View Full Version : Guide data from before reset

18-11-2017, 04:51 PM
Having just got my modded TiVos running (subject of another thread), I did "connect to service" a few times looking to get current guide data; kept getting four hour blocks with no name. Did a "Clear program information & To Do List", and re-fetch, which worked fine, but now I only have guide data starting Monday afternoon. I assume I only get new data since the last connection, and since I'd already connected a few times prior to resetting everything, I'm not getting the older data. Is there any way to get it again, or do I just have to wait it out until Monday?

19-11-2017, 07:17 AM
Welcome to OzTiVo

I also had the gap in guide data in one of my machines. From memory I did a Clear and Delete everything and then a Connect to TiVo Service now to reload data.
As it was a spare machine I had no recordings to loose but had it been my main one I would have waited out the gap in data. Of the three I have done this has been the only 'problem'.

20-11-2017, 01:18 PM
If you get guide data from OzTiVo mothership before you do CPI&TDL (or C&DE), the OzTiVo mothership will remember your last successful connect to service, and not send you any guide data which was generated before then, which is the problem Pawl saw.

If that is a drama for you, it is possible for OzTiVo admins to manually change OzTiVo mothership's idea of when your TSN (tivo serial number) last successfully connected, if they know your TSN (usually the last 4 digits would be enough to distinguish your tivo, if you don't want to tell the world your TSN for privacy reasons or similar).

http://hd.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/S3FAQ/S3MyTiVoHasWrongGuideData was updated over the last few days with info about this issue (although it doesn't mention the manual change thing).

20-11-2017, 08:02 PM
If you get guide data from OzTiVo mothership before you do CPI&TDL (or C&DE), the OzTiVo mothership will remember your last successful connect to service, and not send you any guide data which was generated before then, which is the problem Pawl saw.

Yeah, that's what I figured. Thanks David. It cleared itself up this afternoon, so no problem.