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View Full Version : Episode Descriptions Not Matching

19-03-2013, 09:31 AM
I have noticed a few programs where the EPG Show descriptions doesn't match the advertised show descriptions.
Two examples:
The Walking Dead - EPG show description mainly reads something like ... "journeys in a post-apolyptic world", whereas the Sky description details the episode content

CSI - EPG always seems to mention something about a kidnapped daughter, whereas the Sky description details the episode.

Not a biggie issue, just a heads up if anything can be done about it .. hopefully :-)

Setup is S1 with Sky Decoder.

Always appreciative of the work being performed in the background ,.. I must be one of the S1 few hangers-on in NZ .. :-)


07-04-2013, 10:46 AM
Setup is S1 with Sky Decoder.

Always appreciative of the work being performed in the background ,.. I must be one of the S1 few hangers-on in NZ .. :-)


I still have a Thomson S1 I brought with me from the UK having owned it from new. It is 13 years old now but still works well with the Sky box. Sadly, I can't seem to get guide updates any more so I feel it may be time to retire the old girl. I have a TivoHD unit too and rarely watch sky specific material.

If the guide emulator is gone it is a sad day because apart from not being HD there's nothing wrong with the old series 1. Anyway, you're not alone as there is at least one other working series 1 and I would like to keep mine going if at all possible.

08-04-2013, 04:18 PM
I have also observed program descriptions not matching reality. One that I have noticed is The Bill on UKTV. It has had the episode fixed at 'Closing the net part 1' for several weeks.
As always many thanks to those providing the guide data.
I have two S1 TiVos and an HD but consider the S1s the better of the two types. I also have 2x Thomsons currently not running but can stoke them up if needed to test for your problem GreatDrok.

08-04-2013, 07:51 PM
If you're able to see the same problem I'm having it would help narrow it down. Just can't get my S1 to get the guide data now so it is basically useless.

09-04-2013, 09:00 PM
I have dusted off one of my Thomson tivos and ran guided setup using postcode 2121 and Sky, it was a 2121/Freeview. It has loaded guide data and all appears ok.
What does yours do if a phone call is invoked from tivoweb? Does it give an error message after the call is initiated?

11-04-2013, 04:05 PM
The error was "Failed: number not available". However, this morning it succeeded so something has changed. I've been trying it periodically for days and had just about given up so whoever sorted it, thanks!

25-04-2013, 11:51 AM
The error was "Failed: number not available". However, this morning it succeeded so something has changed. I've been trying it periodically for days and had just about given up so whoever sorted it, thanks!

I hate replying to my own quote but it has gone again, same error "Number unavailable". A test call works, but when I try the daily call it gets to connecting stage and then fails. Since there is so little activity on these boards I'm guessing I'm one of the last and I'm also guessing it is time to give up and pack the old girl away. 13 years isn't a bad run.

25-04-2013, 03:55 PM
I have had this problem on a Thomson a while ago. I posted this on the forum at the time . I can't recall the solution, have you tried a search for "Number unavailable" or maybe check all of my posts. :)

26-04-2013, 06:46 AM
I have had this problem on a Thomson a while ago. I posted this on the forum at the time . I can't recall the solution, have you tried a search for "Number unavailable" or maybe check all of my posts. :)

I can't even get it through guided setup at the moment. Network seems OK as I can telnet into it but I'm quite suspicious of the current state and found the old ISO I burned when I imaged the machine so I'm going to start fresh and see if that fixes it. Took it apart yesterday because it was full of dust and reseated all components so a fresh image hopefully will get it back on its feet.

27-04-2013, 12:08 PM
I can't even get it through guided setup at the moment. Network seems OK as I can telnet into it but I'm quite suspicious of the current state and found the old ISO I burned when I imaged the machine so I'm going to start fresh and see if that fixes it. Took it apart yesterday because it was full of dust and reseated all components so a fresh image hopefully will get it back on its feet.

Again, replying to myself.

