View Full Version : Some transfers have been interrupted

01-06-2011, 04:23 PM
I am having trouble transferring files from our network to the Desktop. We have been able to transfer files in the past and I can see the files on both our TiVo's. When we set up a recorded TV program to transfer to the TiVo desktop, it begins to transfer and then stops with this error message "Some transfers have been interrupted". The TiVo desktop is v2.8. We have Trend Micro antivirus and have installed Bonjour. We have added an Imac to our network and added an 8 port fast ethernet switch to accommodate the additional computer. Could this cause the problem? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

02-06-2011, 11:29 AM
It's unlikely. TiVo Desktop is fairly flakey, the usual suggestion to try first is to turn off both TiVo's and the PC Desktop is installed on for a couple of minutes. Then turn the TiVo's back on and the PC 10 minutes later. then see how it goes.


03-06-2011, 04:51 PM
Hiya Buxfizz,

(I am new here so I hope people don't mind me responding ?)

As Peter said the TiVo Desktop is very flakey.

I found that I had to buy a long and very ugly Ethernet cable to connect my PC to my TiVo and although I am no longer wireless I have not had a single problem since.
An added bonus is that the files transfer alot faster now.


04-06-2011, 10:50 AM
It's unlikely. TiVo Desktop is fairly flakey, the usual suggestion to try first is to turn off both TiVo's and the PC Desktop is installed on for a couple of minutes. Then turn the TiVo's back on and the PC 10 minutes later. then see how it goes.


Hi Peter, Apologies for the new thread - I am very new to this. Thanks for the advice. I turned everything off and then turned the tivos on and when they had booted up, turned on the PD and Tivo desk top. I can see both Tivos form the desktop and it started to transfer but stopped abouit 10 seconds later 'Some transfers have been interrupted'. Is there a plan B?

04-06-2011, 10:52 AM
Hi Tara. We were already pre-wired so had to sell the wireless network emitters on eBay. I remember how good it used to be. Perhaps someone out there can help with a solution. Cheers. Busfizz

04-06-2011, 08:28 PM
Ok, lets see if you can download it manually from your TiVo bypassing TiVo Desktop.

First find the IP address of your tivo unit form the networking screen.
type it into your web browsers address bar, but use this format.


Replace the X's with your IP address.

You should be prompted for a user name and password.

user name is tivo
password is your MAK.

Once you are into the tivo, you should see a list of recordings displayed.
there will be two options for downloading these files.
one is download MPEG-TS the other is download MPEG-PS.

PS and TS are short for Program Stream and Transport Stream.

Generally the PS files are heaps easier to edit and work with.


04-06-2011, 09:53 PM
Hi Peter, Thanks for getting back to us. The network settings on TiVo state 'IP: Need from DHCP' I dont seem to be able to find a TiVo IP.

05-06-2011, 08:35 PM
ok, that's very odd but could be part of the reason you are having problems.

Set an IP manually and see if works for you.


06-06-2011, 11:33 AM
Found the IP addresses eventually. I have 2 tivos and an extender. I can now see some recordings using IE, however when I try to open one, IE message is that 'This download was interrupted'. I have checked my firewall and all the relevant programs (boujour, tivo etc.) have been checked.
Any ideas?

06-06-2011, 09:45 PM
Ok, seems to be a networking issue on your end, not a TiVo Desktop one.

Can you disable your firewall and antivirus temporarily to see if the direct download is successful.


08-06-2011, 04:39 AM
I disabled the firewall and Trend Micro Platinum antivirus. Again through the hppts 'Tivo download was unsuccessful'. Is there a way to track down the issue with task manager? I have tried to spot a spike when the download begins but I wasn't quick enough to see anything significant.


08-06-2011, 11:33 AM
Are you getting the same from both TiVo's?

What path does the connetion take from the TiVo's to your PC?


08-06-2011, 05:04 PM
The unit in the Lounge room has a small file (a few seconds) and that transfers. If I try a regular file (2 Gb) 'Download was interrupted'
The unit in the bedroom goes straight to 'Server Busy- too many transferrs in progress' without first asking for the user name and password.

