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View Full Version : 7Mate Guide Data

05-05-2012, 03:10 PM

I am using the ozTiVo TVXML data and I think there is a problem with the 7Mate data.

I live in Melbourne and it says that the AFL is on 7Mate where it's on Seven. When I watch 7Mate the AFL isn't on TV and it has some other show on.

Is there a problem with 7Mate data or is there a different 7Mate XML file for Victoria?

06-05-2012, 11:24 PM
Normally 7 mate is the same around Australia.

Vic, WA, Tas, SA, NT Had Supercars

Qld, NSW, ACT had AFL.

It looks like they decided to show something different in some states today.


02-06-2012, 02:46 PM
This problem happen last year too during the football season. I wrote a detailed account of it at the TVGuide TWiki, http://www.oztivo.net/twiki/bin/view/TVGuide/SuggestionBox .

Back in July last year it seemed that the programing was in two groups.

1. Vic-Mel, WA-Perth, TAS-Hobart, NT-Darwin.

2. ACT-Canberra, NSW-Sydney, QLD-Brisbane.

Is there any chance of getting state 7Mate channels like Gem, Seven, Nine etc.

Most appreciated if this could be resolved, I dislike editing the guide when I know it is disrupting other viewers in different states.