So, I reimaged the TiVo and still it wouldn't connect. In desperation, I switched from the IP address I've been using all this time ( and switching to since I have a whole bunch of bits of kit connecting to the network and surprise surprise, it all works fine now and I've got through the guided setup and it is back up and running. Phew. Sadly, because I reimaged I've lost everything so it will need retraining but at least it is working again.

27-04-2013, 03:50 PM
Good to hear that you have success. Are you aware that you can backup your season passes and wishlists via tivoweb? These can then be reloaded after a rebuild. It is also possible to offload any saved recordings which can be uplodd or converted to DVDs.

28-04-2013, 01:53 PM
We've got a TiVoHD unit which is our primary TiVo these days but I'm somewhat attached to the old girl and just like keeping it going. There wasn't anything catastrophically lost but I did learn a lot in the reimaging process since five years have passed since I last did it. The good news was I kept the Thomson install image around, and an old PIII PC that can boot it because my current Phenom won't. With that on hand, I was able to hook up the HD to this old PC and get the image back on but then I had to go through all the usual pain of getting the timezone issue fixed since this image pre-dates the new DST settings, and found various forum posts from me back in the day when I had trouble with ntpdate and the DST settings not being picked up here: http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?1639-Guide-Data-Issue&p=11481#post11481

I had already got the Auckland.zip updated TimeZone file but that didn't work with the new ntpdate file installed, and using dbsetx as in that forum post. Now the dates are fine, the guide data is all looking correct and it seems to be as happy now as it was back when I got it going in 2007. I really need to put all this info on a disc and put it away somewhere. I do feel like the old girl is on her last legs and there may well not be enough interest in maintaining the guide data service and since I'm a programmer I would be interested in looking at working on keeping that going if there is a need for support.

A lot of support for the old S1 TiVos is disappearing. There was a time when TyStudio was a good tool for pulling files off and getting them to play wasn't difficult. I'm less interested in that these days but it is a shame for the knowledge to fade away and I wonder just how much longer that knowledge will be available here on this site and on the web in general. I'm often surprised that the old S1 TiVo still produces a decent looking picture on a big TV. Sure, it isn't HD but it isn't terrible, especially when it is set to run at best quality and DVD resolution.

30-04-2013, 06:24 AM
Good to hear that you have success. Are you aware that you can backup your season passes and wishlists via tivoweb? These can then be reloaded after a rebuild. It is also possible to offload any saved recordings which can be uplodd or converted to DVDs.

I noticed there was a message came through the TiVo the other day about the dwindling number of users. Currently seems to be about 75 in NZ and I'm worried that support will be cut off shortly if no-one is interested in the S1. Any ideas who I could talk to about volunteering to help maintain the service? I'm a 24 year veteran UNIX programmer so may be of some use. If nothing else, I would be interested in finding out what it would take to build my own guide server because it would be a shame for the eminently hackable S1 TiVo to disappear into history at the back of a cupboard.

30-04-2013, 07:24 PM
Hmmm. Well I'm two of them running and I have several other functional but not connected ones.Try a PM to Wibble. I totally agree with you they are worth using. Still the best way to record Sky.

01-05-2013, 06:24 AM
Our extended family account for another 2 (maybe 3) of them still in everyday use. Very appreciative of all the support over the years, and keen to see the guide data continue if at all possible. Apart from no HD, the UI etc still beats the competition.

01-05-2013, 01:12 PM
Yep, talking to Wibble about helping out.

01-05-2013, 01:14 PM
It's funny, but I find the UI on the older TiVo S1 preferable to that of the new TiVo HD and it seems a bit more responsive despite the very limited hardware. Pity my TV doesn't have RGB input because that would improve the picture a great deal from my UK spec S1. I've looked at mods to get component out but haven't gone that route as yet. My TV does a decent job of cleaning up old composite inputs and my recordings are RGB off my Sky box so they look pretty good when I pull them off the TiVo and re-encode for my Apple TV.