. It can only change the audio format to one that the TiVo understands. If a channel does not transmit audio that the Tivo can understand, then I don't think there is anything we can do.


20-05-2022, 11:22 PM
Oh dear that is no good! I was hoping someone would be able to help. I will have to turn the channel off then.

07-09-2022, 02:01 PM
Anyone having audio problems with ABC again? I'm in Brisbane and starting this morning, ABC audio has dropped out a couple of times, only to come back when I switched to another channel and them came back to 2.

21-09-2022, 09:36 PM
I have often seen a problem where I have the same channel on both tuners (for example recording back-to-back programs when you have Stop Recording = Extended or 5 minutes longer) that some times one tuner will have audio and the other will have no audio. Changing channel on either tuner usually fixes this (from that point onwards, too bad for anything recorded before I changed a channel). I'm not sure if the problem I described matches allanl's problem (probably not), but at least my problem is fairly reproducible (at least with ABC News 24 in Melbourne, but I suspect the same for other channels that need audio fix and for other locations).