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View Full Version : Channel logo slice

05-04-2004, 02:50 PM
anyone want to have a go at one. I tried making channel logos ages ago but had trouble with the palettes. I am sure I had it correct, ie using the existing palettes for each type of image but for some reason could'nt get them to work very well.

would be cool to have a channel logo slice. not sure how you make the slice tho..

another good little activity for someone to do. Not me tho, LOL...

07-04-2004, 03:06 PM
anyone want to have a go at one. I tried making channel logos ages ago but had trouble with the palettes. I am sure I had it correct, ie using the existing palettes for each type of image but for some reason could'nt get them to work very well.

would be cool to have a channel logo slice. not sure how you make the slice tho..

another good little activity for someone to do. Not me tho, LOL...

Hi Tim,

I was looking at that last night on TiVo web.. lets you simply browse to a file on your desktop and upload it to a specific channel on your TiVo.

I'm keen to have a crack at it, once I've got my TiVo stable ;)

There are about 4 logos on the OzTivo image that are valid for over here.

07-04-2004, 04:24 PM
yeah having the logo's is a nice touch eh. You can probably find some more online and maybe from oztivo. here is a link to some also www.satlogo.com

You'll have to use nzoom and sky to make some tho. I found it really hard to make them look clean tho because alot of images have antialiased edges so trying to make a transparent background for them takes some fiddling.

29-04-2004, 12:40 PM
can anyone confirm what image editors are known to work well for editing these images. I tried paintshop pro and failed horribly (the image didn't remap properly to the existing pallete). I am told photoshop works a treat.

I know Jaidev made logos but he had the problem that the colours farked up after a couple of months. weird...

01-05-2004, 12:41 PM
I started playing with this today.

Getting a resonable result with Photoshop, as good as can be expected for low resolution/8 bit. :)

04-05-2004, 09:39 AM
A freeware app is Irfanview (http://www.irfanview.com/)

Does a sweet job! If you don't have the very expensive Adobe Photoshop. ;)

I'm slowly making a nice local flava set

04-05-2004, 06:51 PM
Yep, I'm slowly getting there. A bit delayed at the moment as I'm in the house checking/buying process (oh the stress!) but will get there ;)

05-05-2004, 04:18 AM
u guys might like to compare images and build a superset ;)

04-07-2004, 09:15 AM
Here's a 'near complete' set (for Sky channels inc. 1, 2, 3, C4, Prime).. a few minor palette problems may exist, but I'm without a TiVO for the next month or so, making it 'difficult' to really test them. :(

Will complete the set as soon as I'm back up and running.

If anyone would like to add to the set.. or would like my PSD originals.. PM me and i'll send you a copy.

To install.. use the Tivoweb logo module (1 at a time)
or Sanderton has a nice tcl script to batch upload here (http://www.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?s=&postid=1795023#post1795023)

06-07-2004, 10:02 PM
The script didn't work, just kept complaining :

bash: ./loadlogos.tcl: No such file or directory

even though it was clearly there. Even tried putting it in a folder in the path and excluding the ./, but it still complained it couldn't find it, even though it found and mentioned the exact directory I just put it in!?!?

So loaded them fine with tivoweb, np there. Only the 3 sky sports chans missing logos now.

Logos not really essential functionality, but does add a nice touch.

07-07-2004, 06:05 AM
I gave up with mine. :) Had no end of problem with wrong colours (particuarly red).

02-12-2004, 04:31 AM
Does anyone know how to remove imported logos from the database as i added the set and had no errors during the import but they do not show up in the web interface to associate with the channels. They do apprear in the database as you can see them listed but i want to get rid of them and start again. ? :confused:

02-12-2004, 06:48 PM
Does anyone know how to remove imported logos from the database

WARNING: Some rather dodgy stuff follows, so unless you are pretty keen on playing with the MFS database you may wish to skip this post.

Okay... if you mess something up you may need to do a rebuild... but you are able to remove objects from the database using:

dbobj $objectid markasrubbish

This should cause the item to be picked up by the rubbish collector and removed. There is another more direct approach which is what I use when I need to nuke something... you will need to set the "TV_ALLOW_UNLINK_DB_OBJ" environment variable to 1 in order to do this, but as an example, the following script will remove the object associated with the 178123 FSID:

# Need to set TV_ALLOW_UNLINK_DB_OBJ to 1 before running this
set fsid 178123

RetryTransaction {
set result [mfs deref $fsid]
set result [mfs unlink /Recording/InProgress/$fsid]

03-12-2004, 07:45 AM
excuse my noobieness :)

Sorry, Your Logo DataSet is Empty

how do I load them?

04-12-2004, 08:19 PM
This [see attached] is a small slice constructed from DeanM's logos. His png's were processed with the canadian tivo tools to create this slice.

It only contains the FTA logos at this stage, it should be enough to bootstrap tivoWeb into life.

[The remainder of the logos can be manually uploaded and associated from there until a full slice is constructed.]

Worked for me anyway... ;)

Back to project work... :(

30-12-2004, 06:22 PM
I have my fill set of logos but have not been able to load them into Tivo. I have been told to try the upload logos option in the web interface but my web interface does not have this option. Have i missed something ? or do others not have this option in the web interface aswell.

31-12-2004, 11:23 AM
load the logo slice first

telnet to tivo
gunzip logo-67.slice.gz
dbload30 logo-67.slice
reboot tivo

then the logos will show up on tivoweb