View Full Version : non-activated TiVo to be modified

25-04-2018, 07:30 PM

A relative has asked me to modify a TiVo that they have purchased recently, it appears to have never been used. So my problem is the unit has a really old tivoapp version and is non-activated, it's asking to connect to www.mytivo.co.nz/activate (which doesn't exist anymore). So I was thinking I could use winMFS to copy a backup of my own TiVo to this new device and see if it works. Is this likely to have any problems?

I have been looking on this forum for an answer but havn't found it yet. sorry if this is already covered.

I have successfully modified my own TiVo (thanks for all the guides on how to do this, and for all the work that goes into the EPG) it's working great and our whole family loves it.

Darren King
25-04-2018, 09:04 PM
So long as the hard disk in the TiVo is the same capacity or larger than the one you are going to copy the image from you will be fine.

The only issue you will have is that the TiVo will complain about a hardware error and have limited functions, which is normal because the TSN on the hard disk and the motherboard will not match. This is remedied by doing a full clear and delete everything step which writes the motherboard TSN to the hard disk and then all is good.

Remember that even when you do begin from the start of guided setup on this tivo after modifications it will still ask if you have activated it, which you simply pick the option that says you have because all modified TiVo's are activated.

26-04-2018, 06:48 PM
Thank you Darren,
I certainly appreciate your efforts. I'll have this TiVo running very shortly.
Kind Regards.

Darren King
26-04-2018, 07:22 PM
Not a problem :)