The physical path: The Lounge connects to the ADSL 2+ modem router then to the PC - the bedroom unit connects to 'Netgear Fast Ethernet Switch' then to the modem and the PC.
I appreciate that you are taking this amount of time to help sort this out. Do you like puzzles?

08-06-2011, 05:40 PM
Do you like puzzles?


Can you transfer between the two TiVo's?

Do you have another PC you can try transferring to so we can narrow down the area where the problem lies.


09-06-2011, 06:22 AM
Yes. Transfer between TiVo's in both directions works fine. Regarding another PC - I have just transferred a 4 Gb file to my wife's iMac - it took a while but no interruptions! What a relief! Not to look the gift horse in the mouth, but it transferred as a 'doc'. Do you have any idea how to view files transferred to an iMac?

The problem must be my PC running Windows Vista Home Premium. We are nearly at the end of the puzzle. Do you have any idea what may be causing the interruptions?

09-06-2011, 09:53 AM
Don't know about Mac, try google. In the meantime you should be able to transfer it to your PC from the Mac change it to .tivo and play it.

As for your PC issues, try the usual suspects. Firewall & AntiVirus.

Good Luck,


10-06-2011, 08:21 PM
Pete you are a life saver! Once 'we' narrowed it down, I found a fix at the Trend Micro website. It seems that the problem is the Trend Micro Platinum upgrade. There is a fix at http://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/1058551.aspx
I have just downloaded a months backlog and my weekend is made!! Thanks for all your support.

27-06-2014, 04:12 AM
HI, I'm back. Just installed Windows 8.1 and when transferring files from Tivo to Tivo Desktop Pro, receive message "Some transfers have been interrupted". The red 'X' says "The system could not find the file specified". I have run through the usual fixes and also contacted Trend Micro about firewall issues. We have tried a number of suggestions and finally tried a transfer with Trend Micro Titanium disabled, but still not fixed. Naturally they say that it cant be a firewall issue. Looking across the threads, it seems that no one else has experienced the problem (other than the February 16, 2014 issue). It worked fine using windows 8 with the only issue being that Windows Media Player was unable to run the Tivo MP2 files.

28-06-2014, 12:45 PM
ok, have you gone through all the suggestions I provided to you previously? can you see the TiVo using the manual method suggested?

29-06-2014, 09:01 AM
I found the IP from Netgear Genie. The address format is XX.XX.X At the authentication required screen https://XX.X.X:443 I used the Tivo, MAK combination and still locked out.

30-06-2014, 10:47 AM
First just confirming you entered your MAK number and not "MAK"?

Looking back through the thread, it appears you have 2 TiVo's and a Mac.

Can you transfer between the TiVo's and TiVo to Mac?

30-06-2014, 12:06 PM
I used 'tivo' and my MAK with and without ':', but no access.
I can transfer between Tivos.
I don't have Tivo Desktop on the Mac. I can install if if it would help.

01-07-2014, 12:36 AM
Ok I think you might be getting MAC and MAK confused.

MAK is the number that TiVo gave you when you purchased the home networking package (unlike MAC it does not have any colons). If you don't have the email any more, It can be found on the TiVo's account and system information page under the Media Access Key option.

01-07-2014, 04:58 AM
That made a difference.. I have been able to transfer a file from one of the Tivos to my PC. So do you have any idea why I am unable to download with Desktop?

03-07-2014, 11:21 AM
Try it on your Mac and see if it is still a PC related issue.

03-07-2014, 04:25 PM
I will install it on the Mac. It appears that Desktop on the Mac will only transfer photos and music and that I need a third party application to be able to transfer Tivo files. I can't get to it until the weekend - I will report back when done. Thanks.
I've decided to settle with spoon feeding the downloads manually and not using the Tivo desktop. When that gets too much, I guess I will have to move across to ICE TV.. Thanks for getting me this far.. Cheers.