View Full Version : S1 Tivo and Freeview

02-05-2013, 09:44 AM
Hi all...I am moving to Wanaka soon and as my "official" Freeview Tivo won't work down there as there's no UHF digital signal, I'm going to have to resurect my old S1 Tivo that was previously used with Sky. Can anyone advise of a readily available freeview decoder that is a simple plug and play via a fresh guided setup routine, as my skills in manipulating the Tivo operating system are limited and more than a little rusty!

02-05-2013, 02:49 PM
Have you found this thread?
I have the serial controlled Topfield with the converter shown (built by my nephew). It is an excellent performer however a converter would need to be built so therefore probably not the best solution for you.

David Stott
04-05-2013, 08:48 AM
Hi Tony. I have two TiVos, one attached to a Topfield TF4000 Fi decoder, and the other with a Strong SRT 4561x decoder. I live in the Coromandel and only get satellite service as well. The Topfield has just died on me so I'm also in the market for a new decoder. I'll be watching this thread to see if you get any replies but will also be searching the wider web and this forum to see what other's are using and will post anything I find.

NB I'm glad it's the Topfield that has died as I could never find the TiVo codes for it, so was always stuck with a single predetermined channel (which of course is a major pain).

04-05-2013, 01:30 PM
Hi. I replied to this thread a couple of days ago but as I had posted with a link my post got sent to moderation.I'll try it again here with and try to avoid moderation.
Have you found this thread (remove the *) h*t*t*p*:*/*/*forums.oztivo.n*e*t*/showthread.php?1524
I have the Topfield shown with the serial converter built by Inaxeon (my nephew). It works excellently however it would require a converter to be built and I am not sure if a later model Topfield has serial capability. I can get the details of the converter if required.

David Stott
05-05-2013, 06:17 AM
Thanks Islander. That link showed up fine on your original post. That thread finishes with a reply to my own question which allowed me to get the Strong working fine.

But my Topfield is totally dead - only produces garbage out, so I don't need a converter for it. What I need is to buy a new STB that is not a Strong so that I can control the two separately while they are in the same (remote) room. If the Strong was capable of showing a separate set of codes then that would be fine but studying it's online manuals makes no mention of duplicate codes so I'm assuming it can't do it.

So I need to know what decoders will work now. Pete's Trash has just sent me link to currently supported STB's. It's http://www.oztivo.net/tivo-bin/irdatabase.cgi

You need to register for OzTiVo Wiki first which is separate from the Forum at http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration

In particular, I see Dish is on the list.

