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View Full Version : No EPG data for ThreeLife and Edge TV

01-05-2018, 11:31 AM
Hi Everyone

Thanks all for all the hard keeping these Tivos going. Just wondering if its just me or are others missing New Zealand EPG data too?

I cant seem to get EPG data for ThreeLife (11) and Edge TV (31)? I don't recall seeing the ThreeLife channel in the past, perhaps its new. The Edge TV has been around for some time and definitely use to have EPG data.

We in Wellington, New Zealand, not sure of the Tivo postcode. Perhaps somebody can supply tivo cli command to show it.

If its just a lack of volunteers for the NZ EPG data then I am keen to help out. Anybody know how many there are currently?

01-05-2018, 11:34 AM
Here is the output of my station_debug.tcl

05/01:01:32:44: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:11, Name:ThreeLife, TransportID:31
05/01:01:32:44: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006773:149f80 /Server/321832197

05/01:01:32:44: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:18, Name:{The Edge TV}, TransportID:31
05/01:01:32:44: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006573:60371 /Server/236694215