View Full Version : Preparing to re-image HD

10-06-2014, 01:17 PM

As advised in the 'howto' I've made a note of various pieces of info before I start this process. However, I cannot find out what the current IR Code is or how its set, fast/medium/slow. If this is possible perhaps someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction, please.



12-06-2014, 09:57 PM
Firstly I assume you are talking about a series 1 TiVo.

I no longer have a Series 1 running, so can't confirm the steps.

But in a wiki (https://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/IR/CaptureIrCodesWithIrSliceCreator) I wrote in 2005 I talk about confirming the settings.

You need to open TiVoWeb and go into the MFS section.

The next bit is very hazy, but I think you click on setup and then find where it says source=, I think there will be a number that is clickable next to it.

You should find a field that says "CableBoxCodeNum =" then your number will be next to that.

Don't forget to backup your season passes also, if that's important to you.


13-06-2014, 10:52 AM
Firstly I assume you are talking about a series 1 TiVo.

I no longer have a Series 1 running, so can't confirm the steps.

But in a wiki (https://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/IR/CaptureIrCodesWithIrSliceCreator) I wrote in 2005 I talk about confirming the settings.

You need to open TiVoWeb and go into the MFS section.

The next bit is very hazy, but I think you click on setup and then find where it says source=, I think there will be a number that is clickable next to it.

You should find a field that says "CableBoxCodeNum =" then your number will be next to that.

Don't forget to backup your season passes also, if that's important to you.


Spot on Peter. Nothing wrong with your memory :-) Thanks.